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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2007
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what vaporizers do you guys recommend....i wanna get 1 but not sure which kind i like the volcano of course but thats a lil 2 pricy
if your cheep use your lighter.....hold flame away from bud and start ripping. take a couple tokes making sure flame doesnt touch the green...the first might not be much but the second will. take slow steady rips, it will start to browing and turn a goldish careful not to heat it up to much so the bud doesnt burn. you might not think yer getting a rip but if its turning gold you are! try it and see if you dont like it.

you know its about beat when it taste like popcorn and then gets nasty after that.

i got a heat gun type and got a bowl to fit the head, turn it on the low setting and it works great....i really dont use it much tho. i use my lighter instead when im in the mood for a great green rip taste.

get the volcano. no joke. digital one tho... analog one gets quite difficult to use like 4 bags in....
well my best friend has the Silver serfer vaporizer, and it is really sweet ive never been as messed up in such a short period of time, but its like 300 usd. I have the Lifestyle digital vaporizer and its pretty nice but not as nice as the SSV (silver serfer vaporizer) however its only about 150 usd. of course the nicer ones are more expencive being the Volcano which is curently out of production so if you are gonna get one you need to do it asap. but basicaly what buying vaporizer comes down to is what you like and what you can afford. there are two basic types of vaporizer, whip style or bag style. Whip style requires you to pull the air past the bud so its more like smoking, the bag style blows air past the bud and is a true vaporizer because it heats the air rather then the glass around the bud. in the whip style there are two basic styles hands free (the whip attaches to the heating element) and hands on for lack of a better way to call it (you have to hold the whip up to the heating element every time you want to vape your bud). i myself prefer the silver serfer to the lifestyle however i have use both and like both of them equaly for what they do which of course is get you high.
HVHY said:
well my best friend has the Silver serfer vaporizer, and it is really sweet ive never been as messed up in such a short period of time, but its like 300 usd. I have the Lifestyle digital vaporizer and its pretty nice but not as nice as the SSV (silver serfer vaporizer) however its only about 150 usd. of course the nicer ones are more expencive being the Volcano which is curently out of production so if you are gonna get one you need to do it asap. but basicaly what buying vaporizer comes down to is what you like and what you can afford. there are two basic types of vaporizer, whip style or bag style. Whip style requires you to pull the air past the bud so its more like smoking, the bag style blows air past the bud and is a true vaporizer because it heats the air rather then the glass around the bud. in the whip style there are two basic styles hands free (the whip attaches to the heating element) and hands on for lack of a better way to call it (you have to hold the whip up to the heating element every time you want to vape your bud). i myself prefer the silver serfer to the lifestyle however i have use both and like both of them equaly for what they do which of course is get you high.


Why use a Vaporizer?

Thanks JB:D
Johnny using a vaporizer is just another way to get the precious tetrahydrocanabinols, so in other words you would vaporize for the same reason you would smoke the weed or whatever you happen to be smoking. however, the big difference with vaporizing as opposed to smoking is the fact that you arnt breathing in smoke but rather pure vapor from the plant. the vapor contains more THC (Tetrahydrocanabinol) then the smoke does because burning the weed destroys a good portion of the THC. as where vaporizing does not destroy any of it. Vaporizing can also save you money as the left over bud from vaporization can be smoked as long as you remove it from the bowl when you are done vaporizing it. the reason why you remove the bud from the bowl when your done if you want to smoke it is simple, Condensation builds up in the bowl as you are passing warm air past the bud and drying it out but this condensation does not reabsorb back into the bud because well the bud is kinda dryed out. so the bud is sitting in a moist environment which leads to... mold. this mold is also full of THC because of the liquid is spawned in but it is not good to smoke so i recommend if you want to smoke your vaped bud take it out of the bowl as soon as you are done vaporizing it.
HVHY said:
Johnny using a vaporizer is just another way to get the precious tetrahydrocanabinols, so in other words you would vaporize for the same reason you would smoke the weed or whatever you happen to be smoking. however, the big difference with vaporizing as opposed to smoking is the fact that you arnt breathing in smoke but rather pure vapor from the plant. the vapor contains more THC (Tetrahydrocanabinol) then the smoke does because burning the weed destroys a good portion of the THC. as where vaporizing does not destroy any of it. Vaporizing can also save you money as the left over bud from vaporization can be smoked as long as you remove it from the bowl when you are done vaporizing it. the reason why you remove the bud from the bowl when your done if you want to smoke it is simple, Condensation builds up in the bowl as you are passing warm air past the bud and drying it out but this condensation does not reabsorb back into the bud because well the bud is kinda dryed out. so the bud is sitting in a moist environment which leads to... mold. this mold is also full of THC because of the liquid is spawned in but it is not good to smoke so i recommend if you want to smoke your vaped bud take it out of the bowl as soon as you are done vaporizing it.

Thank you:48: So theres no smoke?
No Johnny no smoke just vapor which supposedly is better for your lungs but we will have to wait another 6mos to a year b4 we know that one and then another 10 years till we know the truth
no smoke, no odors with vaporizers, but they're a pain in the butt to keep reloading, etc. you have to dial in temps and everything, but believe it or not, if you dont know what temp to operate at, you could be wasting your bud! However, I love the bags you can fill with vapor and take them with you wherever you go! and no one would know what's in it!! lol
box style vaporizers are good thats what i have with a digital temp. the silver surfer is the same design as a box vaporizer and is a good product. as apothecary said no smoke no odor its the most stealth you can be when you live in a place that is bad for smoking marijuana. however, its expencive any way you go specialy when a pack of zigzags is 1.99 to 3.99 and a bic is 2.00.
I've been using a Volcano for nearly a year and a half now, it's not the digital, just the old style, but it works just fine...I put a gram to a gram and a half into the chamber and get 4 to 5 bags per load...I take the duff (whats left over after vaporization) and store it, using it later in cooking...

Vaporized meds taste very hashish like, the duff tastes very nutty in cooking.
I am quite happy with the results, thus far, using the Volcano...I use much less weed now than before, and I get a better buzz...

i am an avid user o the volcano. although i use glass quite often as well.

i find that the high off the volcano is great for going out and facing the day- be it work, travel, etc. Its clean and heady.

its also quite versitile as the diff settings allow for mutli use- delicate hash, etc. Also, it comes with a liquid screen- so hash/honey oil can be used with maximum efficiency.

i think the bag part about it is pretty sweet. i take it with on my way to the office , or sometimes if i walk the dogs at night.

and all and all i agree 100% with jb247- i use significantly less bud when vaping.
I very much agree that vaporizers are a total different high. (better IMO)
I bought a analog volcano junior year in highschool.
Bought a SuperVapezilla Senior Year
Bought a Digital Volcano Last year
After 3 years of testing my favorite combo it has got to be Digital Volcano. Despite the taste is not as good as the SVZ (noticeably) its just more practical.
Here's a picture of last year on 4-20. We took a balloon and tied it to the top of the volcano bag out to the great smoke out on Colorado. Pointed Straight in the air. roughly 35 hits
OH and I quite coughing too! (after I got my first volcano)

10 Meters of Heaven.jpg
If you want cheap an easy, try the Ubie. Do a google. It works really well. Takes a bit of practice, but once you figure it out..... hits like a ************! Same sweet taste you get from $$$$$, but for only $. jmo

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