Yo SoyChemist,
I think you might want to study that a tad more, the part about the liver.
I suffer from Hep C, I take a chemical Pacemaker, and I am an insulin dependant diabetic, so you can understand why I really do my homework as far as what I inhale or eat, or even drink.
If you smoke a hoober, and the weed is High in it's THC count then within seconds it's coarsing it's way throughout your body. Not all the blood coming from the heart goes straight through the liver. The organ responsible for the filtering the THC out of your body is the Kidneys. THC also is what we call fat soluble, as it readily goes straight for fat cells and can be held there for as much as three months and longer.
In my case my liver is plagued with a great deal of scar tissue, and the restriction of the blood flow is referred to as portal tention. This really means that on the heart side of the liver the blood pressure starts to get high enough to cause a meriod of problems, but a great deal of blood also routes around the liver and bingo you just bypassed it.
If it was the liver doing the destroying or the filtering it's conceivable that
even some low THC swag would knock me on my butt, Ahhhhh were that the case,LOL
Anyways check out some picks of the human circlatory system, I think you would enjoy that.
smoke in peace