Single Il Diavolo Auto grow from seed; LST, CFL start to finish

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Correct Gixxer, a 6500k light spectrum is optimal for veg and a 2700k is best for flowering. stick with the 2700k for flowering and youll do fine. Happy 4/20 mate :D
MosesPMG said:
Correct Gixxer, a 6500k light spectrum is optimal for veg and a 2700k is best for flowering. stick with the 2700k for flowering and youll do fine. Happy 4/20 mate :D
4:20 back at ya dude!:D I have been SOOO stoned all day today... What the bag o schwagg lacks in potency it makes up for in grins! REALLY sativa heady high! Descent anyways!:D
I am in the same boat mate. only got mid grade for 4/20 but I have enough to keep the bong packed and the blunts full :D
That's all that really matters I guess! :rofl: SOMETHING is better than nothing!:giggle: Not much better; but better still the same!:rofl:

The seedling is sooo cute this morning... Starting to show the tips of her second set (no photo's until day 7) it's day 4 today and I'll be taking pictures Sunday afternoon for the weekly update! (going to try and limit myself to weekly updates this go round!) You know that once she starts flowering though it'll be a daily occurrence again!:rofl: I can't help myself around growing buds! It seems to be going really slow, but if I remember correctly, my other Il Diavolo had a slow start and then an explosive vegetative state, followed by an increasingly violent flowering stage... I can't wait until she's about three weeks old and starts to show the goods!:hubba:
I am the same way. When I was told my plants would take longer than 70 days to flower I almost hit the floor! My next grow I am also going to try and limit to weekly updates, unless there is a disaster ;D Cant wait for the first pics mate
Glad to see she sprouted for you gixx. Good Luck Bro.
frankcos said:
Glad to see she sprouted for you gixx. Good Luck Bro.
Thx bro! Nice to see a fellow il diavolo enthusiast around!:rofl: I was really wanting to finish that strain in particular because it had already started flowering! I want to see what the finish product has to offer!
More Green Mo Jo for ya Gixxer.
Staffy said:
strain sound interesting. im in!!
I agree:rofl: something about "the devil" is intriguing; sounds DANK!! We all know that names can be deceiving at times, but I don't have really high hopes for this one anyways; what with it being only one auto flower and it's given conditions... But I do expect however better quality than the schwagg I've been forced to smoke the last year or so!!!
rotten_socks420 said:
No pics!!!!Arg.... lol
I had pictures on the first page... I'll add some more come Sunday... Going to update weekly (or bi-weekly) during veg and daily for flowering... Just so I can have a record from day to day! Veg cycle is pretty easy for me, but I gotta keep myself busy late into flowering; I get so antsy that time creeps by!
So the seedling is 5 days old today, and is just now getting the tips of her second set of leaves (the first "3" set) out so that you can see them without being right on top of the plant. But; if I recall correctly, the last Il Diavolo was a slow starter as well... So I'm not largely concerned there... In fact, looking back into the other journal, It wasn't too different at 4 days as she does now... So right on track with the first bean I had... Will post some pics come Sunday!:D
Gixxerman420 said:
But I do expect however better quality than the schwagg I've been forced to smoke the last year or so!!!

Oh My! Sorry to hear about the schwagg woes. Anything from your tent will beat that crap, I'm sure.
:yeahthat: I can already tell my plants buds are out of this world better than the buds they came from. I cant wait to compare the high :D
MosesPMG said:
:yeahthat: I can already tell my plants buds are out of this world better than the buds they came from. I cant wait to compare the high :D
They always look dank...Test will be in the product bro!:cool2: good luck though! I'm sure they'll be dank anyways!
As promised, day 7 seedling picture... Next update in 7 days!:D I'm going to feed her a half strength feeding of big grow (1/2 seedling suggestion) and see if she starts to pick up in the growth department!
Can't really tell from this picture, but the top set is a set of "3"'s... Not single serrated like I thought when I first saw them this morning!
Gixxerman420 said:
As promised, day 7 seedling picture... Next update in 7 days!:D I'm going to feed her a half strength feeding of big grow (1/2 seedling suggestion) and see if she starts to pick up in the growth department!
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Can't really tell from this picture, but the top set is a set of "3"'s... Not single serrated like I thought when I first saw them this morning!
I dont know if id feed her any nutes right now man, I too followed those same directions and I even dumbed it down passed 1/2 and it fried the heck out of em, luckly they are still alive but it severely stunted there growth and they look like hell. Startin to come back though gettin nice dark green back instead of yellow and burnt lol
Thanx for the advice RS but I already fed her!!! I did however feed this same strain last grow at the same time with the same strength feeding... I think i might do alright... Not to mention that I transplanted her into a 1/2 gallon pot so most of it will probably be soaked up by the dirt surrounding the root ball... I'm hoping she does alright, I just wanted to get her eating ASAP so I could beef her up good during veg... Being that they only veg for about 23 days or so. I took post transplant photo and here it is now! May be posting an update in a few days if results from feeding are unfavorable... Or favorable!:hubba:
Looking itty bitty in all that dirt; but hoping she'll fill in the area fairly quickly!:EEK!:
Haha... I love the home-made inline fan. Good stoner ingenuity +rep