LED Grow Tent

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I am so excited to get this going, but the shoulder thing is worrying me--doc appointment this morning. I guess that 25 years of hoisting a 15 pound drill up over your head and drilling holes up to 4-1/2" is hard on your shoulders...who would have guessed.

I figured that the 6" fan would be better--even if I don't use the entire 25 sq ft, it still has to be ventilated. In cleaning out the room, I decided that I need to get rid of some of my equipment. I think the dual 150W HPS I DIY'd is going away. Also a 400W MH that I have had forever. I have 1 dead 600W ballast that I don't know why I have hung on to. The room is looking somewhat better.

The 5 x 5 will go over in the corner where the 32 x 32 is now. The small tent will go into the old closet area, next to the electrical panel. The room is wrapped in Panda film. This room has been used as kind of a shop for me. In the winter, I would saw, sand, and paint in that room...whatever construction thing I had going on. DGF--you cannot be a plumber without learning to roll with the punches. That is one profession that is really fraught with unforeseen problems.

Genetics--I do have a lot in veg now and only 1 in flowering. It is like starting over. So, I have 2 Durga Mata II CBD fems, 2 orange kush x something else I can't remember (free seeds), 3 Exodus Cheese fems, 3 BSC reg seeds, 1 Harlequin clone, 2 tiny Chucky clones, and I have some cuts still in solo cups--Z99 (C99 x Pinkzella), Freedom Baby and Nordle CBD. Wow, when I get it written out, I have a lot of plants. The indicas will stay fairly small. And not everything will be ready to flower at the same time. And I do have a 1000W and a 400W HPS should I run out of space. Some are running hydro, some in dirt--organic. I am going to give PH Perfect a go on the hydro plants--Sensi Grow A + B. The dirt plants will be organic. I have Earth Juice, some GO Organics left, various organic amendments, and will make teas when I have time. I will be repotting and transferring some hydro plants to larger containers later today. I will post up some pic when I get that done.

Thanks all!
I have 1 dead 600W ballast that I don't know why I have hung on to

It is indeed odd what is considered sentimental, even if you don't realize or admit it. :D And yes.. please go with the 6" :aok: The 4" will absolutely struggle.

3 BSC reg seeds, 1 Harlequin clone, 2 tiny Chucky clones, and I have some cuts still in solo cups--Z99 (C99 x Pinkzella)

All quoted above I'm interested in, and hope you do indeed concentrate on. I know the BSC is great, and my C99 is amazing, also Pinkzella sounds nifty. The Chuky clones... no need to even say as they are awesome and heard lots about Harlequin.

I am going to give PH Perfect a go on the hydro plants--Sensi Grow A + B.

Personally .. "meh"... buffers..... "meh"

....I mentioned meh right? :D

I like being able to have control over "the drift" and think the drift is actually a required part of hydro IMO. But hey, work with what you have if that's the case and cost is an issue there... but you know me, I won't throttle my thoughts lol. :D :)
Hope you get a shot to turn the anger off in the shoulder THG. Let us know what the doc says. That thing i used on your knee works on shoulders too... if it doesn't calm down. hugs baby cakes.

You have replanted that harely right?? i hope so. I am going to finally take a cut off the top of my tiny clone.

So you keeping that bad boy tent or what?
Probably going to keep the big boy tent, but it looks big enough to have a slumber party in. It would be such a PITA to return it. And I could put an HPS in there and do a true side by side grow, if I need to. And taking it down would have to be done by someone else. Doc says that he strongly suspects a torn rotator cuff....going to have to scrape together money for an MRI. I got a lidocaine shot, but it didn't help much. This is severely curtailing my activities. I don't do well with that sitting around stuff.

Rosebud, yes, the Harley is in a bigger container. I am going to transplant the others later today--an activity that I can still do.

DGF, I just love BSC--my sis calls it happy pot. It is a great daytime smoke for me--not too uppy, not too downy. I can't wait to try the Z99 as I love both C99 and PinkZ. The cross should be great. And then some nighttime/pain strains. I am excited to try all the new genetics.

Thanks all.
Oh i know, i am like a kid, so excited. My z99's are looking good.

Did he give you some cortisone with the lidocaine?

When thg says she can't sit around she means it... At least your legs work..lol Hugs.. if they gave you a cortisone shot it can take a couple of days. Is it pretty horrible pain?. I hate shoulder pain. I am sorry you are going thru this.
I am just going to keep the 5 x 5 tent. I have a lot of things going on now and don't want to return it and wait for another to get here. We will roll with the punches. Haven't got things transplanted yet. The afternoon brought a big rain storm and the soil is on the deck in big totes. I have a few things to do that require overhead work, so will wait for some help.

I opted not to get a cortisone shot. Frankly, it is better for me to hurt some...helps keep me from doing stupid things.
I don't know if you mentioned what you were going to use to cut your space down, but I just went too Lowe's and bought two pieces of the stuff you would tack on the back of a cabinet. Kinda like cardboard but a little stronger. Spray paint those flat white and they are super easy too move. Works quite well. Pink MOJO too ya.... :)
Yes, I do need to cut my space down. Thanks, PP, I will keep that in mind. I was thinking of making partitions out of PVC tubing and panda film. Kind of like the partitions they use in offices to separate desks. We used those when I had an entire room in a large shop to grow in.

The Apollo is called the Purple Sun and it is pretty purple. The Mars II is in transit. I will be changing out hydro reses later today and putting some of them in larger containers. I think as small as the plants are that I can put them under the Apollo and have enough light. I will start the light out at 24" or so. Everything else I start now will most likely be in soil. It is just easier in the summer and I do like getting my hands dirty. But you never know....I do like my hydro and I have a lot more room now.
This is where I am now. Just got the exhaust fan up and ducting out. Only 1 light is on now--the Apollo Purple Sun. The Mars II runs a bit warmer than the Apollo. Fan in the middle of the low setting. Temps are 76, ambient temp in the room 74. I need to unblock and uncover the heat ducts as they also circulate cool air. I usually run the blower in the summer to help move cold air around the house. This will bring the ambient temps down probably to 70 or lower. Will keep my eye out for a smaller portable swamp cooler to use in that room or another in the back part of the house. Have some stuff to do today, but hope to get the tent inhabitable.

How does everyone deal with the cords? I had electrical outlets around the parameter of the closet and j hooks to hold the cords. Not an option in a tent. Has anyone every mounted a light piece of some kind of HDB that you could hang pegs or things from?

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(IMO) Get your fan out of the tent and pull air.. .save space, and attain negative pressure.
Also, "double up" those cables that come with the Mars. They are RIDICULOUSLY long!!


I ran cords over polls, right into a power strip I attached to a pole at the very top of the tent. Keep it all up, they are no problem.
Best to get rid of the cables that came with the Mars light , the cables have been known to come apart at the crimp. I replaced mine with chain.
Best to get rid of the cables that came with the Mars light , the cables have been known to come apart at the crimp. I replaced mine with chain.

Even better. I haven't heard that, but hey... doesn't mean it wasn't said hah :) I will probably replace them as well.. I mean, they aren't the best option for the unit anyways, and hey.. at least the hooks that Mars install are rather good, and sturdy :D
Never happenned to me Fang but then again I changed over to the chains so I could mount the light higher. I heard about it over at 420 magazine. My light is heavier than the lights you and THG are using so you might not have a problem, thought I would mention it though. Better safe than sorry.
100% better safe .. thanks MR1 for lookin' out!

My Mars are quite heavy, indeed.
LED THG......... amazing how times have changed.......... 5 or 6 years ago when I was reading MP this would have never happened......... good luck THG........ looking forward to some lessons on LED growing from THG.
:yeahthat: x 100

I deffently will be watching.
DGF, I am pulling air. In actuality, it shouldn't make any difference to the air whether I have the fan outside the tent or if I have the fan inside the tent--it is all the same. You are still pulling air through. I may at a later date locate the fan in the crawl space just because you cannot hear it at all when in the crawl space--that is the main reason that I locate the fan remotely. I generally set the fan at a speed that will keep the space cool, not necessarily make the sides of the tent bow in. However, I like to locate the filter close to the fan and I will eventually have to hang the filter, so may not move it either.

MR1--thanks for the warning about the hangers. I was wondering about them, but not the strength. The big thing is that they hang down almost a foot from the top of the tent and that is a foot you lose. They look sturdy, but if some of them have broken, I will do something about it. Nothing damages a plant like having a light fall on it. I never would have guessed that they could fail. The Mars is heavier than the Apollo and runs a bit hotter

Trying to figure out how much work I can actually do without risking damaging my shoulder is hard. My nephew (in-law) is a physician and has offered to give me a second opinion. It was so nice of him to offer as it is so tacky to ask a doc for advice unless you are in his office and paying for his services. I'm sure they get a lot of questions at social functions. I have so much to do-- I never realized how hard it was to not raise your dominant arm above your head.

Rosebud, the clones are still looking good, still not sure all of them have rooted. But as long as they are green and not dry and shriveled up, I do not give up hope

I want as much input as I can get. Please keep suggestions coming.

Trying to decide whether to go rescue a border collie/corgi cross that is going to the shelter tomorrow...
:rofl: Grower 13, you are right, however 5 or 6 years ago, LEDs were horribly expensive and not really that good. I have always said that I believed they were the lighting of the future, they just had to get them better and more affordable. I had help from other people in being able to set this up. I could not have afforded it, even now, on my own. I was looking at the tent with the 2 lights and the fan in it and thought, there is about a thousand bucks....and I still need more light.

Remember that I am a newbie at LED, so all tidbits of information help.
:) I'm happy you got the LED's THG, your gonna like them and it will take you a grow to get used to them but your still gonna knock this one outa the park.