The Female Growers Group

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HI Ladies and guys?
Thank you for the welcome.
I am in spider mite hell.::eek: Not really, I was just so depressed when I saw them again this grow. I grew in the winter so they wouldn't be a problem.:confused: .oh well, I read this site and one other for three hours yesterday, went and bought some mite predators and cleaned out the bathtub they live in and have a better outlook today. So thanks for all your help even if you didn't know you were giving it to me.;)
My babies clones were planted on Christmas day, merry Christmas to me. They are beautiful and doing well till the dreaded mite.
I am glad I can be a part of your group.
Thank you again,
I bought 1000 Triple Threat spider mite predators. There are " a unique mix of three species of spider mite predators, Pp, Nc. & MI." I have no idea if they will work or not. Most people say they don't. I also got some nematodes for the soil as I had a soil mix that had gnats in it. I didn't know for sure what kind to gnats but I didn't like them being in there.
I will keep you posted,(pun intended)
I love your name gone 2 pot. I guess we all have officially gone to pot. Nice to meet you.:)
I've never used the predators but from what I have read, they work well if introduced to the grow before a problem arises, but once your grow has already been compromised they do little to help...but like I said this is only from reading...not first hand knowledge. Good Luck
venting bout men here now....

What the heck is wrong with man? Is there something bout sleep that can put them/him in a bad mood? There is NO peace at this ranch today. IF I could I would use every swear word in my vocabulary. FREAKIN SEEDS.....who the heck wanted seeds to start with? NOT ME...I been happy happy with my clones.............................FREAKIN MAN MAN MAN, Word man is a swear word today.

I like spider mites more than I like my husband today! If I was gonna make excuses for my temper, I would say it is cabin fever......It has only been five days with no sun now. I wont make excuses for ANY man I am gonna call Man a Man.

Any other females here finding MAN a swear word today?
I hope you have no first hand knowledge because you haven't had spider mites.
The predators are the tiniest things you ever didn't see.
I need to find a more body compromising way to look at the mites with out hurting myself. I know we aren't supposed to take leaves off, but that is really the only way I can see them. The clear balls that I see I suppose are eggs. They are hard to find.
Here's hoping they work. :)
TC BUD, I laugh because I feel your pain.
If you like spider mites better then the m-n you better get outa there before you find a predator for him. OH, maybe that is you.:) Go ahead, do what ever you need to do for yourself except hurt the guy, unless you think you can really get away with it.;)
Good luck, Breathe DEEP, with fire.
No man swear words here today. Mine is pretty mellow. But it does sound like time for a nice walk in the pines for you. Always cures me. Just wait until he retires... Hee Hee.
Nice to meet you too Rosebud. I think your gnats are fungus gnats. Some of the preditors will eat them too, but it will be bad news if you have the gnats because you have fungus. Was it old soil? Thanks for the :) about my name.
TCB, spill... What happened...?
I had fungus gnats also, in my neely sprouted pots still under a lid. Too moist, let them dry out some and as soon as the sun hit them the gnats disappeared, thankfully, the little buggers were driving me to distraction flitting around my plants and face.
Good luck to you.
TCB, spill... What happened...?

HE said he wanted to grow from seed next season. So, I spent yesterday diligently looking for seeds, and finding lots of info (big thanks to those who posted in my seed thread yesterday). He wants to NOT buy from a seed bank in the Europe area. So, he is convinced there must be a seed sompany in the US...I try to splain that US and SEED companies do not go hand in hand. He says lets buy from despensary....okay we did last year (happy and not happy with results there).....but dang, I dont want Joe Smoes basement grown seeds.....I want to pay for seeds from a reputable seed company.....the tempers fly. Now he is washing hands of SEEDS/GROWING/anything to do with MJ cept consuming. Talk bout cutting nose off to spite face. It was HIM that wanted seeds to start with, it was HIM that wanted FEM seeds (I like mystry in life),, I am back to growing clones...unless we can buy some seeds at a REPUTABLE US seed company....LOL on that. I personally love the clones we get from the clone guy..only down side is size. I can only smoke so much.... So cept for the size issue, I like the clones fine. I am thinking of only growing the Northern Lights next year....clone guys northern lights was/is the bomb! I got a better than a pound off of four small plants.

Colorado... he retires every fall just to return to work bout the time I want to kill him. Walk in woods..maybe a drive in new He says Lets go down to Harborside tomorrow to buy seeds.....if they have them. Okay, lets dedicate an entire summer to someones blow by seeds. NOT gonna happen. But drive sounds good, I can practice the "not talking to you now" for five hours. LOL. And I could check out Harborside....I love going to despensarys.

Nuff venting...
Nats will lesson if you start watering from the bottom of container instead of top of soil. Let the top couple inches dry out for awhile.

Hang fly catcher too. One of those strip things, catches adults so less egg making.

Hope that helps.
Ohhhhhh... Sounds like a contest to me. He grows his seed choice and you grow yours! It will feel so good to smile and know he's waiting for you to say "told ya". Then he'll brag about how smart you are to his friends. Men really are easy. Kiss and make up, then order the seeds you want.
Just my opinion
He cant grow, or even smoke most of the year due to work.

We had a contest tho, not last year but the year before. His plants were bigger than mine, but then, it was me that tended them. His plants were bigger, but, he liked the smoke from my GDP better than "his" plants. His plants went out in March! Mine went out in May, his musta had more time to get root systems going, and he did baby them covering them every night, but, they woulda froze if he hadnt. One of His plants won bpom Dec photo tho.
No contests for me. I grow the best smoke here, he grows the biggest. That is the consession, the mid ground. IT is the Quality of smoke to me, not the size of the plant. Well, maybe a little bit the size.

I just called Harborside.... I say, (after identifing myself) can you tell me if you have seeds? I live 250 miles away, and want to know before I drive down. She says she cant tell me on the phone, but when I get there, they will take care of me....I say....If I come down, I will get what I need? she says yes. This is gonna be fun.
Oh, Jeez, TC! What a day you're wonder you weren't up for chatting.<G>

I hope you can get those seeds you're hoping to find at the dispensary. And that the snows hold off enough for you to get through the pass.

My last Frosting has a couple of seeds. Not many, but they are there. I spent an hour picking through it looking for a tiny nanner, but no luck. I'm not real confident about having seen everything, so I'm thinking this one will go outside with the others slated to turn into tincture.

Does anyone know if tincture will be worth making if the trichs are not at least cloudy? Trichs on the 3 Frostings are probably about 1/3 cloudy. Rest are still clear.

How do you all cope with RAIN???? We have had rain for a week. NO one knows how to drive in it, and my powerchair wheels are dragging in tons of mud. Add to that 5 dogs with muddy paws, and one sick houseguest and put a couple hermies into the mix and I'm not the happiest camper today.

I'd love to dump on my husband but I can't find a dadburned thing to complain about today. He's been beyond wonderful. That makes up for the times I think I want to kill him in his sleep. <G>

Of course, I"m just kidding, but really, what's with some men and their inability to hit the toilet when taking a leak? I think mens faucets need to have a regulator on them like my garden hose sprayer. I can dial up a cone, a shower, a fan and a jet. If I could design a man properly, I'd give his faucet a JET only, no shower. I'm so sick of wiping the floor, the cabinets, the side of the bathtub, the magazine rack....

Men, what the heck is wrong with SITTING DOWN if you can't spritz into the darned toilet???

Okay, that's my rant for the day!
tcbud said:
HE said he wanted to grow from seed next season. So, I spent yesterday diligently looking for seeds, and finding lots of info (big thanks to those who posted in my seed thread yesterday). He wants to NOT buy from a seed bank in the Europe area. So, he is convinced there must be a seed sompany in the US...I try to splain that US and SEED companies do not go hand in hand. He says lets buy from despensary....okay we did last year (happy and not happy with results there).....but dang, I dont want Joe Smoes basement grown seeds.....I want to pay for seeds from a reputable seed company.....the tempers fly. Now he is washing hands of SEEDS/GROWING/anything to do with MJ cept consuming. Talk bout cutting nose off to spite face. It was HIM that wanted seeds to start with, it was HIM that wanted FEM seeds (I like mystry in life),, I am back to growing clones...unless we can buy some seeds at a REPUTABLE US seed company....LOL on that. I personally love the clones we get from the clone guy..only down side is size. I can only smoke so much.... So cept for the size issue, I like the clones fine. I am thinking of only growing the Northern Lights next year....clone guys northern lights was/is the bomb! I got a better than a pound off of four small plants.

Colorado... he retires every fall just to return to work bout the time I want to kill him. Walk in woods..maybe a drive in new He says Lets go down to Harborside tomorrow to buy seeds.....if they have them. Okay, lets dedicate an entire summer to someones blow by seeds. NOT gonna happen. But drive sounds good, I can practice the "not talking to you now" for five hours. LOL. And I could check out Harborside....I love going to despensarys.

Nuff venting...

I would just order the seeds I want...course I am stubborn..what about a canadian seed place? does it have to be american or just not europeon? do you do most of the growing work? if so..tell him whose in charge..I have to remind my hubby when he second guesses me..I also remind him to trust in gets nervous tho.. Man isnt a bad word today but the night is young lol...
TC...I hope it is safe to say'm a man.. Would he be allright with ordering canadian seeds??? If so you may want to check out the Hemp Depot ( put 3 w's in front of that) They have a nice selection. If he is determined to have seeds produced in the US, TGA (Subcool) is from the states and his seeds are carried at the hemp depot. I would stay away from his Jacks Cleaner 2 though, as he has openly admitted to them turning herm. But he does have some nice clone only strains that he has put into seed form through doing hybrid breedings. There are several other good breeders selling through the depot. I have done business with them several times, and always recieved my beans in a quick fasion. Not as fast as Attitude I guess because you have to send an international postal money order, and can't use credit cards, so it takes a bit longer with the 2 way mail. I usually recieve my seeds within 2 weeks of sending out my M.O. though if I use the rush mail. It may be worth checking out just to keep the

Yes...I tend to get crabby when I've had not enough/too much sleep. Being laid off does not help things. I hope you figure out how to get along...I'm sure you will if you've been married to him for any length of time. Good Luck to you.

Okay I'm out of here you may commence
Legalize, don't say the word "HERMIE" in my presence---wash your mouth out with soap!!! ROFL......

TC, Take 2Dogs advice: just order the seeds you want from wherever you want. You earned them! Of course, your hubby may start peeing all over the bathroom to spite you....<G>
Of course, I"m just kidding, but really, what's with some men and their inability to hit the toilet when taking a leak? I think mens faucets need to have a regulator on them like my garden hose sprayer. I can dial up a cone, a shower, a fan and a jet. If I could design a man properly, I'd give his faucet a JET only, no shower. I'm so sick of wiping the floor, the cabinets, the side of the bathtub, the magazine rack....

Men, what the heck is wrong with SITTING DOWN if you can't spritz into the darned toilet???

toilet for #2 I just piss off the porch. I dont have to worry what I hit or have to clean anything:aok:

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