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Active Member
May 19, 2009
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Hi everyone, I introduced myself, (sort of), int the intro area already, now down to business, I have had a small amount of experience with growing in the past, havent done it lately mostly cause of no appropriate place to do so, and now my passion has been rekindled with the finding of 2 plants in my backyard. First of all, yes it is probably from a bag of midgrades, but I dont care...Im in love with this one! One plant was stepped on by a drunk is gone. But the other I found about a month ago in fair condition at 13 inches tall, Ive gotten rid of pests and a few other small problems corrected and gave it a dose of Greenlight root stimulator, water daily, and given a little nute. It is now 2 and a half feet tall with MANY healthy branches filling in to make a stout, bushy, HEALTHY plant (pretty positive its mainly an indica strain). I also got my first 2 white hairs on top(female YAAAAAYYY!!!). I dont have money so this operation is limited. Here is my main problem....It was under a tree getting filtered sun and only 30 minutes of direct sun and I also wanted to get it in better soil and a more inconspicuous place. Well I found the best spot available to me that is hidden from unwanted attention and gets great sunlight (full sun from 10:30am-5:50pm) with filtered sun before and after. Well...I completed the transplant today at 9am and here are the facts...
1. I soaked the area an hour before transplant with water and half the reccomended dose of b vitamin...but I should have.
2. I made a makeshift tent over plant so I dont hurt the roots with sunlight.
3. Dug up plant carefully and got the dirt and root ball out and intact.
4. Put in 5 gallon pot with Organic choice garden soil.
5. Completely buried the whole pot in new spot.
6. Rewatered with the other half dose of Superthrive and just a tiny bit of root stimulator.
Here are my Questions
1. Is a slight drooping of the tops and some leaves normal after transplants?
2. Also I made a mistake, I put Organic choice garden soil in the pot, but didnt mix the original soil from my back yard as directed with it half and half, but didnt realize I was supposed to until after all was said and done, Is this a big problem? I dont want to stress the plant any more with a second transplant to mix soils.....also I put a garden soil in a pot that says on the bag "Not for pot." And then buried and surrounded pot with backyard soil in hole. Is this a problem? thanks for any advice guys:)
I am confused about the "not for pot" Does that mean not meant for potted plants or not meant for mj? Never heard of this before. I wouldn't transplant again. You probably damaged some of the roots while digging her up. A little wilt is normal.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall (of text) :p ;)
yeah, don't do any more.. leave it, it should come back. it's normal for it to look a little unhappy after a transplant.
does this "not for pot" pot have drainage holes? or is like porcelin or something? never seen a 'not for pot' pot before.
420benny said:
I am confused about the "not for pot" Does that mean not meant for potted plants or not meant for mj? Never heard of this before. I wouldn't transplant again. You probably damaged some of the roots while digging her up. A little wilt is normal.

thanks, lol, I meant the soil is not to be put in pots, it is garden soil, not potting soil. I didnt think it would be a big deal, but then afterwards I saw on the back of the soil bag a BIG "Do Not" symbol with a pot in the middle, and in big red letters "Not for Pots". Guess I should read things more before I just buy it and throw it in.:eek:
Yea I figured that it would wilt a little, not too worried about that....Although, I am wondering how long will it wilt before I should start to worry? I transplanted 5 and a 1/2 hrs agoand ti looks great still except the tops are still a little droopy.

But my biggest worry still is how well will it grow in that garden soil when I didnt mix with half of the natural soil as directed on the back of soil bag?

Or will it actually be harmful to the plant just leaving it in there not mixed?:confused:
kaotik said:
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall (of text) :p ;)
yeah, don't do any more.. leave it, it should come back. it's normal for it to look a little unhappy after a transplant.
does this "not for pot" pot have drainage holes? or is like porcelin or something? never seen a 'not for pot' pot before.

Lol, I do get carried away typing.
No, I was talking about the soil not meant for soil...not potting soil. I explained that just up above. Also yes the pot I used is a regular cheap, flimsy, black plastic 5 gallon container that has plenty of bottom holes for drainage. And I buried the pot very well...its nicely hidden amongst other tall weeds, but still getting plenty a sunlight.

"never seen a 'not for pot' pot before." I laughed pretty hard at that one.
Thanks guys, I love the advice and help...still gotta lot to learn:eek:
You can always feed the plant with good organic nutes and compost tea while it is growing. The roots will figure it all out. Don't fret the potting soil. I have a feeling it has lots of peat in it. Small pots dry out very fast with too much in the mix and that is likely why the warning is on the bag. Sounds good, right?
Thats the best news I've gotten all day, I was worried about that whole 1.1 mix of organic soil and native soil. Well just to update, the girl looks great right now and have decided not to try a second transplant to mix native soil. She is very perky now and actually looks happier than before with all that new sunlight beaming down upon her pretty fans. I'm kinda curious as to when I should start to see some real flowers happen, (not just the 2 hairs that have shown up at the top. She is almost 3 ft tall and VERY bushy....VERY bushy!!! And now has plenty o' sun. Hopefully tomorow when my other half comes to see me, I can get some pics on her camera and post up for you guys:hubba: Like I've said's no special strain, but I love her! By the way, she has a very sweet, pungent scent that I can already smell sometimes from just 8-10 feet away.:)
you NEED 2 get that plant out & re-done correctly. MG organic choice is what i believe you have. dont use it WILL COOK ur plant for sure. this bag of junk is meant to be a top dressing for garden soil. i used on first grow & severly cooked plants 2 where growth halted, lost most leaves, & nute locked em.
docfishwrinkle said:
you NEED 2 get that plant out & re-done correctly. MG organic choice is what i believe you have. dont use it WILL COOK ur plant for sure. this bag of junk is meant to be a top dressing for garden soil. i used on first grow & severly cooked plants 2 where growth halted, lost most leaves, & nute locked em.

Ok, now I'm worried again, it is doing way better now. BUT, M.G. Organic choice is what I have, but its not a top soil or top dressing like you say. It says Organic choice, all natural Garden Soil. Is this still the same stuff? thankyou

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