It’s a beautiful day when that first pot goes out.

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Well-Known Member
Bud of the Year
Sep 22, 2021
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I’m early, zone 6b. If it gets below 40 I’ll put it in the greenhouse. Always excited this time of year!
Missouri can be 80 or 30 on any given day in April.
Same weather where I am at. Never know what’s gonna happen until after May 15.

I did notice some volunteers in my woodshed the other day, so I guess I do officially have plants outside at the moment.
Probably gonna transplant them into the wild somewhere for grins just to see what happens.
I so want to plant one next to the stop sign at the 4 way in town to see how long it takes someone to notice.
Over the summer, while it is too hot for me to use I am going to switch rooms. My bedroom has a huge closet area. It was a porch that my son in law added onto my room. The kids always go in there to get their school clothes and make a mess. The porch area has a lot of windows and even 2 sky lights. There is also a water spigot then I can use the drip system I bought. Plus it gets cold in winter and hot in summer. The lights will warm up the area so I won’t need an extra heater in there. There is central heat/air for the front of the house only. The rest has neither heat or cool. Each room has its own heat/cool system. Most do not get used as it does not get that cold here mostly.
I think it will be a win win. Also it will keep nosey lookie loues out of my garden. Also them blasted cats. That is the 2 biggest reason kids and cats.