Oh in soil

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Joe's grows

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
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So I bought soil it is a peat based soil tht being said iv red after a few weeks this soil ph is to acidic and your plants start to suffer what can I do or add to my soil to correct the pH? Or should I get pH down or up whatever one is not acidic and pH my water to more alkaline so it will balancethe pH out please help..... I hope this makes sense it's sunshine mix 4 with michoriza second time it happened all my plants are doing it please lmk ty


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I would suggest you read this, if you haven’t already.
Wow I have been careless the last time I watered wow I didn't know that but I didn't get all the leaves ty very much though I have a diff kind then dogsteri believe so im gomma add some dolomite lime to see what happens . The sunshine mix he has is agregateplus professional mix mine is the sunshine mix 4 with michoriza . What should I do add so.e dolo.ite lime or I was thinking to buying thejaks 25 pound bag and the turbine peat sed product and the 8 qrts ofperlitecan you help me out @Flower I hvethemo ey i juat wanta succeaful run with no problems if you can messgee me and lmk everything i need from pots to the soil to perlite amything i should need or ppst herw thnk you. I have a feeling my bag of sunshine ia out of wak it hasbadeball size clu.ps of peat
Anyone who has any suggestions what I should use for a new run I was thinking atwo buket dwc for two plants or the peat jacks 25 pound bag anything please lmk I want a successful run again
I don’t think there is anything wrong with the peat you are using. Mine often has clumps that I have to break up by hand.
I use plastic pots in veg, and cloth pots in flower.
There is nothing special about them.
You can grow in a 5 gallon bucket if you want, that won’t make any difference.
Everything I do is in the attached link.
Several of us on here are now using Jacks.
If you reuse your peat, it will continue to breakdown and become acidic. I have not experienced this myself on the first run of a fresh bag but halfway through a second run, reusing the soil, I experienced it turning acidic. I ran out of dolomite lime (powder from) when making up my soil and a few pots did not get the lime added in. I ended up having to top dress them with the lime in flower to fix it. I typically add 1 cup per large bag of soil (I use FF). When I mix up half a bag of soil at a time with 25% perlite, 15% ewc, and half a cup of dolomite lime.
Its been three weeks . I supplemented my soil with ewc dolomite lime 1 cup to two gallons of soil. That being said here are two grape pie x gelato 41 and two nana glue x sugar belts courtesy of @Carty . I did have six other plants I culled two because of slow growth and gave four to a friend. I have an earthbox on the way I plan on possibly putting all four in the earth box but I may only put too in there we GTA see how the sugar belts do there reg . I would love a male to collect some pollen. I chose these four plants two because the stank on the nana glue and sugar belts is straight skinny and it's not flowering at all obviously so that caughty attention then the gelatox grape were chosen for the size and the structure .


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KISS method that works great for me.... Miracle Grow (I'd never of thought) organic soil in brown bag..
Perlite, I add extra perlite so soil doesn't clump up after watering and restricts roots, the fine hair roots called feeder roots... Also, trying flowering in 3gal Felt pots, 5 if you have the room but I do quite well in 3.

4 to 1 ratio mix on perlite to soil and 1 Tablespoon or Espoma Plant Starter Plus.... if you use this simple mix all you have to do is water, add Calmag from week 2 to 2wks before harvest @ 1tsp/gal weekly and a lot of the necrosis your seeing will never show it's ugly face.. I used to have a big problem with that and BigSur kept saying... more Calmag...
So one day check out yesterday's photos to today's just plain old tap water with an air stone in it and first feeding of natuaral gardener 24 8 16 half tsp to a gall here they are one day wowza tell me they love life today mich better .i actually been letting them dry out more then usual cause usually water to often but they wrre begging fpr water no?


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All I use is tap water. Get 2 milk jugs and keep them full with the lids off.. this will allow crap like Chlorine to dissipate improving the water... or just get yourself a britta pitcher. Those filters work awesome. Used one for years....
Your plants look healthy & happy.. have you removed the round cotyledon leaf's yet?? remove those, carefully because a skin will come off with them, but this is a good thing.. starts to harden the stem afterwards.... after removing the round leaf's remove the single blade leaf above that. this is all crap growth that is robbing the plant of foods and water....
An old hippie once said this..... Every little growth, leaf, branch on the way up to the buds rob the plant of energies needed above. by removing them the plant concentrates it's energies on more important things like bud production... WOW. makes sense huh?

I found by removing these at week 2 my plants would grow taller and bigger.. Usually I remove 3 things around week 2 or 3.. round leaf's, single bladed leaf's and the first set of growth leaf.... what this leaves behind is a cradle of branches going upward. Usually 6 branches... trained properly, big buds..
All I use is tap water. Get 2 milk jugs and keep them full with the lids off.. this will allow crap like Chlorine to dissipate improving the water... or just get yourself a britta pitcher. Those filters work awesome. Used one for years....
Your plants look healthy & happy.. have you removed the round cotyledon leaf's yet?? remove those, carefully because a skin will come off with them, but this is a good thing.. starts to harden the stem afterwards.... after removing the round leaf's remove the single blade leaf above that. this is all crap growth that is robbing the plant of foods and water....
An old hippie once said this..... Every little growth, leaf, branch on the way up to the buds rob the plant of energies needed above. by removing them the plant concentrates it's energies on more important things like bud production... WOW. makes sense huh?

I found by removing these at week 2 my plants would grow taller and bigger.. Usually I remove 3 things around week 2 or 3.. round leaf's, single bladed leaf's and the first set of growth leaf.... what this leaves behind is a cradle of branches going upward. Usually 6 branches... trained properly, big buds..
Yea I started doing that after I got into your auto thread I really went over every page ty for all the helpful knowledge. After this or actually may through some diamond milk f3 f autos but I dont think im gonnahave room soon im gonna put up a scrog net. i will fill this whole 2x4 with either two three or four plants photoperiods so I can veg them until im thinking its time to flip and i really like the advantage of that over autos . But I want to jump back to autos when I learn more from the photoperiod especially watering it's not science but there's better times to water and during seedling stage they really dont need much at all . Also a good wet DRY I want to yell at myself lol then water I used to always water way to often . Now it seems like I'm almost waiting too long so I'll figure it out eventually . When you say the first set of growth leaf your saying the first set of larger leaves after single blades or the first set of stem branch whatever we call it hehe.
When to water is a struggle for some. The thing with watering is to not let them get dry. I'm in promix HP for medium. I know my five gal pots need water every 3-4days. If I go over 4 days they are to dry and wilt. So at 3days I pick up the pot and it's usually semi light letting me know by tomorrow they will be ready for water. Of course as the plant gets bigger that window gets smaller and watering is more frequent. I keep track of all my watering on a calander. Keeps me on track and I know what I did a few days ago. Just a thing I do.
When to water is a struggle for some. The thing with watering is to not let them get dry. I'm in promix HP for medium. I know my five gal pots need water every 3-4days. If I go over 4 days they are to dry and wilt. So at 3days I pick up the pot and it's usually semi light letting me know by tomorrow they will be ready for water. Of course as the plant gets bigger that window gets smaller and watering is more frequent. I keep track of all my watering on a calander. Keeps me on track and I know what I did a few days ago. Just a thing I do.
First off butthead, I do know Jack... he lives across the street.... muahahahaha.. you got me good bro, too funny.. Carty don't know Jack... muwahaha..

Dry stressing is a good thing, just not to the point they wilt.... so yeah, going that one extra day for you is one day to far huh? I'm watering every 3rd day 1/3gal. I go by weight, gotta know how your pots feel watered and heavy vs needing a drink just by a quick lift... trick is when you do water, not to always water to the point it's dripping off the bottom..
Dry stressing is something I do weekly and regularly.. the trick is, not to dry stress to the point the plant wilts and thus causes unnecessary stress. I water every other day when pots are light to the touch when lifting and yet plants are far from wilting... and I water at lights ON... first few hours anyway.

when I water I water the same each time... 1/3gal of food with 2 cups water. so dividing a gal between the 3 pots works great...

Want bigger plants.... increase your air flow. Most don't even come close to enuff.. Open your tent during lights on if you can and fire a fan into that tent blasting your flowering plants.... vegging plants, the more the plant sways back in forth the better and bigger the stem..

Don't be afraid to let the plant dry out pretty good between grows though ok.... it's a good thing

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