soil vs hydro

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i my self will get a few years of soil growing under my belt an then play with a hydro system.
an even thow i play in the dirt, i still get to fly sky high in the clounds just like u!
I will have to agree with tater and andy52 DWC is the best I ever seen..

I will show pics of my lastest DWC of tomatoes.. that already beat my dad's tomaotes.. even my last "hydro vs soil" in my thread.. hydro won... front of my eyes.. I even didn't use the hydroton.. that why I did kept my hands down in the pockets until the results shows.. I even use 10 10 10 regular farm nutes! for tomaotes.. they love it.. suprised myself too.. my frist DWC!
whiterussian said:
ive done both and i really like soil/hydro and even my buddy ive known for a while, hes been growing for 10 years and hes tought me a lot and hes compared plants grown in hydroton and plants grown in soil, and the hydro soil plants were HUGE compared to regular hydro or just regular soil, he did all 3 in 1 grow area, and actully soil is just a medium just like hydroton just because you have hydroton doesnt mean your growing hydro, but as long as theres roots in the resivor, then its being grown hydro bottom line, soil or hydroton or coco coir is just preference, but people try to say im growing soil, no im growing hydro.

:holysheep: If your using a DWC Hydro setup,,,what is the point of the messy *** soil? I dont care what ya call it,,whats the point of using both. Just seems like yer going to alot trouble for no "GOOD" reason.
And I grow in soil,,always have,,,BUT,,after all the grows I have seen in DWC and DIRT. I am going to Deep Water Culture on my next grow and I cant wait to be free of freaken Soil.:D
..:rofl:. 'eeeeeverybody down on us poor o' dirt farmers.. LOL
.and to that, I say "ignorance is bliss"...:p
white russian, what type of soil/hydro hybrid you got going? Got any pics I'd like to see that.

Wiseguy: How is soil set and forget? Unless you are groing totally organic you still need to monitor your ph. Plus any decent hydro grower can set and forget as well. In the first 2 weeks of flower I only touch my tub once. How many times do you have to water in those 2 weeks? 5-7 times?
No, not coming down on the dirt farmers at all. Its just fact that you can't beat the yeild of a synthetic DWC with any combination of dirt and synthetics or organics. Won't happen. Now with that being said, some claim you get a better tasting product out of organic soil grown pot. I can't say myself as I've never been able to smoke some but if we ever all get together we can have a big ol stoner throwdown hahaha.
Hick said:
..:rofl:. 'eeeeeverybody down on us poor o' dirt farmers.. LOL
.and to that, I say "ignorance is bliss"...:p
<-- and I'm drowning in bliss.. :D
its a preference thing.what you are comfortable with.i personally feel i can better control what my plants need in dwc.i am sure experienced soil growers feel the same.i do know for one thing,dwc grows faster than soil.the end product is no difference if done properly,in my opinion.i just hated having to hand water and feed my soil grows.not knowing if i was giving them too much or not dwc,its there for the plant when they want it and how much.after i achieve tip burn,i know i am on the with soil it takes longer to affect the the next day in dwc,you will know.jmo
hydro definitely out performs soil. finishing of the plant takes the same ammount of time.WHEN YOU GO FROM SOIL TO HYDRO PAY ATTENTION. really three hydro grows later you'll feel better about it.but every action gets a reaction.same with hydro.only with hydro it happens dirt to be like a barrier and diffuser,best way i can put it. good luck!
HYDRO MADE MY HOBBY MORE INTERESTING. Added the excitement of an experiment to my bend and bake oven.
Here is a fun fact. I think I have mentioned it in another thread.

I recently, over the holidays, visited a good friend who owns a GrowStore.
We were talking about soil vs hydr, and he told me something that really blew me away.
He said that 80% of the folks who come in and buy hydro set-ups, come back within 6 months and go to soil.
This, I found a little hard to believe, so I asked another buddy, who owns a store, and he said the same thing, that 80% is about average.

Wow. I really thought the majority of folks did hydro.

Now, I am not knocking soil grows at all. I think that the majority of folks just can't master hydro and fail, so they go the soil route. Soil is MUCH more forgiving then hydro, that's for sure.
Hydro is tougher to learn, especially if you do not have a "mentor" or someone willing to share knowledge. That is why we have MP!
It took me along time to be comfortable with Hydro, thats for sure. I think I killed more plants then most folks have grown. But, I stuck with it and love it.

As far as finshed herb, it is the same as everything else. It all depends on the cook. I am sure what Hick is smokin' on is just as potent and tasty as something I have. He is master at his game, and I feel comfortable with my game.

What it all comes down to is success! Whatever medium u choose, it will simply take time to "dial" it in. But, as I stated, I do think that folks will have a higher success rate with Soil. What is your thought on that statement Hick?

Ther is no majic method to produce bomb. Just because you do hydro, does not make your herb better or more "bomb".

As far as growth rates, Hydro is faster by far. Hydro will give you more uptake and your plants will Veg faster.
As far as flowering, Soil and Hydro are the same.

As far as what is better tasting...Personal preference.
for soils and outdoor.. yall can grow giant weed possible above your head..
but problem is yall can get that raided by dea or leo.. if found...

of course yall can clone it off and take good care of the donors and send back to outdoor and plant it.. it will grow but smaller.. yet can yield lot of buds.. but for these soil outdoors.. that take lot of times like 9 months

for DWC portable, cleaner, easy to supervise... and can keep it nearby like your bedroom ... even yall can grow any vegetables in outter space in nasa if yall got to eat.. yes its quicker such as 5 to 7 months for harvest..

indoor soils.. if its organic.. its pretty same. .but average 8 months. or less

really it depends on strains and genetics like others mention to me.. just deal with what experiences yall have in under yall belts.. from there.. work and play yall way up.. and see what fit yall. . my outdoor fits me for the farm in woods.. so if I move to apt or living on my own.. I will grow DWC at my bedroom or whatever.. if I bought a land. and built a barn.. I heck can do what I like and grow like crazy up stair in the barn.. but I gotta be smart about it...

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