Okay to plant with small roots?

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Nov 12, 2006
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is there any sever repurcussion to planting clones in the ground if roots haven't been completely developed?

Kind of a newb question i know
You can take the clone and plant it strait into the ground instead of your soil, it's not recommended, but with the right conditions and pending on the ground, it'll root. So if it has a root already, as long as you're putting it in some nice fertile ground, one you've possible mixed in some Good soil with, you should have a problem at all. And don't worry about noob questions, the only dumb question is the one you don't ask. Feel free to ask any question you want and i'm sure me and or many other members of the forum will gladly help as much as we can.

~Burn One~
Hi Prim : - )
if you prepare the soil first and you live in a warm climate then the clones will root and take off, i use a rooting solution and cover the clone with a 2lt coke bottle with the bottom end cut off so it acts as a mini greenhouse until the plant has secured its roots, then the green is in the hands of the gods lol
ah thanks a lot dwayne. yeah, i dug up holes and threw in some wet promix, tossed some clones in there and sprayed a tiny bit of some skoot (rabbit repelent) - i was told its alright to put on young cuttings - i just dont want to take my chance slike i did last year.. I don't feel remorseful at all now when i see cats devouring bunnies!

haha, the coke bottle idea is pretty nifty. If i could do more preperation i would definitly give that one a try.

I was just in a situation where it was now or never, and was worried it was too soon for the plants (although I know its july now.. better late than never)

thanks again guys
ive never cloned before :S when yall do it, do you just chop off a cutting and stick it in the ground? it seems ingenius :D somethin that might help em along is RuTone.. a rooting compound designed especially for cuttings
not yet, thank you :D havent ever really been interested in cloning any of mine cuz all i really grow is regular ol snotty bagseed.. im just not sure if theyre worth going to the trouble for..
..You never know when nor where you may run across that "Holy Grail" pheno that you want to save It could come from any recessive/genetic mutation or combination.
Tell you what...I mastered the art about 10 yrs ago, and will never go back to growing "only" plants from seed.
thats a good point.. i reckon you'd wanna be ready when it happened huh.. but how would you know if you found the holy grail before flowering? are there any type of special charecteristics that would tip you off to such a thing?
....I clone/lable every seed that I grow out, before flowering begins. Once I have a rooted subject from each seed, I can then flower the plants from seed. "If" there is anything special in them, I already have a rooted/labled clone in veg.
and also using clones you can end up with an all female crop

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