suprise suprise

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I had my PTSD group at th VA hospital tody, and on my way out, my shrink hands me cup to go pee way in hell I'm going to pass it. One of the meds I take is one to help me deal with craveings for heroin, which I have been clean from for a couple yrs. But pot is the main med that I take to help me with my craveings for the bad stuff. I don't know what this will do when she gets the results back...I don't think they can just pull my script. But you never know when dealing with good old uncle sam. I have asked her on several occasions to write a script for MJ, but she doesn't see how it could help me, and sh's not allowed to write one if she did think it was okay. The reason that she knows about my pryor drug use is becasue she is my shrink, and needed to know the truth about me. I treated my PTSD for several yrs with the wrong meds. Now I'm trying to do it thier way...but I will not give up my weed. Anyway...just needed to vent...had to wait around for 3 hrs to get my scripts filled...thats always fun. Hope ya'll had a better day than me!
I am thinking good thoughts for a happy ending for you.
I hope it turns out ok...I do know they cant just stop drugs like that they would have to wean the least....but that would be harmful to take the drugs and she shouldnt do harm...
If you live in a MMJ state, you should have access to a Dr. that can recommend. If not, they might consider prescribing Marinol. There are so many resources that provide support for MMJ, she could start with the AMA's recent revision of its policy position on cannabis. As you may know, the AMA is recommending that cannabis be removed as a schedule 1 controlled substance so that its medical efficacy can be studied with modern scientific methodology. Ask your doctor to research Medicann or other references. Thanks for serving our country and best wishes.
That completely bites LF!

Sounds like she already knows about mj so it won't be a big deal and it could be a lot worse in your case, with herion..etc.

Good luck and let us know what happens.
LF I really hope nothing comes of it, mosy likely with the gov't they will want you to go to a drug rehab program just to make it look like they are trying to help you while denying you the meds that work the best for you.
Well thanks for the nice words everyone...In my eyes I'm clean, but to them mj is still a drug, even though I have tried to explain to her that it is the one thing that I can count on to truely take away any craveings...also helps me relax from wakeing up in the middle of the night from a crazy dream. If they had it their way they would have me take another pill, or 4. To them a drug is a drug is a drug. But they sure don't have a problem as long as I'm takeing the drugs they want me to. I seriousely have 14 different pills that they want me to take...from seroquil, to trazadone...I take 2 of the mess, and smoke some herb...screw em...I guess it's allright if the drug comes in pill form.

Mr. Greengenes...I wish they would see it that way! I don't know if it's because they are a federal agency that they won't even hear of mj haveing any medicinal properties...but they will not admit it has any use. To them it's no different than me stuffing a needle in my arm...CRAP! I live in a MMJ state, but trying to get s referal is like trying to catch a fish on an empty hook. The laws are too new, and the docs all fear loosing their golf carts.

Again ya'll thanks for the nice words...we'll get through it..we always do (by we I'm speaking of myself and the voices in my
Good luck LF, I hope you don't get stuck in the " system", they make it difficult to jump through thier " hoops". I t sure is nice that the government knows what is " good " for us.:hairpull:

If cannabis helps you stay away from the "Bad Stuff", there is absolutely no reason you should not be allowed access to it - or which ever drug asists you in ignoring your craving for what could be, a fatal habit.

I use Marijuana for a variety of reasons, as I'm sure many of you do. Who knows what drugs I'd be on with-out it. I wish you the best of luck - I'm sure you will be all set.
Wow LF - sorry. Please let us know what comes of this. But while we wait.....
might as well:48:
PS: Ever thought about moving? Follow the law that will help you. This is no longer one big country.... 50 little countries when it comes to marijuana. Maybe a Fed program isn't what's best for you.
That sounds really unfair, even over here were it is completly illegal to have any cannabis at all on you i was still allowed to carry some with a letter from court. My Dr had got a written letter from a judge to state that i was allowed to carry at least to calm me down on me if i ever got any cravings for anything else.

It seems that there is still alot of eye opening to do when it comes to cannabis. yeh it can be really fun but it can also be very usefull for alot of other things.

Best of luck to you LF
I think Greengenes had a good point with the Marinol option. It is FDA approved and might provide you some options should you get popped with another test. Getting a script for it might be tough in your area, but might be easier than a card for cannabis. I don't know, maybe...
Good luck either way LF :bong1:
LF I have a friend who was in a motorcycle accident and they took his leg. He has been on opiates for 3 years now. His addiction is pretty bad. He has been able to quit completely by smoking. Its been 3 months now. Good luck.
Umbra ...thats great news! I know others, personal friends, that have quit all opiates also with the aid of mj. I just wish the big wigs would see it that way. They look at it substituting a drug for a drug. Well maybe that may be the case somewhat, but what is the harm? I have worked on myself very hard in the past dew yrs. I'm dealing with my other problems (emotional/mental) not ignoring them...mj truely helps. I know other veterans that use it to calm themselves also...with great success.

OHC! I have thought about moving, lol, every time I hear one of the cali growers talk about going to the clone I'm afraid if CA passes their full legalization for everyone, it will become like a modern day gold rush. They will have to put up fences to keep the rest of the country patrol all the way around their state, instead of just the south. Seriousely though my kid has 1 1/2 yr's of HS left, and then I may take off, depending on what she thinks about it. I have some personal issues with myself and being an addict for much of my daughters life, and now that I'm clean, and have a relationship with her again I don't want to bail on her. Bu she will soon be doing her own thing, and I may just do mine...thats the good thing about my trade, I can find work just about anywhere if I look.

Again thanks for the nice words folks!
Oh LF, what a huge drag this is. You say you live in a medical state? I do and thought it would be really hard to get and it wasn't. Have you really checked into it? It is so stupid that they prescribed all that stuff when this is so much more benign.
Good luck. I hope there is some help for you somewhere. Keep on.
:holysheep: I just had a thought LF. I don't know how we could get all the vets that depend on MJ to protest at there local VA, but god think of the impact that would have.:hubba: :hubba: Hundreds? Thousands? and then there are our partners.:holysheep: What a picture for the front page.

Just as a side note, California will have a vote to legalize MJ most likely this November, thanks to the head of (Oaksderdam) Not sure how to spell that one, But one BIG THANK YOU for that. At least it is on the table whether it passes or not
Yes that does suck LF and hope all works out okay for you. You deserve only the best for your service to our country, not more trouble and hassle. My thoughts are with you. Let us know how it turns out.
Rosebud, yes I have tried, and spoke with others in my state who have had a hard time getting a refferal. I have been denied twice, and really just nervous to keep trying, I don't know if they keep a list of people who have previous denials. It may have to do with my past/addictions. It took several different rehabs to get myself clean from the hard stuff, and was a long process. I'm not sure but I think that alot of docs are scared here that they will lose thier licensing...and alot of them consider a drug addict a drug addict, and using mj would be just another way for me to get high...I honestly don't know what their thinking is. After 2 denials, I told myself I don't need a rec....I've been an outlaw my whole life...all that the rec. does is make me have to follow their rules, and allow them in my house. The law here is fairly hopefully they work out the bugs soon, if not I will continue on the way I have.

Cowboy...LOL...that would be great! I can't imagine every veteran that smokes...but I bet it's alot. I think everyone in my PTSD group does, with the exception of a couple. Thats just one group, once a month, with 30 in it, in one hospital. I know they have several other groups per month this just happened to be the time frame that worked best for would imagine 10's of thousands vet's burn...maybe more?

Again folks thanks for your kindness.
I would love that picture, 10's of thousands of vets lighting up all at once, love it.

I don't know if this will help, but here are two lists of doc's that will prescribe.



You might find links to doc's in your area.

This Monday 2/1 is a big day for me. First I am going to get my first mmJ card and it is the day my mother past in 1990. I can here her now, what took so long son?

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