madshotz weekly CROP

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Growing is Lifestyle
Oct 24, 2007
Reaction score
well guys i have grown many many many times and i am ending week 4 right now and i have had my ups and downs one plant i 4ft tall allready i have know idea why here is some pics of week 1




here is some pics of week 4 just repoting now haveent had the time wish i did because theye all would be biger bye now but they are doing good i have a seeding area now as well for constant crop:D







anyone have any suggestions for me other then lestt water i know about the yellow leaves i had to repot
Ok Here Is A Ex... Of Toping And Why U Should Top Your Plants





looking nice madshotz. are you planning on flowering under those flouros or switching to an HPS?
i havent desided yet there all going to be on a 24 24 schedual for at lest another week i'm worried about hps lights because of fires and the electric spike in the electric bill i dont want any trouble what do u think
well using that many flouro's would probably equal a 400w hps lol, anyway there lookin good, i'd have flowered out from seed. keep er green

thanks man i need to repot everything in a week or 2 bigger the pot is the bigger the plants will be
I'm really confused what you plan on doing with with all those plants in the same pot. From my understanding you are only suppose to plant one plant per pot.
i wanted to grow alot of plants in one pot so they root together i'm going to repot them in there own pots in a day i wanted to try something new i want to beat the male female ratio
Madshotz said:
i wanted to grow alot of plants in one pot so they root together i'm going to repot them in there own pots in a day i wanted to try something new i want to beat the male female ratio

all them plants in one pot =

1. roots get so tangled, impossible to untangle and repot with out damage/killing them

2. you will get root bound and will have host of other problems.
i only use that method in bigger area's for scrog, which i'll be doing a journal of when i move.
here is some pics i cut off all th yellow leaves on the plats but 2 plants i'm keeping the yellow laves for a few more days





ok 2 month mark and i found a way to force plants to be females 85% of my plants have became females pics will be on in 48hours
lookin good man, a few things tho- there hungry ...they shouldnt have yellowing leaves that young. try whipping up an organic feeding schedule or bump the feedings up. they will be stron and full in no time.

lower the lights too that will help strech. what lights you using/

if youve grown many many many times and dont know why your plants are 4 foot tall using flourecents then id start doing some research.

spectrum, intensity and genetics are a few terms that might explain why your plants are doing what they are doing.

and to have more than one plant per container- its fine if you have a big enouch container but to plant alot in one small container is just one small hint that you havent done this before.

buy a growguide and start reading as much about horticulture and propigation as will help you later down the road. when you understand the process the plant undergoes to become what it is, it will help you have a better mind when it comes to growing them out.


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