Rant about not selling

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I feel like just lettin a little bit of frustration out...

Recently i opened my e-mail, and a member from this forum sent me a message, Can you hook me up with some bud, was the question....

To all members out there, so i never have to answer this question again...
I Don't Sell.... Period I won't even sell a dime to my best freind.

If you all wanna buy weed, thats your business... say i buy weed that would be my business.... This is a site for Cultivation... not a site to get the hook up, even if you do live an hour away from where i am...

So anyway Please people don't even ask anyone on this site that.... THANK YOU!
pranicfever said:
I feel like just lettin a little bit of frustration out...

Recently i opened my e-mail, and a member from this forum sent me a message, Can you hook me up with some bud, was the question....

To all members out there, so i never have to answer this question again...
I Don't Sell.... Period I won't even sell a dime to my best freind.

If you all wanna buy weed, thats your business... say i buy weed that would be my business.... This is a site for Cultivation... not a site to get the hook up, even if you do live an hour away from where i am...

So anyway Please people don't even ask anyone on this site that.... THANK YOU!
Hey Pranic, Thanks. It would take an idiot to think otherwise after reading a couple dozen posts in this forum.

With the exception of the coffee table, the entire theme of this group is cooperative growing. It's a knowledge bank of people who like to grow marijuana. If someone chooses to buy weed, whatever. I think I'm pretty safe in saying that at one time or another, everyone on this group has bought weed. Most of us have chosen to get out of the stressfulness of sneaking around trying to score some weed and worrying about the cops snatching us up. We grow our own. We're not bothering anyone. We're not contributing to any crimes. We like to get high and we like to do it on the best weed in the world; our own grow.

what kind of ******* does that like your going to send weed through the mail.
i know man you shouldnt even be buying weed from some one you just met online and i only buy from people i know well so i dont end up gettin a light sack
the USPS moves a lot of weed lol ...

ive seen anywhere from 1-3lbs shipped at a time, regularly.

I'd love to grow again, but finances have forced me to share my house, meaning.. im not willing to risk it, even w/ friends liviing w/ me. Loose lips u know.. So im resigned to purchasing again.
I opine that a significant pct. of those " hey man can you hook me up" are posted by:
-people who want to rip you off.

2 cases in point:
-people in a chat room and a guy and girl go to a "private room" and the guys talking about how much he likes weed and how he just moved and can't find any. The guy and the girl live nearby, and the girl tells him next time she buys some she'll pick up some for him as a favor.
So she buys some extra weed and meets him. When she hands him the weed, he arrests her for dealing drugs.
-I knew someone who ripped people off both ways. I'll call him A.
He'd PM someone asking them to hook him up. They'd go back and forth talking about a lid or elbow or whatever and A. says he'd like a sample before sending the $$. The grower sends the weed, A .smokes it and tells the gower he never recieved it.
Or he reads someone who posts what a hard time they're having scoring, PM's him offering to sell and even sending a sample (sometimes the weed he got free from someone else).
Anyway, A. asks for the $$ upfront, the person sends it.
A week later when the guy says "hey where's my dope?" A. says he never recieved the $$. On at least 2 occasions a person actually sent him more $$.

So doing a dope deal over the internet can either get you busted or ripped off.
Dumb idea.
great point GG. couldnt have said it better. by the way you forgot maybe even killed. remember we are living in a crazy world these days and people kill for less.
actually, the only time i ever met a guy from online, i drove to meet him, we hung out, then took care of things.
Anyone attempting to buy or sell on the web should be considered a cop. Either a cop, or a waste of oxygen.
If you're haveing problems with a member pursueing such, I'd like to hear about it. That member would deserve close scrutiny.
We arren't here to buy or sell, nor are we a venue for such. :(

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