I thought this was a female?

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I also do not use the covering of plastic. I do think once I put a rubbermaid plastic container (kinda see thru) over a group of them. But, usually I just mist them with a spray bottle. And then only for the first week or so couple times a day.
Looking good.
(remember, they may not put on a lot of upper growth due to their changing from flower state to vedge state. When back to vedge they will grow quicker)
dont keep the leaves moist either, a periodic spray, but let them dry, it will deplete the leaves of nitrogen faster, and they need that for reserves as they dont have any roots.

Ok, so i was a ba ba ba baddd boy.
against advice from members here i snipped a small bud and dryed it in the oven.
I trimmed it and smoked a bit. At 1st i thought it tasted like chemicals and i wasn't getting high, so i put a bit more into the bowl and attempted to smoke that.
Well i noticed the deeper i got into the bud the more moist it was and it was too moist to smoke. ( the 2nd bowl was )

I now have it back into the oven and its been 15-20 minutes since i smoked and guess what?, my mind is racing with weird thoughts, and i'm really high.
I'm having trouble concentrating on typing and remembering my train of thought, i even forgot the point of this post now, himmm.

it still fells like a chemical taste and kinda like when you go to the dentist and they give you that gas, THAT !
I'll post again after i smoke the rest in a little bit.
ok bye
Holy shat, i am high.

i cant seem to navigate this forum.
i hit buttons and other things come up, this is a weird high.
do you think the forum is having problems/?
mrkingford said:
Holy shat, i am high.

i cant seem to navigate this forum.
i hit buttons and other things come up, this is a weird high.
do you think the forum is having problems/?
i don't think it's the forum that's having problems :p ;)
mrk, hold on to the railing! The ride is about to take off. LOL. I see no one talked about the calibration fluid. Basically, you dip the ph meter into a small amount of it and the reading should match the ph of the test solution. It's available in 4.0 and 7.0 and maybe others. That's it. It just lets you know your meter is in the ballpark. Have fun and keep smiling. btw, quick dried bud always tastes bad. Next time, hang one in a dark closet for a few days. Remember the magic word? Patience!
ok, so i'm going to pack a bowl and be right back....................................................................................................................................................................................:hubba: ..................................:holysheep:

I'm back ...i notice the high is DEEP.
i keep rubbing my eyes and squinting.
i forget my sentence prior to typing it and have to erase what i alreasdy typed cause i cant remember what i was thinking when i was typing when i forgot.?

ok, so i'll be back cause i need a walk in the fresh air
so hows that for ya MKF ? :hubba:
i too took a bud off 2 nites ago an smoked it last nite an wow. even 4wks into flower mine still packed a good buzz after 2 tokes.
but hey ya got do wat ya got do to get by tho.
i got 10 full size girls an the 3 oddballs in budd now so i said to hell wit it an chopped my tetrafoliate last nite due to it sproutin balls liek the other whorled one did in the begining. only this one had em in the buds an wit my eyes there no way i could be able to sit an pick tehm buggers out. it was pretty loaded wit em.
but either way i still have more an this should get me by til all the others good an fully mature.
feels good dont it man?
just wait like benny said
The ride is about to take off. LOL
i can only imagine how good the rest will be fully mature if they already got me a better buss than the bull weed they sell here at only 4wks flowering time.... im stoked man. how bout you??? :)
it'll only get better an better wit every grow now man. trust me...
I was shocked by the high.
it wasn't smooth but it was strong.
I can only imagine what it will be like when fully mature, and its only bagseed.
I also got mollasses yesterday and am going to mix into the nute tea this morning.
it wasn't smooth but it was strong.
lol yeah mine wasnt very smooth either lol. i fed nutes/water like 3 hours before i noticed it was hermie after checkin it so im guessin all the nutes went blastin into it an i chopped right way cuz this is by far the harshest tastin bud i ever quik dried. lol but still gets me hi.
was ya sober a while before smokin it? i went bout 4 wks without so it felt awesome. i know in few days it prolly wont be as good but oh well.
I can only imagine what it will be like when fully mature,
proly twice if not more the size and four times the potency :hubba: lol
Ok, so i made a nice tea for the girls.
It consisted of 1 gallon 6.5 water, 1 tablespoon tiger bloom, 2 teaspoons of big bloom and 1 1/2 tablespoons of mollasses.
I brought a cup of 6.5 water to a near boil, added the molasses and waited til it completly blended in and then poured into the rest of the gallon of tea, shook well and fed 1/2 galloon each to the girls with no RO at all.

I know my next comments will not be in accordance with what others do, BUT, my time frame and money dictate i need weed soon, as in 1 week soon.
So people, since its bag seed and i have 2 flowering girls at 5 weeks today, my plan is to cut only 1 plant next week, after the full 6th week and leave the other for another week or 2 depending on how much yeild i get from the 1st one.
My goal is to have enough smoke for my use only, about 1/2oz. week ( but that's the crap i buy, maybe i wont need as much with better weed )

1) i just fed the plants, i fiqure maybe in 2-3 days i could flush the one plant?
How is this done? just use 6.5 water and water real heavy til a lot of RO is there?
2) any suggestions to better my taste, yeild ?????

I know it will be better if i wait, but again, its bagseed and i have a few auto's almost ready to flower, so if i plan right i can get bud as i need it without having to deal with the sob i usually deal with, as his weed is only so so and i don't like him much. ( in and out of jail and deals with unsavory characters )
zipflip said:
lol yeah mine wasnt very smooth either lol. i fed nutes/water like 3 hours before i noticed it was hermie after checkin it so im guessin all the nutes went blastin into it an i chopped right way cuz this is by far the harshest tastin bud i ever quik dried. lol but still gets me hi.
was ya sober a while before smokin it? i went bout 4 wks without so it felt awesome. i know in few days it prolly wont be as good but oh well.
proly twice if not more the size and four times the potency :hubba: lol

No i wasn't sober when i smoked it. ( you mean weed sober im guessing ).
I has smoked my usual weed and was on my 4th corona ( which is nothing for me, lol ).
I just snipped another bud and hung it in my closet to dry.
any comments or answers on above questions?
mrkingford said:
2) any suggestions to better my taste, yeild ?????
Taste no, yeild yes.Dont take samples, dont harvest early and keep your patience.:peace:
HippyInEngland said:
Taste no, yeild yes.Dont take samples, dont harvest early and keep your patience.:peace:

Try to understand HIE, 8 days ago i stopped all my meds except one.
I also no longer allow the nurse to come over.
I NEED to supplement my pain and discomfort NOW !, as i don't want to start up on the meds again, i'd rather fell better for a shorter time than sick for longer.

I have made up my mind on this, i'm just looking for the best advice and way to do it, thanks to all so far............................
For taste, flush a few days.
I guess that is my advise. Just water the heck out of them, letting them drain well.

I dont know how big your plants are, but have you thot of taking maybe a third of the plant? Takeing the most mature (at the time, would be the center kola) part, one day, then let the rest go for a couple more days? I have read here that the plant will survive with 2/3 left. I plan on doing this at harvest time, to get the stronger trichs on the lower part of the plant. Just a thot, that way, you can stagger your drying, more on a "use a day" amount. Hope that makes sense. That way the lower branches can have more time to "mature".
If it comes up without hairs, comming out to the calix, it is male. I am assuming this is one of your auto's? The center of the plant looks like no hairs, but it is not comming in here real focused. Kinda looks like nanner on the side view, still not really good focused today.... maybe I should go find my glasses. You want to see those hairs Mr.K. Makes a female look distinctive.
tcbud said:
If it comes up without hairs, comming out to the calix, it is male. I am assuming this is one of your auto's? The center of the plant looks like no hairs, but it is not comming in here real focused. Kinda looks like nanner on the side view, still not really good focused today.... maybe I should go find my glasses. You want to see those hairs Mr.K. Makes a female look distinctive.

I should know this already, but what part is the calix?

Yes, its a low ryder auto
mrkingford said:
I've been trying since 5/9 and zero females, except for my bagseed ! and the blue hash feminized in the 9" pot.

I can not understand this!
out of all 9 plants I've grown so far. I've only had 1 male. if you arent buying feminized seeds then its pretty much all luck.

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