I thought this was a female?

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I thought this was a female, it even has white hairs, but this morning i saw these, they look like balls?
Is it a male or female please?
Thanks in advance.

P.S. it's a Low Ryder auto-flowering.
hmm looks like balls ,,but i cannot really see this morning/afternoon :stoned:
What im i doing wrong? please?

I Had;
10 g-13 poison dwarf, 9 didn't germinate, i was a boy.
1 quiklsilver didn't germinate
germinated 3 low ryders, killed 2 males a few days ago now this one!
I germinated 5 hindu kush autos, 2 were mushy and died.
i germinated the other 5 low ryders and they all sprouted, but the kittens ate the leaves off 2 plants! will they live. turn hermie?

How do i get F****** WEED ?????????????????????????????
tHE ONLY ONES I HAVE ARE MY ********bagseed!

What the hell is wrong with me?

Why is this happening?
I ******* spent $1900.00 so far !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More pics of new room, wait a sec.
I've been trying since 5/9 and zero females, except for my bagseed ! and the blue hash feminized in the 9" pot.

I can not understand this!
your just having a run of bad luck ,,,,,it happens to us all ,,im going threw it too:cry: at the moment ,,~
sprouting seeds doing nothing or just dying:spit:

heres some greenmojo hope it helps :peace:
from the pics am i doing something wrong????????
temps are at highest 93 in with 35% humidity.
The temps will go down when i hook up the air inlet today.
UKgirl420 said:
your just having a run of bad luck ,,,,,it happens to us all ,,im going threw it too:cry: at the moment ,,~
sprouting seeds doing nothing or just dying:spit:

heres some greenmojo hope it helps :peace:

Really? i'm thinking its me?!

it's not soo much the money, it's the freaking fact i now have to wait MONTHS MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!! **** *** ** ***** *** ****** ****
whew, got that out of my system.................

By the looks, how much weed can i get from the bagseed plants? 1/2 oz. each?
Are their any answers for a couple of my questions?

in post#7, 1st pic you can see the kittens ate leaves off the 2 plants, will this do damage?

Also, how much herb can i estimate to get from the 2 large bagseed plants in pics, post #9 ?
i think your 93 deg temps even if only at certain times may be 1 conntributing factor.....?
as we speak i'm hooking up a twin inlet window fan to 4" duct work, 1 to each tent, that will bring in much lower temps, its only 62 outside now.
just keep tweekin things til ya get er locked in where ya need her. everyones conditions climate environment is diff. jmo
im still not where i wanna be even. tho money is my biggest set back.
Hi Mr. K...

Sorry about your boys... So many of us really do know how you feel. It's that whole first million hours being so difficult thing... You've already learned so much that you didn't have any clue about just a few months ago, right? I see you posting some really good ideas in the threads and you're going to get there... Do you have mothers or clones of your existing female plants? I highly suggest that you do that if you haven't already. Your bag seed plants just might turn out killer, you just never know. Once you finally get a handful of females in your veg space you can forget all about messing with seeds until you feel the need to add a new strain to your grow.

I killed an ENTIRE TRAY of high $$$ seeds by saturating the living daylights out of them when I was just getting into this 15 years ago. What made it more painful was the fact that I had brought them back with me from a trip to Amsterdam. This was early 90's when there was no Attitude, no Doc Chronic, and Marc Emery didn't get SeedsDirect going until around '95... So... I was simply screwed.

I think Mutt's post is very useful. The great news is since my early disasters with seeds I've had great success once I got it all down. I've only recently gotten back into growing after a few years away from the hobby but in my last grow location at a buddy's house I was getting at least an 80% female/male ratio no matter what the seeds were. Bagseed or high dollar... I basically do what Mutt suggests by limiting ALL stress during the first month of their development. I've never got carried away with paying much attention to the humidity levels so it's never adversely effected my seedlings to grow in closer to 50% rh than Mutt's suggested 70% rh. I also start my seeds in 5" x 5" square pots and don't transplant them until I put them in my final pots at around 5 weeks for another week or so of vegging. Your setup has come a very long way and is looking great but the temps are really high and hopefully your new intake will help. I've had to use A/C in all my grow rooms around here in the summer. There doesn't seem to be any way around it for me.

You'll get this all down to second nature if you keep at it. It just takes lots of repetition to get a feel for keeping all the plates spinning in the air. If you have some more bag seed... practice, practice, practice! I'm doing a bagseed grow right now because I knew my chops were rusty and I wanted something that I could afford to kill if I messed things up. The good news is all four of my bag seed plants are finishing up very nicely and at least two of them are keeper strains and I haven't even properly tested them yet. The early samples are very nice and when it properly dries and gets cured for a few weeks I'll do some serious evaluation. The other two are late finishers but have my full attention now that they're starting to get all gooey and mature in the 11th hour...

Hang in there and you'll get it right, Mr. K...

mrkingford said:
Are their any answers for a couple of my questions?

in post#7, 1st pic you can see the kittens ate leaves off the 2 plants, will this do damage?

Also, how much herb can i estimate to get from the 2 large bagseed plants in pics, post #9 ?

Yields are a real tough thing to gauge... too many variables with an unknown strain. My bag seed grow is a perfect example. The one plant that started putting on the trichs early in week 3 and finished up very quick around 56 days came out of the gate so fast that I thought it would be a good producer. It's the only plant I've harvested so far and it is some very dank bud but I'll be lucky to get 2 oz off of it and maybe closer to an oz and a half... But... the other three phenos from the same bud of bag seed look much different and are much heavier producers and I'm guessing I'll get at least around 3-4 oz off of each. Your plants look great. They have many bud sites and they're starting to fill out nice. If I had to venture a guess, imho those two plants will probably give you around 6 oz or more for both when done but it's hard to tell as some strains really pack on the weight in the last couple weeks like the three girls I'm waiting on and I'm coming up on week 10 in two days...

Do you have anything sturdy to elevate your shorter plant with so your canopy profile is even? It will make a big difference in the shorter plant's bud and dank development if you can get it just as close to the light as your other plant. Every foot in distance from the light lowers the lumen count a bunch. You may need to re-think your fan and ductwork too... Your hot air is blowing right back into your hot grow room right? Unless you can get that heat out of your room I don't think the fan in the window will do much to lower the temps enough until this fall when temps get much lower. Even if it were to be 62º out for the rest of the summer you would need more Vortex type high power inline fans to pull enough air in. If you sealed up your tents and put a strong inline fan on your intake you may be able to get away with blowing the heat back into the room but I'm not sure about that. I doubt if it's going to stay in the 60's for you unless there is a Global Cooling event going on... Your best bet is to start by exhausting all that heat. Even a window A/C unit would have a hard time pulling down the temps constantly fighting your 400w hps hot air blower. It looks like you're losing a lot of pull by the sharp turns and the long duct work but it's a moot point until you get the heat off the lights exhausted somewhere other than your room. Can you exhaust the fan out the window? Where is the inline fan on the floor pulling air from and can you mount it up high near where it's pulling the air? If you can mount it up near where it's pulling air and can avoid curves in the duct work as much as possible and blow the hot air outside your temps should come down a good 15 degrees or more. Got some closer pics of the ventilation setup? I've tinkered with many setups and might have some good ideas as I'm sure others here do too... If you can get the fan mounted correctly to pull air off your lights more efficiently and send it outdoors you'll drop the temps and you'll also be able to get your light a bit closer too.


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