Hermie in Flowering Med Grow

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Vapor Vixen
Apr 11, 2009
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I have 7 plants in flower, day 39 of flowering.

Though I normally check closely each day for signs of hermies, my week was filled with visitors and crises. I didn't have time to be a careful guardian.

When I checked closely today, I saw that my Frosting had hermied, and is filled with immature seeds. Hundreds. No signs of seeds yet in any of the other plants. One more suspect frosting, though, that will bear close watching.

It took me nearly 2 hours to find the one single tiny little yellow flower, big as a sliver. And there are still no signs of balls anywhere. The flower was deep inside the bud, nearly impossible to find. I mashed a lot of bud trying to find it. No nanners, no balls, nothing showing overtly.

My question is this: Should I kill the hermie right now, or put it outside and cover it with a box for 12 hours each night and take it through to harvest? I moved it out of the room, and it's outside in the rain now. I spritzed down all the other plants with water, turned off the lights, put on the fan, waited for them all to dry before turning the lights back on them.

I'm very concerned, and pretty devastated right now. These 7 plants were my total medicine crop for the summer and fall. It's the only thing that allows me to have a life, and not be in a constant stupor. I don't handle the heavy pharmaceuticals very well, but vascular pain is just too intense to try to cope with, without cannabis.

Any suggestions on what I might do to maximize my chances of getting some half-way decent meds out of this grow? I just have no idea what to do!
Except cry, and I'm doing a good job of that.

Oh, and before anyone mentions it, no, I will NOT be keeping any of the seeds, and I do know that Hermies Beget Hermies. I was told the frosting had a tendency to hermie, but thought I'd be able to stay on top of it.
Get rid of it, if you keep it anywhere near your other plants it will cause seeds to form in them. Even out side yuor house if you are near it and then go see your other plants you have a good chance of carrying polin in to them.
Do you know what caused the hermi?
That stinks! Sorry to hear that. My guess is that if it has one male flower it will have more. if you can keep it and it's sister that you are worried about isolated on there own then fine...if it were me, and I had enough from the others, I would probably just kill them, and make hash with them. But I understand you needing your meds. I would keep them far away from the other girls if you do decide to try and keep them. Everytime you tend to them you will need to change clothes and shower etc before going around the other girls...it will be quit a pain...it all depends on if it's worth all the work it will require. Like I said if it were me I would just harvest them, and use them for hash, or cooking with. Sorry to hear this MM!
Ozzie, thank you so much for reading and responding! I'm so grateful to you.
I don't know that anything could have caused them to Hermie. I have tried very hard to be consistent, and they have not had any major stress. All I can think of is that I was told the Frostings had a tendency to hermie sometimes. I can see nothing else on any of the other plants. And there are no visible nanners, balls---I had to dig deep into the bud to even find the tiny little yellow flower, really tiny, too. But this whole plant is filled with seeds. It's out in the rain now. I'll go out when the rain stops and ax it.

Shoot. How does that country song go, "I'm so depressed I don't know whether to kill myself or go bowling" ???

Thanks for the reality check, Ozzy. I feel better now with a plan.
Hi Legalize! Thanks for your advice....seems to follow Ozzy's too. I'm going to ax it. I'm not real certain about the frosting genetics. It was given to me by a grower. But I'm not going to take any chances. It gets axed.

And it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to keep pollen off me---it would be all over my wheelchair, and no way to wash that. Plus, on the feet of my 5 dogs...oh, horror story here. I could never be a breeder!

Thanks for your help and advice, Legalize. Truly appreciate it.
when my nl hermied it was in a room full of plants it only seeded the closest three to it..the rest are normal...Only time ill tell...if the hermie bud is no good even seeded then destroy it...careful not to go back into your room until you have bather and put on new clothes..I literally took my clothes off in the garage by the washer to prevent cross contamination...good luck! so sorry...

have any other seeds you can start soon?

and did you wash the whole room top to bottom? I used alcohol water it evaporates nicely.
mm lmaybe let the dogs outside and let them soak their feet so the pollen is rubbed/washed/wet.
MM that is the best plan. I must have got luck, I have 3 pheno of PF growing and have not had a hermi problem but it does change my plans now. I was gonna do a fem project but now that Hermi genes are showing I will pick another strain to do it with maybe my Misty X Blue Moonshine.
Good idea, 2Dog! Thank you, sweetie. I can wipe them down, but I'm sure if there is pollen here (and with the fans on, I'm sure it's everywhere if there is, cuz I keep the door open in the grow room during the light part of 12/12 for circulation and cooling. Just send me some 5Dog mojo, okay? <G> Love ya, gal.

Oh, I can't wash down everything--totally impossible with the chair, with the door having been open and everything. I'll just have to pray for good mojo to work!
MM you can mist your wheelchair down it help kill any pollen on it.
well even if the others get polinated there is a good chance that they wont get heavily seeded, depending on when the pollen was released...don't sweat the whole grow, your doing right by cleaning everything well, and getting rid of them. The worst case scenerio is that you may have to pick some seeds from your smoke...it will still be good smoke. I'm really sorry to hear this MM! It couldn't have happened to a nicer person...I hate it when stuff like this happens to people who are trying their best to do everything right! Sometimes it just happens...it's in the genetics..
Wow. Very sorry to hear it Mojavemama. I know the gut wrenching feeling finding a hermie can produce and all the after reactions and panics about the remaining garden. It'll work out. Seeds or no seeds the rest will produce some fine smoke. :)

Based on my current situation right now, if i found one, I'd kill it for sure. But if i were in a position more like yours I might actually nurse it along somewhere else in the house or outside. Granted, the transfer of pollen is always a risk but if you're more than half way through flower, it might be worth it. I certainly would spend a very minimal amount of time taking care of it but if it produces a couple ounces of decent smoke then it's something. Just a thought.
Good luck with what you decide and don't sweat the garden, it'll all work out!
Ozzy, thank you for the suggestion on spritzing the wheelchair. I just did that. And I just ran down to the store in the fast chair, so that one is soaked to the gills. So is my cell phone!

I spritzed the room well, and took your advice 2 Dog and spritzed alcohol all over the place before putting the plants back. I spritzed them again too.

Monkey, thank you for taking the time to respond! I think I'm in a pretty poor position to take a chance right now. I just can't control pollen here at all. I still take my plants outside during the day (when it's not raining!) so chances are if I kept it, the other ones would definitely get pollenated.
I'm going to ax it to be safe. So many beautiful, sticky buds, it just bums me out big time.

My guest (my oldest friend from back home in Michigan) is in such pain, and can't leave the bed, can't eat, so miserable. And I'm rolling on eggshells trying to keep the dogs quiet, trying to take care of her.

This is WAAAY too much drama for me!

But you all give me such a warm hug here at MP, and it just nourishes me. So THANK YOU all for being lifesavers and keeping me focused and positive thinking. I needed that today!
MM please tell me you DID NOT spritz the plants with Alcohol too. When in flowering do not use Alcohol it will wash the triches off.
No, No, No, Ozzy! Hahhh! I am new to cannabis growing, but I'm a gardner from way back. I removed the plants, spritzed the grow room with alcohol, then put them back about 15 minutes later. Not to worry!!!!
I wish I had some advice to offer for you on this :( It sounds like the others here have directed you well though.

I would like to offer all the Green Mojo I can muster for your remaining girls though ;) I think all will work out well for you in the long run. I believe in karma. Good things will come to good people and you fit that bill :)

Thank you, Warfish! I am loving the Green Mojo and good vibes from you!!!
I'll be pushing all the energy I can your way to MM...you are always so cheerful, and always seem to find the good in things. I just want you to know how much I appriciate your attitude. The world would be a better place if we could all be a little like that more often. Thanks for bringing your sunshine to MP!
Must spread it around.........LF you rock bud! Mmama a lemon scented dishwasher mojo bomb to ya and the rest of your ladies!
Chef...MM Rocks! I love her attitude on things...and really wish I could be more like her at times...something to strive for though!

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