pulled my grow

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i pulled my grow and got rid of the plants last night.its just not safe for me to be growing at this location anymore.i will not go into details.it sure hurt to pull the mazar after all the time and love i had into them.but its safer now.i still have my tents set up and all,but i will be taking them down too.i've got to relocate very soon.i will still check in here and see how everyone is doing tho.until i get moved and get my internet hooked back up.thanks to all for listening.
Oh man Andy... :(

But it's better to be safe then sorry.
Hang tough Andy!
You have a level head man, so if u pulled it, it HAD to be done.

I hope it all works out man!
thanks all,it was a good decision.all i have here now is a little smoke and my grow gear.no plants.
I'm sure you're doing the right thing, painful as it is. Good luck, Andy.
Thanks for all your help Andy.

It is a bummer about the pull but better safe than sorry.

Hope to hear from ya soon once you get your new place set up.
Whoa, just when i was becoming LESS paranoid about growing in MI....eeep!
yeah man thats terrible.sorry to hear,nothing like the bad guys crashing down your ****.good lookin and be safe yo.
Sorry to hear about that Andy.. I am sure you will land on your feet and get back at it soon 8)
yeh and hurry back andy.

safety 1st man you did the right thing man.

Come back stronger and better!
I hope you still have your Crystal stashed away somewhere safe. I also hope that you get this all worked out soon so you can start up again.
sorry to hear.
good luck on the relocation and getting everything up and running smoothly again.
Andy, that's really got me down. It seems as though every time you get your grow going you have to yank it!
Whatever your circumstances, I hope everything works out.
Sorry to hear you had to pull your plants to feel safe andy. I hope you find a better place soon. My prayers are with you.
Well Andy, a man's gotta do what he's gotta do, so hang tight and be free to grow another day.
Take er' easy man.
Sorry to hear, Andy. :eek: Man, you're sooo close to being legal too, eh? Dang. I got 10 free mazar x skunk lyin' around. I'll leave 'em in the ditch, by the tree, next to the mail box..... Be good and be safe. See ya soon:)

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