here is how to grow "single cola only monsters"

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JBonez said:
sorry, its david gilmour.

:holysheep: I thought we may have been brothers from a different mother;) ! (it seems now that me and gills could be related :D ) damn i'm sexy ! :rolleyes: oh and thanx for the Bat link ;) Interesting JBonez ! Peace !
slowmo77 said:
i've grown a single cola plant or two in the past but im not sure how i feel about doing all that trimming during flowering. seems like it would benifit the grower and the plant to do it just before flowering since all the stretch the first two weeks is vertical. plus doin the trimming in veg would allow the plant to recover from the stress before flowering. its not that i'd worry so much about the plant going hermie (but i would) but it seems like trimming during flowering would cause the plant to take longer to flower. jmo i could be way off on this.

Just curious..I was under the assumption by some of the threads Ive read in here about Hermies,,is that the only thing that can cause a Hermi as far as stress goes,,was Light Leaks. Is this not true?:confused:
i think if you cause to much stress of any kind, it can cause a plant to hermie. its how much stress it takes to make it hermie. to much trimming during flowering could cause it. plus based on what i've read trimming during flowering can cause the plant to take longer to finish due to stress. thats just me though.
i do know that i took 2 of same strain and one i topped bout 2 weeks before i put into 12/12 and topped one seems to be slow and behind the one that wasnt topped
slowmo77 said:
i think if you cause to much stress of any kind, it can cause a plant to hermie. its how much stress it takes to make it hermie. to much trimming during flowering could cause it. plus based on what i've read trimming during flowering can cause the plant to take longer to finish due to stress. thats just me though.

Ya,, see I asked this question once cause I had one of my clones Hermie on me at 7.5 weeks into Flower. I havent had the problem since,,but I made sure by resealing everything again. Hell,, a chigger with a flashlight couldnt get in my Flower box.:D
Still,,, I think it was stressed by a PH problem my wife had while I was gone outta town working. But I was told that the only way to stress a plant into Herming is with Light Leaks. So now I am confussed. For one I have never had a Hermie before that,,and I have trimed off Buds many times on my Girls,,to smoke cause I ran out,, and I have removed bottom limbs that were not getting much light and the buds were too small. Not one time did they Hermie. So I am all ears on this subject.;)
i'm no dr. of hermies cowboy but i keep hearin how peole get hermies half way thru flowering or near the end and ya kow,... i havent even been bother to keep a real indepth clower look at the innards since they started buddin to keep tabs n see that they not hermiein on me too.
but ya knwo, i've also read many times on hear as well as other places that it could be a possiblity, tho not proven to my knowledge, that hermies could be a trait(?) of them feminized seeds. like ya more likely to get female or herm over male...
and after all ive ever read before. even when i got curious as to why the moonlight doesnt cause herms outdoors etc... i just cant see how some "chiggers" of light(tho not good) wont cause mj normally to herm butmore of like a steady lite leak of a spectrum and luminousity that is enough to tip taht bar for the plant to notice it.
idk sorry im pretty out it right now. but this hermie thing always attracts my attention for some reason.. lol
all plants can hermie.... its caused by stress. stress is anything that causes harm to the plant that would make it have to heal itself. light leaks, to much trimming, poor soil conditions. the list goes on and on. light leaks are the most common reasons for hermies but not the only reasons. i've trimmed plants in flowering and not had any problems. but every strain is different in the degree of how much stress it takes to hermie. some can take the trimming and some can. but imho its not worth the risk to trim during flowering. do a search about trimming during flowering and see what comes up. im sure you'll find something that says a little of both. as always its up to you to decide what works for you. but after all the time and work we put into growing the great plants its not worth the risk to me.. again this is all an opinion and should not be takin as fact
all my girls are gona proble hermie by time they finish up all. after all the stres i put them under. LOL
if i were married to these girls they woulda divorced an up n left my *** by now haha
for 1 i do have crap soil. and it harden liek a brick now between waterings. or actually it my fault. i never put near as much perlite as i shoulda for sure. like 4 quarts to all my medium i had for 12 plants lol.
i learned tho.
Jibber said:
I was under the assumption you weren't supposed to trim anything during flowering(other than dead leaves) due to stress and it takes away from flower production.!?.

Am I wrong?

That is correct to a point. However, if you look at a plant when it has just begun to flower that was not LST'd or trimmed any in VEG, you can see the lower branches stretching out and away from the base of the plant and up. Cutting away these shoots at the onset of flower will simply cause the plant to focus it's growth in other available areas. You are trimming away branches that are usually very low on the plant and get a lot less light due to being further away from your light source AND being shaded by higher leaves and branches on the plant. Removing them early allows for more space in the room and focuses the plants energy to higher points on the plant closer to the light already. You also do not waste the plants energy developing the lower "trash nugs" that usually end up not having much eye appeal anyway. I would sacrifice these for more weight in the cola any day.
i do all my pruning two weeks into flower, i dont see how people couldnt do it like that.

I mean, why hold out on all the fluffy, airy popcorn bud???????

cut that crap off, heck i cut off half the lower growth two weeks in, that way i got all my foliage receiving maximum lumen output.
Here is a pic of 1 of my single cola plants from a few grows back. All my trimming was done during Vegging period, but as stated before I would not see the harm of trimming the lower branches during the 1st 2 weeks of flower (clones:hubba:) And I would not worry about the plant turning to a shim if done in this time period. This is at about 4 weeks into flower and by the time she finished she had the girth of a soda can from top to bottom, yield was a touch over 4 oz dried and cured. She was a papaya if I remember right, but any ways thought I would throw in a pic of my single cola monster:D. This was grown in FFOF and FF trio nute pack, using 400watt hps, hope you enjoy...take care..

slowmo77 said:
all plants can hermie.... its caused by stress. stress is anything that causes harm to the plant that would make it have to heal itself. light leaks, to much trimming, poor soil conditions. the list goes on and on. light leaks are the most common reasons for hermies but not the only reasons. i've trimmed plants in flowering and not had any problems. but every strain is different in the degree of how much stress it takes to hermie. some can take the trimming and some can. but imho its not worth the risk to trim during flowering. do a search about trimming during flowering and see what comes up. im sure you'll find something that says a little of both. as always its up to you to decide what works for you. but after all the time and work we put into growing the great plants its not worth the risk to me.. again this is all an opinion and should not be takin as fact

Makes since to me Bro. Thats why I always ask questions. Thank You

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