switching lights???

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
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i jus started flowerin on dec.1st... and im usin jus cfls.. at the end of this month i should have my HPS setup.. so my question is if i change from cfls to hps in the middle of flowering does that mess anythin up??? and will it still increase my yield and potency???
From the moment that you start running the HPS, your plants will start to change to take advantage of the light. No !! they will not go back into veg since the time cycle is intact, but they will start to heavy up right away.
Just my $0.02

smoke in peace
KingKahuuna :cool:
Changing from cfl to HPS at one month would be good, not detrimental. Watch out for heat and some of the greenery may get "sunburned" if your cfl output is low compared to your new HPS. Keep your light schedule the same.

Potency and harvest amount goes along with increased light lumens, so you are thinking right.
i did on my first grow about 3 weeks in ,,,got a little tip burn ,,,but they soaked up the lumens like pros :48:
Your plants will love the hps. Just stay on the 12/12 and keep the same on/off times to limit stress and watch them grow
yo man..your fan leaves will turn to be thicken....spike and make you say "OOOHHHHH" and get in your nerve system go crazy... that will happen if you switch to HPS... bet you cant wait to get up with that..

I have tried grow with cfls.. I only get few grams out of mothers and cloned it..
it came out okay.. its like droppy grow... they are best to stick wit sun or HPS lgihts.. I have see few good success with flours. and cfls only.. and takes lot of them instead just one or two of HPS

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