to hot??? need help!

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2007
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so i started off with about 20 seeds of white widow, all female. all started outside for about a week and a half cause i didnt have my growroom set up yet. they all sprouted.

moved them in to my grow room(closet) with 2 400hps lamps. today i have 9 plants left :(.

1 is big and strong, 6 are about 4 inches tall but the leaves are very light green from overwatering but they are starting to come back(Thank god)!

and then i have 2 the sprouted a few days ago but are healthy so far.

I am having temperature problems though! i have to fans in the closet blowing but it is still 93 degrees. my therm censor is on the floor of the closet inbetween the plants under the lights.

The lights are are 14 inches above the plants. should i move them higher up to lower the temp? i dont want to have stretching though.

Any help with lowering the temp would be great! i believe this is one of the reasons some of the plants didnt make it or sprout.

with 2@400watts you wil need in-line fans. I found reasonable 4 and 6 in fans at Hook them up to the flange on your light hood if yourr hood is air cooled. If not you will need major fans blowing out the hot air. What size is your room?good luck
i use CFL's but i think HPS lights should be around 18-20 inch from tops. Your really gonna want someone elses opinion (HPS growers help me out here). Can you add more fans? Leave your closet door part way open?
You need to get the hot air out of your closet, the fans you have blowing are just moving the air aroun inside, and not getting it out of your closet.
ok! i will order the new reflectors and inline fans this weekend.

If any hps growers can tell me how high to put the lights for now that would be great

Just a couple of suggestions since Im also growing in a closet and Ive had heat issues...

Start with flouros if you want to grow indoor. It will buy you some time to deal with your heat, while at the same time giving your seedlings adequate lighting. You should hold off on that hps until flowering anyway since it is higher in orange/red spectrum. And mh and flouros have more blue, which will give you better veg growth. By adding that glass and an ac unit with 2 fans, you shouldnt have any problems with heat. Good luck man

First, closets are not built for cultivation. They are terrible at ventilation and hold in alot of heat. Are your hoods air cooled with a built in port with tempered glass? If not, I highly suggest buying some tempered glass. Just hang it from your lamp as close as possible. Then, you need some cool air intake. I had to buy a 500bcu air condition. It was only a hundred bucks at Home Depot
Like Hick said, you need to start exhausting that hot air immediately and bring in a source of fresh air...
your going to at least need an inline fan to suck enough air out of your closet through some ducting preferably located around the area below your light(make sure you do a couple of 90 degree turns with the ducting to prevent light from escaping through it). Try a vortex fan.
93 degrees is going to put a lot of stress on your plants, especially if your not supplementing co2(not a must, however this allows you to keep your plants at temps between 80-90, rather than 70-80) still the lower the better...I've had a bad experience with high temps, it definitely hinders the performance of your plants a lot.
since you lost more than half of your plants, you may also want to consider taking out one of your 400 watt lights, depending on the square footage of your room. If you have a wide mirror sliding closet, I'm just guessing since you said you had plans for 20 plants, you could go to an office supply store and get some high quality display boards to construct a divider for your closet, i suggest using gorilla tape to secure it, and just use half of your space instead.
Depending on available funds, you may want to get a co2 burner and put it in your closet... you'd have to forget about having an exhaust fan(would suck the co2 right out) but getting a good source of co2 and taking out one of your 400 watt lights would probably solve the problem... just try to make your room as sealed as you can if you were to do this to avoid wasting the gas. Some sort of air cleaner inside the room may also be necessary to make up for the lack of fresh air(i use a carbon filter for my enclosed space).
Since you are still early in the veg cycle then you could(once you solve the heat problem) put the lights on for 24 hours then adjust so that they are on from 6pm to 12 noon(18 hours) mostly during the night... I dont know if this would decrease your temps a lot but having the light on at night helps control heat where I live.
There really are MANY variables here. If you could give us the dimensions of your closet, the pot size you intend on using, whether or not you can spend very much money... the presence of an air conditioner outside of your closet...

Hope i helped and good luck man... if anything go buy some flourescents to keep your plants under the right light cycle until you can solve your heat problem.

BTW, the air cooled reflector would help a lot, but it requires that you bring in a source of COLD air through the light, and exhaust it out of the grow space away from wherever your cold air is coming from.... using an air cooled reflector can be great but you have to do it right to reap the benefits.

yeah i do have the 2 glass sliding doors and was going to divide it completely and shut the one side off. I am going to order the fans that you can put in the reflectors tomorow and have them overnighted so they get here by mon or tuesday.

And i have them under MH right now, that was my mistake.

the closet is 3 feet 8 inches long on the side i have the plants in, and then the other side is empty but they are connected. and is a 1 foot and 9 inches wide.

i have plenty of funds so what i am actually thinking about doing in the next week or so, since my closet is pretty tall, id say about 5 feet. splitting that up into 2 levels, having the top level veg under florecent and then bottom level flowering.

unfortunately my air conditioner is on the complete other side of the room.

im going to move my lamps up a little to help with the heat until i get the new stuff early next week.
Alright make sure you bring in the air for your lights from outside the closet through ducting, and exhaust it to an outside area(attic entrance at top of closet?)
you may even want to send the intake ducting across the room next to your a/c, if you can keep it private enough and if its not too far for the fans to pull air through, in order to get cold air to the bulb(s). the alternative is to get black curtains, keep your doors closed,flip on the a/c and turn your room into an icebox hahaha...

be careful with overcrowding your growspace, I would play it safe and forget about the 2 separate levels... just get through this grow, improve your growspace, and worry about getting a 2 room cycle started later.

I gotta get to class, good luck man!
thanks kushmaster! good idea on focusing on this first grow.
well to me 5 foot ceiling height is not going to get figure your pots,reflector space and you have less.unless you are going to do some lstng and everything else you will run out of also need a constant supply of cool air and exchange is going to be cooler weather soonn,bu in the mean time you need ac cooled air.thats why i have a portable ac unit,dedicated to nothing but my 2 tents.i have central ac for the house,but its not constant enough to run hid's. i had rather sweat my --- off than my plants go buck upand buy you some high cfm blowers and get the air to moving in there.seems like everybody does the same thing i did,start before they are ready to grow.the only ones that suffer are the beautiful plants.not dogging,just realising what i did also
i didnt read everyone elses opinion so i dont really know if im too late, but i did see that hick wrote about the inline fans and i agree 100%!!!! also with a 400 watt you can get your plants as close as 8 inches i believe? heres a chart! check it out and get on the fan if you can!!!! you dont need flouros! i caught that too!

They are a GREAT idea, i have some of them too, but i start a lot of my plants straight under the HPS. they turn out better for me? maybe because the transition can cause stress? maybe not?

heres the chart!

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