The Original Old Farts Club

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Guys n' Gals, I found out from a couple of choclit brownies I wuz gifted by Subbie that they make it so I can sleep past 2AM. YAY.

But -- I dunno how to tell sativa from nabisco (or whatever the other kind is) and I dunno which kind you are susposed to use to make sleepy brownies.

AHA. Indica. <-- that's the other kind. Just now thought of it. Awright, got that straight. Now... how do I know what's what, and do I even have any 'what'...

And a recipe if I did have the right stuff. And would it be un-good to make brownies if whatever I have is the wrong stuff?

I really need the sleep.
Good morning Walt. If you want to make brownies you gotta start with product. if you have the bottle of sweet tincture I gave you, you could just dump it into a batch of brownies from the store like the boxed Duncan Hines kind. Not sure how strong they would be using that bottle if it’s still near full but you could just try small pieces at a time till you get what you need and store them in the freezer till you use them.

edit: the tincture was made with GDP flower so it’s pretty strong.
Good morning

Good morning Walt. If you want to make brownies you gotta start with product. if you have the bottle of sweet tincture I gave you, you could just dump it into a batch of brownies from the store like the boxed Duncan Hines kind. Not sure how strong they would be using that bottle if it’s still near full but you could just try small pieces at a time till you get what you need and store them in the freezer till you use them.

edit: the tincture was made with GDP flower so it’s pretty strong.
Gawd luv yer bones... but that tincture is used every single night. It helps immensely. With it, I can sleep three to four hours. With it and a half-inch of brownie I can sometimes make it to eight hours.
Gawd luv yer bones... but that tincture is used every single night. It helps immensely. With it, I can sleep three to four hours. With it and a half-inch of brownie I can sometimes make it to eight hours.
Probably the tincture working for you more than the brownies. I find it helps me when I have a lot on my mind before going to sleep. I don’t use it every night but now and then I do break it out I’m glad it’s working for you
Just a side note
Be careful on your tincture usage , it will build your tolerance levels faster than the bullet train.
When I was using it every night I became dependent on it to sleep.
Also you will find you need more amounts of flower to get as high as the small amounts once did.
Yep. It's like ppl who dab a lot. They build up their tolerance and it's hard to get high with just flowers.
I dab, but not regularly. I will either start with a hit, or end the night with one. That way it doesn't affect tolerance. Some concentrates are 80-90%! Ending night not always the best....the rush is a little stimulating at first. Turn on tv, set a sleep timer, wake up in morning.

My best sleeper is pure Indica landrace stuff, or OG Kush. The hash I make is a great sleep aid as well.

Dabbing, tincture is all new in my neck of the woods. My first exploring is going to be dabbing. I have a hair straighter which I plan on trying to make a dab. I seen it used on the net thought I give it a try. I just need the parchment paper. I haven't read up on tincture yet.
Dabbing, tincture is all new in my neck of the woods. My first exploring is going to be dabbing. I have a hair straighter which I plan on trying to make a dab. I seen it used on the net thought I give it a try. I just need the parchment paper. I haven't read up on tincture yet.
The hair straightener technique is for Rosin, which you can dab and is reasonably potent and has a good flavor.

You can then extract the rest of the concentrate from the hot-pressed material using ethanol, which you can then evaporate away for a dabable concentrate.
Dabbing, tincture is all new in my neck of the woods. My first exploring is going to be dabbing. I have a hair straighter which I plan on trying to make a dab. I seen it used on the net thought I give it a try. I just need the parchment paper. I haven't read up on tincture yet.
Look at graywolfs qwet recipe. Dynamite!
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