My Search for a Purps Mother

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Ganja Farmer
Bud of the Month Winner
Oct 31, 2007
Reaction score
My Mendo Purps mother search has begun. Sexing on the plants should be complete within the week. I have 5 purps plants going right now, and hoping for a few females. I tried these last run and got 4 males and no females, so hopefully this time my luck will turn.

My plan is to sex these plants and take clones immediatley. Those clones will be rooted and vegged out until the harvest of their donor plants, and they will be cloned and put into flower. By that time I should have a good idea on which plant should be the mother, and will be able to keep one of the clones for that purpose.

I built the DIY bubble cloner by massproducer. It is all ready and set to go. I went to the hydro store the other day and the guy at the shop recommended I get some Thrive Alive B1 to put into the bubbler resevoir. I also have Olivia's rooting gel. My questions are

Should I use the cloning gel?
Should I use a weak solution of the Thrive Alive in the res of the cloner?
Should I feed plants with regular nutes a few days before cloning or should I start a different feeding regimne?

The plants are in Ocean Forest soil right now and have gotten a few feedings of Big Bloom and Grow Big, and 1 feeding of Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom since flowering was induced. I also have DNF Carbo Logic that I could start feeding if it is recommended, I have read that carbs are very good for a plant before it is cloned.
So far I have 2 for sure males and 1 for sure female. Still waiting on 2 to show, I'll know soon. I haven't decided if I should keep a male to collect pollen or not, but I doubt I will do it this run. Until I am sure I'm gonna let the males continue growing, but just for a few days until I decide if I need the pollen. The cloning project will start as soon as I know the sex of the 2 remaining plants. Anyone care to answer the questions in the opening post? The last watering the plants were given thrive alive and carbo logic, just wondering what I should put in the bubbler cloner really. Also need to know if I should use the Olivia's rooting gel or not. Picures will be up in a few days when the cloning begins.
Ok, the day has come. I took 12 clones (4 for each of 3 plants) and they were placed in the DIY bubble cloner. I have never cloned before so this was all new to me, I hope I have success but I don't know for sure. I also started 6 kush seeds the other day and they will stay in the clone room until they are ready to flower. I'll continue to update as the time comes.
Whoa, I just realized that if all those clones take I will have 21 plants with atleast 15 of them being female within the next 2 weeks. This is gonna be a fun next couple months. The cuttings taken yesterday look ok, they are still green and lookin healthy, so hopefully they survive. The kush seedlings should start breaking soil any day, all 6 germinated fine and were placed in starter cups. The 3 purple females are gettin' big and definetly going through their flowering stretch. I'll get pictures up one of these days, there just isn't much to see right now.
I use hydrogaurd in my cloner. I find it good to keep fungus and algae at bay.
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Wow, I think I may be in over my head, but it may not turn out to be a bad thing. The 3 purps female donors are in full flower now. Pistils shooting up all over the place. They look great. I also have 6 kush's that just popped soil today, I am not too sure what I am gonna do with these yet, I may transplant into 1 gallon pots, veg for a week and then put into flower with the purps girls. I also have 12 purps clones that I am waiting for to root. They look good right now, but we are only a few days in. These are gonna be vegged for a bit, cause I wanna try growing them bigger, and I will probably keep one as a mother. I really need to share pics with ya'll don't I? Maybe next update...
Ok, update time. What an exciting couple weeks it has been for me. The 3 purps donors are flowering beautifully. So far only one of the clones showed roots (yesterday, and transplanted today into a 3g bag and into veg.) Some of the other clones are showing root bumps, so they should be showing any day. I still have those 6 Kush seedlings but room in the veg room is tight right now so only 3 of them went to veg. The other 3 were placed into the flowering room, I'm not expecting a whole lot from them. It was a choice between killing them or trying to flower, so why not? So, I promised pictures a few weeks ago and I haven't forgotten. Lights are on atm, so getting good quality pictures is difficult. I will try to snap some good ones when the lights go out, but for now how about a little teaser?

Ok, I know I'm a little late with pictures but I promise that these were worth the wait. Just look at them, this is a beautiful strain. I can hardly wait to see just how much purple they will take on, as you can see the leaves are already changing. Look at those trichs, they are dripping all the way down the entire leaf and really packing on! I'm lovin' it! Ok, enough rambling lets get to the pictures.

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WOW that looks soooooo gooooood, almost looks like ice cream :) Dont have to much long till you get to taste it :) I wish i was there :p
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SmokeyTheBear said:
WOW that looks soooooo gooooood, almost looks like ice cream :) Dont have to much long till you get to taste it :) I wish i was there :p

Thanks dude. Unfortunately I probably have 5 more weeks until harvest, and even longer till smoke. Judging by how good they look now, I think it will be worth the wait.
Aw the mendo purps. My personal favorite! Get them really cold the last 5-10 days of flower and they will go black. Good Luck!
Those have to be some of the hairiest buds I think I have ever seen..... Sooo many pistils.

Great job 8)
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Ok well I have decided which plant I will be keeping as my mother. I have 3 rooted clones of her, 2 of which will be put into flower when they are ready and one will be held onto as a mother. I have taken several pictures of the phenotype that I am keeping. She is being kept because she is putting out massive trichs, very nute tolerant, and an overall beautiful plant. One of the others is putting out more purple than the one I am keeping, but overall I am pretty confident in my decision. I do have 3 rooted clones of each of the other plants just incase I change my mind, but I don't think that I will. Here are some pictures of the pheno I am holding onto. In the picture with all 3, the keeper is the one in the back left corner.

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wow looking wonderful gmo... My friend you have out done yourself, lol, i am very, very impressed... I have 1 one my purps phenos about to finish up in the next few days... Purps has quickly become one of my all time favs, it is not quite as forgiving as kush or some other strains but once you get everything dialed in, you will be rewarded with some of the best smoke you can imagine... The smell and taste or honestly unmatched, when the buds cure the do not taste like weed, honestly, they taste kind of like skunky grape kool-aide or grapey/blueberry candied hash with hints of like blueberry licorice, depending on the pheno... You wont really understand until you smoke it, lol

The high is killer too, it is very, very up... Like almost hazey up... I do not say that often, i don't even call a lot of haze's hazey, because they are commerical and don't really have that whole loss of perception and light headed feeling like this strain does... It is not really too strong on the body but you will surely feel it there too, but be prepared to be totally zoned out, lol, you'll see soon enough...

The one side note tho is, make sure you let them really mature, because they have a tendency to start browning up the hairs and kind of looking done at around 7 weels or so, but trust me let them go a full 9 - 10 weeks and you will have something to truly value... I wouldn't sell a gram of my purps for $50 a gram, because i would rather smoke every calyx, and I am very generous with my harvests, I try and help out a few medi patients that can't really grow for themselves, but they can have some of my kush, which is killer, they can even have some of the god, but the purps, now thats all mine, lmao

What type of aroma's are you experiencing so far, and be prepared because they get worse as the plants mature
MassProducer, thanks for stoppin' in. I plan to let them go as long as it takes. I think I'm gonna go for a 50/50 cloudy/amber (except the indica dominant because I suspect it will finish a tad bit earlier, so it's gonna go to 30/70 or longer), but would love to hear your opinion. As for odor, it's much more manageable than the Kush I ran last time, those were stank. These ones are a little tamer and easier to control. The indica dominant pheno I have is probably the 'best' smelling of the bunch, just like candy. The really purple sativa dominant female (the one in the front of that last picture) has a more fruity hashy smell. The pheno I am keeping is probably the tamest of the bunch until you touch a bud, smells wonderful, its that "purple" smell, hard to explain.
yeah that sounds very good gmo, I would of course say to harvest when you feel it is just right for you... But with this strain unlike the kush, there is very little couch-lock, I have taken both my sat and indy dom to over 10 weeks with very little couch-lock... It is almost the opposite, kind of like amensia haze, the longer you let these girls go, the better they get, but they just seem to get stronger in the head, its kind of weird, this strain is the weirdest strain in general, it really reminds me of haze, but remember this was 2nd or 3rd in the cannabis cup 2007 on the sativa side of things, it wasn't entered into the indica cup even though it is like 40% indy... I really like to think of it as my sativas trapped in indica frames, lol

Good luck bro
Here we go, everything (except 1 plant and a few clones) are looking excellent here! I'll show you a few pics of the flowering plant that isn't as happy as it should be, but there isn't anything I can do this late in the game, I'm gonna blame it on genetics. It's all good, it was my least favorite pheno of the bunch (growth wise). I got 2 good clones of the keeper that are doing well, so I'm happy. Also got a 4 cuts of the more Indica pheno that are doing so-so, they are gonna make it through though, the new growth is coming in nicely.

Oh ya, those 4 seedlings are Kush, they are in the flowering room, they did about a week and a half veg is all, just wanna see what happens with em, they haven't sexed yet. On with the pictures!

The mother is the plant in the back left, the one with the huge main cola
If you can't tell, the "sad" plant is in the back right corner of the picture.
The indica dominant is the plant in front.

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Just a few more pictures since you couldn't really see trichs in the pictures from the last update. Wish I could post the high resolution pictures, they are nice. These should give you some kind of idea though.

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