I thought this was a female?

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zipflip said:
i second that dirty.
i got 3 shawg seed girls goin in my closetwit the other good nug seeds and im so inlove wit one for sure. i cloned her erly on an im a mom'er up for cuttings.
she is just a beut.
i agree. no need to be downing the shwag ladies imo either.

About 5 years ago I had an extremely sweet and potent high yielding sativa come out of a bag of compressed 'schwag.' The weed I grew didn't even look like it was from the same planet as the bud I got the seeds out of and it was a great strain for years until I had to stop growing for a while due to travel for work.

I think a good deal of schwag must be nice when it's in the fields and then the commercial drying, compressing, storage and transfer of the weed takes it's toll. Whenever I come across some brown that you can actually taste despite all the abuse it's had and if it has a great buzz I'll keep a few beans. I just had some brown weed a couple of weeks ago that had a sweet twang and heavy buzzzzz that reminded me of the Thai weed I used to get in the late 70's and early 80's... I'll be popping a few of those to try soon. You just never know and along with the risk that it could turn out poor I think the odds are in your favor if you liked the weed the seeds came out of.

Thanks fellows...........................

I think i'll try cloning to save time and money.
Today i'll reasearch it and later i'll go for it.

You know it's easy to want to give up, i'm the type that if i CAN'T master something i feel inept.
But in a short time i really have went from the craddle to crawling and now just starting to walk ( with a lot of falls inbetween ).
I can't wait til i can run !

PLEASE................keep up with the great advice, peace................

updates to come.....................................
top of the mornin to ya mrkingford
just remember its not as difficult as it seems if ya get intimidate ever just from reading on it.
i've successfuly rooted 12 clones so faroutta 12. and have few more waitin to root. so far 100% success for me. and all i do it cut dip in green light roothormone powder and plug em into peat pellets after soaked an swelled up. and it took liek everyone says (10 days) exactly for mine to root.
i dont use no fancy heat pad or fancy dome either. i just took two small lilrubber totes and made bottom an lid out one, cuttin top off the lid one and placin saran wrap over the top makin a bit more transparent for light to go thu.
talk bout ghetto i know. lol but hey im 100% success so far.
after i they were rooted i stuck in small 2.5 inch starter pots wit soil where they still in now for almost week now and all growin fantastic. i just started them out on week dose veg nutes as well today as few were startin to look a lil yelllow.
twasn't an ifo overload was it? LOL
i sure hope you get a strategy down.
best of luck to ya man.
So after reading Hicks thread on cloning in soil ( THANKS HICK, GREAT THREAD ) i went out and bought rootone and did the following.

I filled 2 4" pots with 60% FFOF and 40% perlite. I got 6.5 ph water and soaked the pots til got a lot of r/o.
I then cut the lowest branches on the mother plant on a 45* angle. ( see white arrows in pic# 2 )
I put them in rootone 1/4" above where the soil meets and made a large hole in the soil as to not disturb the rootone. I packed in the soil around the top so the plant would not lean to one side and put them into the veg tent.

That's it.
now we're talkin man. wat ta get on top of it there.
how far along was ya donor plant? (flower/veg?)
good luck an godspeed(greenspeed) there guy!
i hope you get good results.
mrkingford said:
Thanks fellows...........................

I think i'll try cloning to save time and money.
Today i'll reasearch it and later i'll go for it.

You know it's easy to want to give up, i'm the type that if i CAN'T master something i feel inept.
But in a short time i really have went from the craddle to crawling and now just starting to walk ( with a lot of falls inbetween ).
I can't wait til i can run !

PLEASE................keep up with the great advice, peace................

updates to come.....................................

Dude, it's probably in your nature but stop beating yourself up. You're starting to see the forest for the trees and in time you'll get more and more understanding of how it all fits. You CAN do this, bro... If I can, ANYONE can... lol... I like your new avatar but how's the dog? I kinda miss him/her... Nothin' like a Lab...

Cloning is such a great way to go. You're gonna love it. The control it gives you over your grow is one of the best parts. My favorite aspect of it is always being able to replicate THAT killer bud you just smoked. Again and again and again. I've never noticed any genetic drift in any of my strains and I had some strains going for about 9 years in my longest run in this hobby. Maybe I just got just a bit better at doing this every grow but the strains seem to improve with age as I figure out the best growing technique/nutes/etc. for each strain as time goes on.

Use the cheapest/easiest method of cloning you can find in the guides and follow the tips and you'll soon be rooting. I really like all the clone guides but Hick has a really straight forward method that should be relatively inexpensive... Root hormone, perlite/vermiculite/potting soil, a razor blade and some of your FF BB mixed at half strength. Maybe $10-15. I even saw one little 'sachet' packet of Clonex available online for $4.95... Since you'll be taking only a couple/few clones that would be plenty if you're really tight on funds... I've never thought 'cloning solution' was necessary or any more effective than 1/2 strength bloom nutes when I cloned in soil, cubes, plugs, etc but others may have other opinions...


Since your girls have been flowering heavily for quite a while it's going to take probably a month after rooting before you'll have some nice 4-6" cuttings being produced. BUT... from that point forward you'll have a mother constantly producing all the clone stock you'll need. I'm sure you're wishing you would have taken some clones a month ago when we were suggesting it but I do remember how intimidating 'cloning' was when I got into growing and we all know that hindsight is 20/20...

When you get up the muster to pop another round of seeds if you take cuttings when your plants are still in veg mode it will completely eliminate any delays for learning to re-veg. The more your plant has triggered to flowering the longer the clone will delay returning to vigorous veg growth... Once you get in the routine of taking your cuttings when the mom's vegging you'll have very good growth rates. Clones may be similar in size to seedlings but are much more robust and once fully rooted are like a little 'powerhouse' just waiting to EXPLODE in growth once you put it under your HID's. Clones can be fed much more aggressively than seedlings the same size.

So... once you get the clone thing rolling you'll be in great shape. Thank goodness you have some bud almost ready to comfort you and if you clone those plants you'll always be able to grow that same bud...

so what now?
how often do i water?
When do i water next? i did not water after i rooted, only soaked the water prior to rooting.
will the rootone come off when i water?
????? ??
The plant that i took from was 4 weeks into flowering.

HEY, dirtolsouth, HE'S NO LAB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
American Pitt Bull Terrier 3rd generation 121lbs with a 27" neck.

I changed the avater to the one i have now cause that's the plant i just took the clone from !
I'll probably change back after i smoke her, hehe, lol.

Thanks, REALLY, for ALL the help, without it i would have given up long ago.
I love the internet, too bad when when i was a kid it wasn't around, if you had Atari, you were the RICH kid on the block. If you had the latest donkey kong, you RULED !!!!! wow what different times, lol.
After pondering my prior actions i forgot to mention that when i made the hole in the wet soil, i went to the bottom, so in effect, i suppose i planted the cut part of the plant at the bottom of the 4" pot, hiimmm, does this affect the situation in any way, particually adversly ?

Will there be room for roots to grow at the bottom?
*** it's always the little things................
not for sure on the soil cloning but when idone mine so far they all in peat pellets at first til rooted and i put them down all the wy to the bottom of the pellets too. and still the first sign of roots pokin thru are all on the sides of the peat pellets comin out. tahts whe i stick mine into a small starter pot. and just today i give em a dose of veg nutes at 1/4 strength of wat i normally give their mom/donor when i started her on nutes.
again not sure on the soil cloning but after mine root an they in soil form there i jst water and start nutes as if i would normally wit any my other plants. so far anyway.
Your clones will root fine. The roots pretty much come out of the sides or nodes on the cutting. Looks to me like you are gonna have some real nice bud there. Just dont forget, it will take a few weeks for your clones to turn back to official Vedge state. I just read thru your journal here, and I think you got some great advise and seem to be doing fine. Patience, is a virtue when it comes to growin' anything. Good Luck.
mrk.. the only concern I see, is it looks like you left a quite a few leaves on top.. "IMO".. that may allow for more transpiration than they can stand. Maybe cut those larger leaces in half, or at least a third off.
I found, with 100% perlite, that I could leave a 1/2- 3/4 inch of water in the bottom of the tupperware tub. With the plexi over it, "very" little misting is ever needed, because the rh stays relatively high. After 3-5 days, no more dome, and only water(from the bottom) when the tub goes dry. You should have roots in 10-14 days IME.
Get DOWN with your bad self, Mr. K! So glad to help. You've accomplished so much just since you started this thread. Your ventilation looks so much better... just look at that air go! See how one challenge has opened up all these other new doors? Just when life seems like it's kicking you the human spirit will prevail!
I thought for sure your dog was a black lab. It must be the close up angle or am I nuts? And Avatar is an really odd name for a dog, dude.:p

bagseed, most likely "hermie seeds"

i stay away from bagseed and have a 50/50 male to female ratio on average.

Mrkingford, once you find a true female, clone it. It will provide you with an unlimited supply of girls.

You can buy femmed seeds, i wouldnt, but ive seen great success through a friend of mines grow with fem seeds, couple hermie flowers at the end of flowering, but he got almost a pound out of a 600w light.

good luck
Hick said:
mrk.. the only concern I see, is it looks like you left a quite a few leaves on top.. "IMO".. that may allow for more transpiration than they can stand. Maybe cut those larger leaces in half, or at least a third off.
I found, with 100% perlite, that I could leave a 1/2- 3/4 inch of water in the bottom of the tupperware tub. With the plexi over it, "very" little misting is ever needed, because the rh stays relatively high. After 3-5 days, no more dome, and only water(from the bottom) when the tub goes dry. You should have roots in 10-14 days IME.

Do you think you could copy/paste the photo and use arrows to point to where/what you want me to cut?
I don't really understand excatly what or where to cut.
What i'm doing now is just watering each day with 6.5 ph water, but after im done typing this i will use a bowl or tray and put some ph'ed water in it to absorb and cover them with a sandwich baggie.

Thanks in advance. :D
It may not be necessary. So much depends on other factors..
but for what I suggested, clean scissors right across each finger, about where the metric side of the tape is. Less transpiration, not so top heavy,... :confused2:..
Cloning is 'easy'... once you find "what works for you".. IMO patience and persistence are the two biggest factors of success..;)
before i read your post hick i already cut the 2 lowest branches on each plant.
i also put them in a tray of 6.5 water and covered them.
Did i do wrong by cutting the branches?
I should have waited for your responce first, lol, oh well.
Its ok to have removed the lower branches, I only have 1 set of branches on my clones.

I would not lay that bag on them, if you dont have a dome dont sweat it I never use one.

Its also perfectly normal; for them to wilt over some but should perk back up in a day or so.

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