New Grow- 400W Closet

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Roddy said:
I saw a couple (mainly last pic) that look stretched a bit, how far away are you keeping the light and what are you using for veg lighting? I suspect it's the 400w, just making sure I understand!

CONGRATS on the new space to grow in, you're off to a great start!

I used a 400W MH for Veg and just switched to an HPS. For the first 10 days or so before my light arrived they were just under some cheap light I had, 60W or something. They stretched then..

I did top all of the three that stretched, and my PLAN...correct me if it sucks, is to transplant them fairly deep after I sex them so the tops are about the height of the other three. After that I think I can keep the light as close as possible and control the height with a little training.

Right now the light is between 10 and 16 inches away from the plants. Ventilation goes in TH, hoping I can lower the lights with the use of exhaust and a few circulating fans to rid excess heat.

Not sure if it matters but I know for a fact that there were Train Wreck and AK seeds in this hodge podge bag once upon a time. Interested in seeing what I get.


What are your temperatures running? Our grow spaces are very similar in size and structure. Check out my GJ below... I've been battling temperature issues.

getnasty said:
What are your temperatures running? Our grow spaces are very similar in size and structure. Check out my GJ below... I've been battling temperature issues.


My temps creep upwards of 83-85 durring the day with 14-18% hum. At night they slip down to about 65 with 20% hum.

I haven't installed my air control system yet. I have a window cracked in the room the closet is in, and a fan blowing fresh air into the cracked open closet door. At night I close the door and put the fan inside.

Next week installing ventilation through the ceiling that ties into existing bathroom fan ducting and adding a few more clip on circulation fans.

One question I have is weather or not to put the fans on the light timer? Or let all of them run through darkness.

Thanks all
Objects with moving parts usually use more energy than objects that don't. Having said that, it's up to you. I'd keep atleast one oscillating fan on the canopy of your plants when the lights are off, but I don't see anything wrong with cutting the rest of them when the lights turn off. It'll add to your savings on the utility bill.

Well..Very bad news everyone. The cheap *** timer I bought didn't work last night...plants are COOKED.

ITS ok thought. I'm a very positive person and I see this as an opportunity. Although I was looking forward to getting some smoke from these plants...I would very much rather NOT grow bag-seed.

SO with that said...I have the opportunity to switch a few things including my TIMER, soil mix, and grow containers. I can also order some fem seeds now :) :) :)

I'm open for suggestions on seed-banks please. PLEASE. I'm looking for something that grows on the smaller and more compact size...and has a relatively fast turnaround. I feel like that's a stupid turnaround. I should point out that I don't want to sacrifice quality, i just want a faster strain.

Input on grow bags vs pots? Starting under the MH..that ok? Also, any disadvantages to 18-6 lighting? I understand Veg will be a little slower, is that true? What do all you seasoned growers prefer?
I personally like the pots, they're easier to pick up and move if you need to do something with them, they're fairly cheap, they don't rip, and they're really easy to wash and reuse. If you're resourceful, they're free.

I like to use a MH for veg instead of T5's. I've never had a problem with any stretching using just a 1000w MH for veg. The first post in my first journal you'll see my 8 plants in veg, none of them are stretched at all, they're all very fat and stocky.
FarmToTable said:
Well..Very bad news everyone. The cheap *** timer I bought didn't work last night...plants are COOKED.

ITS ok thought. I'm a very positive person and I see this as an opportunity. Although I was looking forward to getting some smoke from these plants...I would very much rather NOT grow bag-seed.

SO with that said...I have the opportunity to switch a few things including my TIMER, soil mix, and grow containers. I can also order some fem seeds now :) :) :)

I'm open for suggestions on seed-banks please. PLEASE. I'm looking for something that grows on the smaller and more compact size...and has a relatively fast turnaround. I feel like that's a stupid turnaround. I should point out that I don't want to sacrifice quality, i just want a faster strain.

Input on grow bags vs pots? Starting under the MH..that ok? Also, any disadvantages to 18-6 lighting? I understand Veg will be a little slower, is that true? What do all you seasoned growers prefer?
Attitude is the general recommendation around here. There are a few other reputable seed banks people swear by, but I see attitude around here, for the most part. MH is fine for vegging. T5's keep your temperatures down, and you can pull your plants closer to the light. HPS for flowering, obviously. As far as strains that flower quickly, look for an indica.
Ok So I ordered my seeds...time to do things right. Or better at least...

I posted some photos...the plan is to be ready and awaiting the seeds this time rather than the other way around. Thats a 6" fan that will go in the ceiling and tie into existing duct. and two circulating fans to cool the light..I hope.

Then I pictured my pots and my soil. I plan on doing two autos in each pot at a time...

Ventilaiton...air, light...better soil...PH meter on the way. oh AND genetics. Im gonna do something fun though...

Not disclose the genetics I ordered from Attitude until Im into my grow a little bit :)

AND..if I can find room. Ill add a FEM seed of some non auto genetics I bought that I want to throw outside. Love an outdoor bush :)

Anyway...Im ready for the seeds.

Any input on my choice of soil mix let me know. I plan on mixing the Happy Frog in from the beginning. My friend had great results with that stuff.

This is the ingredients to my soil-

Coco Fiber, Coarse Peat Moss, Pearlie, Pumice, virgin forest material composted with livestock manure, worm castings, bat guano, kelp mean, fish-bone meal, soybean meal, green-sand, and alfalfa MEAL.

Thanks all.





So you are going auto, for your first round?? You will need a mild soil, for auto seedlings. They are extremely nute, and PH sensitive. When I grew autos, I used Sunshine#4, and tiered them into roots organic. To Tier plant, I started my seeds, in 20z Styro Cups, with drain holes cut in the bottom, in straight Sunshine #4. I grew them until they show sex, between 18-30 days. Then I cut the bottom out of the 20 oz cup, and set that a couple of inches into a 1 gallon mayo container of roots organic soil. You will have to water both the cup, and the jug. And be sure to cut drain holes in both. The reason for the Tier planting, is that Autos love a deep soil base, and if you limit the growth of the tap root, you limit the size of the plant.

But I really didn't want to write a book.

Welcome to MP.
Green Mojo Sent.

FarmToTable said:
Ok So I ordered my seeds...time to do things right. Or better at least...

I posted some photos...the plan is to be ready and awaiting the seeds this time rather than the other way around. Thats a 6" fan that will go in the ceiling and tie into existing duct. and two circulating fans to cool the light..I hope.

Then I pictured my pots and my soil. I plan on doing two autos in each pot at a time...

Ventilaiton...air, light...better soil...PH meter on the way. oh AND genetics. Im gonna do something fun though...

Not disclose the genetics I ordered from Attitude until Im into my grow a little bit :)

AND..if I can find room. Ill add a FEM seed of some non auto genetics I bought that I want to throw outside. Love an outdoor bush :)

Anyway...Im ready for the seeds.

Any input on my choice of soil mix let me know. I plan on mixing the Happy Frog in from the beginning. My friend had great results with that stuff.

This is the ingredients to my soil-

Coco Fiber, Coarse Peat Moss, Pearlie, Pumice, virgin forest material composted with livestock manure, worm castings, bat guano, kelp mean, fish-bone meal, soybean meal, green-sand, and alfalfa MEAL.

Thanks all.

First off, you are only going to want to put 1 plant in 1 pot. IMO, you are also going to need larger pots. Taller skinnier pots work better with autos.

I also think that soil mixture sounds way too hot for seedlings. You are going to want to plant them in something with no nutrients.

I don't understand why you would "not disclose the genetics"????? Why all the secrecy about the strain?

I agree... Did you steal it from the govt or something? haha

Also, THG is right, that mix seems very hot for seedlings. They've got everything they need already to last a while built right into them except the light and water. so PH'd water for the first couple weeks until i'd say after your first transplant. Someone else may have a different opinion though.

It also seems like you've got a lot of craziness going on in your soil mix. Did you mix it up yourself or did it come premixed like that? To me it sounds like a transplant mix for already bloomed flowers or something.
Hey guys..sorry about the Genetic mystery. Its really nothing...just thought it'd be fun. I'm growing Top69 Auto and White Widow Fem (the WW will end up outside I hope). My goal is to keep a few clones of the WW before she goes out.

I fully agree about the strength of my mix. I'm going to start the seeds in something very neutral then wean them into that mix if you will at about 3-4 weeks. My plan is to have the top portion of my flowering pots be a mixture of the seedling mix and the final mix, then have the rest just be my mix.

"It also seems like you've got a lot of craziness going on in your soil mix. Did you mix it up yourself or did it come premixed like that? To me it sounds like a transplant mix for already bloomed flowers or something."

This is a pre-made and highly popular mix in my neck of the woods. Its called Roots should check it out. And Im going to amend it with the Happy Frog.

THG...not sure if my picture is deceiving or if I should really get bigger pots. These things are pretty large at about 14-16" in depth and 14-16" diameter... I'm sorry I'm not sure how many gallons they are.

How strongly would you suggest I NOT put two plants (of the autos) in 1 large pot? My vision was to have two in a pot and keep them tied back a little..maybe have a little SOG type setup? My understanding is that these things don't need a ton of space, I feel like every photo I saw online had them in tiny pots..

Thanks so much for the input everyone.
What is the one way you would suggest popping these seeds? I really prefer doing it in soil rather than handling seedlings...

Thoughts? What about the little seed starter pots that you can then plant right in the media when you transplant and they dissolve or biodegrade?
Auto seeds' husks are typically harder than a standard seed. I read about a lot of auto growers cracking the seed after soaking them, by rolling it between their index finger and thumb. I've used this technique on seeds that didn't want to sprout with great success. Usually, I pop the seed open, then drop it down into the soil and cover it up.

I've heard a lot of praise about rockwool, and a lot of bad news about jiffy pots. I used the jiffy pots in my last grow with no problems, the roots grew through the jiffy pots easily and it eventually just incorporated itself into the rest of the soil. I'm gonna try rockwool next.

I would very strongly advise you not to put 2 plants in one pot. Especially that size pot. If you really want to put 2 in one container, get a tupperware bin that is rectangular or oval so it accommodates more width.

Photos are almost always deceiving, it doesn't require a lot of space to grow, but the space it has to spread it's roots unencumbered is important to what you get above ground.
FarmToTable said:
How strongly would you suggest I NOT put two plants (of the autos) in 1 large pot? My vision was to have two in a pot and keep them tied back a little..maybe have a little SOG type setup? My understanding is that these things don't need a ton of space, I feel like every photo I saw online had them in tiny pots..

Thanks so much for the input everyone.

Very, very strongly! One plant, one pot. Period. The more root space the plant has, the better. Autos live a certain number of weeks and that is it. You want to provide the most optimum conditions you can.

Crowded roots will result in less yield. A pot 15 x 15 should be big enough for 1 plant. I never advocate multiple plants in one pot, regardless of the size of the pot.
I'll go one plant per...but I'll be ok with a slightly smaller pot right?
Are you sure they are 14-16" x 14-16"? That is really quite a large the top of my head around 10 gallons (I'm too high to do real math)?

I wouldn't go any smaller than 3 gallon.
You're pretty spot on THG, It's roughly 9.3-13.9 (US)gallons depending on that 2 inches of depth and width

Pi x R2xH= Volume in cubic whatever you're measurement is. Then I got lazy and put that number into a converter haha.

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