Week 1

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2015
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I grow from seed... say I drop the bean day one, see the neck day 4, eager sprouts by day 6 and then the first real set after the cotyledons maybe the size of half a penny by day by day 10 or 11.
So it's almost two weeks since I dropped the seed, how old are they? ooooor when does week 1 start?
with first veg nutes?
with dropped bean?
at sprout?
Depends on grow style. Chems once the cotyledons starts yellowing. Organics, I start using tees in about 2 months after the 3rd set of leaves.
hydro, rapid rooters in hydroton. I try to compare my seedlings to pictures and mine are pathetic slow growers in comparison. All kinds of lit about 'stages', but no definitive start date. I like the yel visual cue, and I'll use that as beginning week 1 re the nute schedule. Thanks
I call week 1 when the first true leaves begin showing well. Which for vegging plants, figure 6-8 weeks from seeing sprout to sexual maturity. They may be slow getting started due to genetic variation, meaning that plant could be more about growing her roots at the moment, making the upward growth a little slower. Once you see the cotyledons begin to yellow, start feeding at about 1500-250ppm (on the 500 scale)(300ppm on the 700 scale)(0.2 EC). As soon as you see growth get more vigorous, increase the ppm of solution by 50% for the next week. then as you continue to see vigorous growth each week, bump up the solution again. You want a smooth increase over about 3 weeks from the min nutes to full nutes of about 500-700ppm (500 scale or 0.5 EC; about 700-800ppm on the 700 scale). You may have to adjust these numbers to fit your plants' likes.
about the peppers, its all about the oil. get about 5 large peppers and boil them in a pot of water until they are very mushy. Strain them out of the water before it cools then allow to cool and put in sprayer. spray plants then watch for bugs as you may have to adjust the strength of spray with more peppers or by concentrating the solution by evaporating some of the water out of the solution. I would use about 1-2 liters of water to start. :)
I call week 1 when the first true leaves begin showing well. Which for vegging plants, figure 6-8 weeks from seeing sprout to sexual maturity. They may be slow getting started due to genetic variation, meaning that plant could be more about growing her roots at the moment, making the upward growth a little slower. Once you see the cotyledons begin to yellow, start feeding at about 1500-250ppm (on the 500 scale)(300ppm on the 700 scale)(0.2 EC). As soon as you see growth get more vigorous, increase the ppm of solution by 50% for the next week. then as you continue to see vigorous growth each week, bump up the solution again. You want a smooth increase over about 3 weeks from the min nutes to full nutes of about 500-700ppm (500 scale or 0.5 EC; about 700-800ppm on the 700 scale). You may have to adjust these numbers to fit your plants' likes.

Would you call the first true set, (cotyledons being pair1), the 3rd pair, the 5 pointers?
In this pic, does it look like the plant is working on the 5 point leaf at the 3rd node?
not my plant btw.... I haven't got that far in months!


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about the peppers, its all about the oil. get about 5 large peppers and boil them in a pot of water until they are very mushy. Strain them out of the water before it cools then allow to cool and put in sprayer. spray plants then watch for bugs as you may have to adjust the strength of spray with more peppers or by concentrating the solution by evaporating some of the water out of the solution. I would use about 1-2 liters of water to start. :)

HA! I bought four small peppers.
I went at them with one gentle spray of soap top and bottom followed by a rinse and they seemed okay but I went at them again the next day and I've lost 3 so far :-(
Went over my room and eq to bottom disinfecting, sure will disheartening if I see one again but I'm not using the soap again. Thanks for the tip.


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Well, thread says week one, here's my latest attempt, Nl5 x SK1, 8 seeded last week.
No nutes until I see the cotyledons and then cal/meg too as part of the ppm total of 150-250?
It goes in first as it's supplement, but are it's ppms part of grand total?


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and another grow bites the dust... 8 BC big bud, a great start as usual but the thripps came back, then slimey roots,.... GONE!
I have not had a successful grow IN YEARS. I manage to get a few plants to harvest but I suck at this. Seems I don't see a problem when it's staring me in the face. Me no farmer :-(

I'd like to post 8 pictures a day (or often) of my 8 NL5 for the next couple of weeks (until they start dying), it's been a week since the seeds were dropped (AUG 20) into rapid rooters w/ hydroton in net pots.

My grows start great and sputter to a grinding halt.
Save me from myself. Maybe you'll see where I go off the rails.
NL5 x SK1
I was doing every half hour, but pcducks words are echoing in my ear..the rooters look too wet, so I just changed to every 6hrs (thanks HP too)
I also had the water rising half way up the rooter, now it just licks the bottom of the pot, and the rooter sits on the bottom of the pot (surrounded by and sitting on hydroton (baked at 500 for 20 min)

Thanks for catching my pH, HG, I'm doing 5-6 now, low end first, I was too high fer sure (har har)
I've added copious panda paper, minimal light leeks now

So I'm waiting for yellow cotyledons and went 300 last time and everybody said they were hungry looking. Plan is to move all 8 in to a 60L tub at week 1 of veg (or 3rd set)


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These are a couple of T5s..


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I almost lost this crop already. I went crazy on the cleaning but not good enough.
I thought I'd prep my nutes in the freshly cleaned 60L tub and be ready for the yellow cotyledons.
Ph 5.5 170ppm this morning
I go down tonight and read 6.5 160ppm
W T F a full point and there are no plants!
Guess I'll head back to that slimey roots thread
I'm hoping I just forgot to clean those drain extensions, That pythium is gross


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Hi sopappy. You could bury the overstretched stem of the seedlings with growrocks. This picture is of the pump in your water system? I never seen anything close to this. I don't clean the system by hand, just add h2o2 and never had such an issue
Hi sopappy. You could bury the overstretched stem of the seedlings with growrocks. This picture is of the pump in your water system? I never seen anything close to this. I don't clean the system by hand, just add h2o2 and never had such an issue

yes, that's why I put it so low in the pot, I always get some stretching
that's a pump with a venturi making that fountain and a drain at the other end,
re-circulating on 15, off 15
I had to clean out the slimey film everywhere, I've been to low on the H2O2 proBABly
10mL per 40L obviously isn't enough
sopappy, please consider going into dirt. Organic soil is so easy. no ph. Ya can't really mess it up too much.

I started in dirt and had great results but discarding the dirt became ridiculously awkward
so I have tons of hydroton now... I've been sloppy, hydroponics demands a hugely higher standard of cleanliness. I baked my pellets for the first time for this last crop.
I'm going to try again with a couple more starts, if I'm not smiling by October, I should be able to sell it all easily enough and we'll talk... pull up a couple of chairs, maybe split a bottle of Thrive?
there is no need to bake the pellets. This is called overkill. In fact I think you are trying too hard
there is no need to bake the pellets. This is called overkill. In fact I think you are trying too hard

I know it sounds like that Zem but no, really, I've been getting discouraged with all the lacklustre harvests and shitty starts and often just left the room in disgust skipping chores. I got sloppy and have picked up Thripps. My DIY cooler broke earlier this summer so I've been using frozen water bottles. Pythium comes back. Really, I don't get away with anything.

If I don't see Thripps on this next batch (when the rooms are effing EMPTY), I'll have to keep doing it, If the Thripps are back again, I skip it next time, H2O2 soak okay? maintenance dose?

damn internet... how much research do I have to do, Zem? :)
I measured the wingspan of one of the plants couple of days ago, they have not budged.
I DO see root growth though. No nutes, 5.5 100ppm (not RO)
The plugs are not soggy but I am seeing little green patches starting.
I fill the tray to bottom of net pot and drain every 6 hours.

UPDATE re 118, 119 all I did was lift that pot up from the hydroton bed (carefully) to see if I could see any roots underneath, then took the pictures. the roots shriveled up like George in the pool, stuck to the bottom of the pot and so far, it has not recovered.


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