The Female Growers Group

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Agree with the above, shape of leaf will indicate if it has more Sativa or Indica, but not set in granite. I am growing some trainwreck right now (slim long leaf, can be seen in my journal, goldilocks grow), vastly different leaf shape from the indica dom Pot of gold, much wider leaf.
Colorado Lady said:
Hello Painterdude
My husband and I quit smoking after 50 years. He smoked 2 packs a day, me 1. Have quit before using all above mentioned helpers, but this time was the charm. We used "Chantix". New med out that blocks your nicotine receptors in the brain, so if you smoke you seem to get nothing from it. It also takes away the horrible craving. Like if someone asks you when you quit and you say "17 days, 9 minutes and 13 seconds" With Chantix it's not so hard and you're not thinking of a smoke every flippin second. Ask your doctor, might work for you.
Very best of luck to you

HELLO COLORADO LADY......I truely love the fact that sooooooo many of you are offering help......about CHANTIX.....I already HAD a prescription for the drug, but got the gitters when I read about the suicidal thoughts of some of the patients that were using the medication...I believe they call it adverse reactions.....anyways, had another close friend tell me not to smoke and use the patch at the same time.....heart attacks....sooooooo, I sh@$ canned the patches and will now try CHANTIX and see what happens.....

Am having all kinds of problems quitting and would rather contemplate suicide than smoke any more ciggs......but this suicide crap sounds pretty far out and I think I can handle it without any problems.....smoke a dubbie and relax sounds like a good plan to me......

Colorado, thanks for helping out.....painterdude
Hey! I just adore the ladies on this site. Other sites I’ve perused (This is the only one I’ve signed for) don’t seem to have a lot of women members. Shame that. You’re all so damn knowledgeable.
Please can you let a boy join? ‘Cause the fellers on here are sooooooooooo boring. (Please don't tell them I said that) ;)
Thanks so much everyone, for your helpful input! I finally started a grow journal.

Last night I let 100 ladybugs loose on my plants after finding an aphid that slipped by my watch. It's starting to get hot here, and next week temps should be up in the 90's.

Thanks to the joys of PVC pipe, I have constructed a shade tent for the plants, and will keep them out in direct sun in morning, then when temps get over 75F, will put them under shade tent with pots covered in layers of newspaper, and newspaper to shade the soil of each plant. Boy, the games we have to play here in the hot hot hot hot Mojave Desert!

Im not a girl but i really like girls :) , can i join pretty pleas??
For an indoor grow room (soil) without a water drainage area, what do growers use to catch the water run off?
i only have a small cupboard so i use plates under the pots :D
but anything that will hold the water will do tray ,,,pan,,,bowl ,,,:peace:

nice sun shade you made btw :48:
Brouli said:
Im not a girl but i really like girls :) , can i join pretty pleas??
‘Ear! Bog off Brouli :hitchair: I was here first. If anyone should be invited, IT’S ME!!!
Well, Helloooooooooooo again ladies :cool: :guitar: :heart: :giggle:
Ummm, I dunno, say, "Vae, puto deus fio...," meaning, "I am becoming God." Sounds dangerous to me. But just so I'll know, it's Godlike to understand when we write stuff like, "One of my plants is PMS-ing, has bloated stems..." and you won't be throwing out big male "BooYah's!"??? And when we say, "I accidentally gave my plant a Brazilian," you won't go, "Huh?" In other words, you can talk our language, right? <G>
mojavemama said:
Ummm, I dunno, say, "Vae, puto deus fio...," meaning, "I am becoming God." Sounds dangerous to me.<G>
. Vespasian was a commoner and soldier first and foremost.
The term "Vae puto deus fio" was said to be his sense of humour still showing on his deathbed.
Oh dear, I think I'm becoming a god. Referring to the habit the Romans had of deifying their emperors after death. (But I bet you knew that, 'cause you girls are brilliant :giggle: :eek: )
Sorry, thought I'd clear up the handle and sig, as a few people had asked.
PS. The ladies still rule on here! :D (Shhhhhhhhh).
Vespasian said:
‘Ear! Bog off Brouli :hitchair: I was here first. If anyone should be invited, IT’S ME!!!
Well, Helloooooooooooo again ladies :cool: :guitar: :heart: :giggle:

sorry 4u2sm0ke ;) and painterdude was here first :giggle:
UKgirl420 said:
sorry 4u2sm0ke ;) and painterdude was here first :giggle:
....I even remember the day.....November 22nd, 2008.....tcbud wrote to me and said that she had discovered that I was SOMEHOW a member of THE FEMALE GROWERS GROUP.....and wanted to know how I felt about it.....well I was honored to become the first male member and am slowly getting to know them and hopefully earning their trust and friendship....they have become extremely helpful allies in my quest to grow lots of female plants.....SO THANKS TO EVERYONE....LOVE YOU ALL....THE PAINTERDUDE....

.....don't really have an opinion about the guys joining, perhaps you could have a contest or something.....and I hope the best guy wins....:woohoo::smoke1::beatnik::peace::ciao:
Vespasian, Brouli, and 4u (who has been invited to join already),
All of you are invited to join the Female Grower's Group. No pushing and shoving, please go to Group Memberships and apply. I will be checking back to see if any of you "Man" up and actually do. All commer's are welcome, be they male or female.

As for the Rest of Us,
So nice to see you all are doing fine. Great going on the shade Mojave, I am lucky in the late part of the day trees shade my girls a bit....or will when they are out this summer, am sure I dont get near the temps you do.
Painterdude, How is that quiting smoking going? Hope you are kicking the hell out of it.

Me, for my lil grow, I am being confused as heck about this. I have a hermi Super Male, not just a run of the mill out the door male. Wanted to make some seeds, and he turned she. (this will not happen to males joining the Female Growers's Group, or it has not yet anyway)

Anyone up for a contest or poll or some fun type thread? I think the guys have gotten used to our presence now. Ideas can be sent to me in a PM if you like, or brought up here.
:ciao: Ladies :heart: I love that I dont need to be a member to enjoy the company..Like the other fella said...the men here are so boring..:rofl:

You Ladies Rock:lama:
hi everybody.......hope you all are having some nice weather

......we lost electricity yesterday for about three hours due to 60 mph winds and horizontal in the process of re-roofing some of the house's six smaller roofs.....and we got some water running down two walls...oopsie

.......tcbud.....the smoking thing is getting harder and harder, seems like it's getting worse, very psychotic about things lately, some road rage and a verbal fight with a Nurse Ratchet who works for my new VA doctor......she wouldn't let me see him but eventually I got an appointment.....and a prescription for Nicotine Gum, which has yet to arrive in the mail......maybe that will get the job done

...........haven't germed anything yet as the weather is still very crappy and cold and wet and windy and unpredictable......:heart:....painterdude
i know maybe my puppy will help me get approved her name is Reefa :)

7. Please post all of your pictures on this site. Linking to other sites has inherent risks involved that should be kept to a minimum if at all possible. We have both a Gallery and the ability to post as many as 3 pictures with each post you make. Please post your pictures here, instead of linking to them. Also we discovered that quite a number pictures hosted on other sites gets deleted after some time making the threads worthless on our forums.
Hi All! I've been on vacation for a week, and left my precious girls at home with hubby, who managed to drown most of them. Details on my grow journal. I wanted to scream and cry, but I bit my tongue and just thanked my hubby for getting up at 4 am every morning to tend to the plants.

Anyway, after the flood, I culled half of the plants that were the most damaged by sitting in swampy water for 7 days, and I trimmed the rotted roots, repotted in dry organic soil in 3 gallon pots lined with newspaper, and let them sit under fluoros for 3 days. Then I took the culled plants outside and decided to just let nature do its thing. At midnight, I gave them a foliar feed.

I let all the plants (the 11 good ones left and the culled 10) stay outside in the morning sun, then put the culled ones under the shade tent for the afternoon hours. Still, the temps are about 100% outside now, so I'm not really expecting any of the culled plants to live much longer, but who knows? One is a Sativa, and it looks pretty good.

Have any of you galz ever done any forced flowering outdoors?

I still have such a gut horrible feeling about intentionally killing 11 female plants. What absolutely rotten luck that every one of the 21 plants ended up being females. Figured if there was a way to force flower the culled plants that are now living outside full-time, before they get any bigger in veg state, I might be able to salvage a bit of them.

I know some people have forced flowering outdoors by putting black thick garbage bags over the plants for 12 hours each night, or by painting a large paper bag for light opaqueness, but not sure it will work here in this heat.
Still, they are the rejects, so what can it hurt to experiment?

Meanwhile, the 11 healthiest girls will be kept in veg state a few more weeks until they are fleshed out again. I will keep taking them out in the morning sun though, as long as I can keep the roots cool and use the shade cloth generously.

What a frustration! My girls were all so healthy and bushy, not at all leggy, and to come home to find them smelling like a sewer, dropping leaves all over the place--was a heartbreaker, for sure.

Trip was also a bust--planned to attend the Million Marijuana March in San Francisco, but it rained nonstop.

This experimental indoor-outdoor desert grow has been a real learning experience for me--perhaps the best thing that could happen for my first grow. I made most every mistake possible, yet still, those girls thrive. Even the worst of the drowned plants are now perking up outside.

I figure if I can make it through this grow, I'll be MUCH better prepared next grow, and will do it much better. Even if I get no harvest this time, I'll have invested a lot of time in learning, and that's always a worthwhile thing, right?

Happy Mothers Day to all the moms here in the female growers forum! And a very special Mothers day greeting to all the mother plants, too!
The biggest arguement around my house is about watering.....So So sorry to hear that the plants were watered like that, my husband beleives in more is better when it comes to watering. I try to intervene as much as I can and take care of all watering when they are in the house.
Painting your containers white will help on keeping the roots cooler. I just posted some pics of my garden, I have about half my containers white, they will be used for the clones ( the plants I took outside today will be in black pots, that are larger than the white ones and black will help keep the girls warmer during cooler spring evenings).

NO on the plastic over your plants, they will rot from the damp.
Try taking them inside for the 12 hour dark period, in a lightless room will work
I put out plants last year that had been under 18 hours light, they imediately went to flower, one I let finish flowering, the others I pinched the flowers off and let them revedge. I imagine you can do something like that next year, I have heard it done before, getting three harvests outdoor that way. Spring, Summer and Late Fall harvests. Stagger your plantings.

Happy Mothers Day to All of You!

We are all rooting for you Painterdude....Hope smokin some reefer helps. Nurse Ratchet must be a hundred years old now....:eek:

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