What is in your backyard?

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My 3rd bowl of my Blackberries I picked. Put some in the fridge.They are so sweet.🥰
Got one wild one out back. Hard to pick out of all the wild raspberries, but I found one years ago. Also found some weird lookin' **** near the plant. Told my buddy Barry about it, and he said it was bear scat. I thought he was nuts 'til they found a dead one 14 miles south of me that had been hit on I 75 just past Pierson Rd. Talk about taking a trip to town? We're talking Flint!
Got a lot of bunnies this year. They seem to go in three year cycles. One year, you might see one or two. The next year, you'll see more, and the third year you can't step outside without damn near stepping on one. I think they get some kind of weird disease and die off. Might get lucky and the bald eagle, 'yotes and hawks might keep 'em in check.
I hear ya about the tainted stuff. If it saved my fanny and was absolutely necessary for life, I would. Otherwise, nope.
I take no medications and have had no forced vaccines. Wonder if my O+ blood would bring a premium on the market?
No but O neg would
Hey Dude... remember I told you your dog reminded me of my old dog Lola... this is us at Lake Mead out in Vegas.. we have to bring her favorite basketball with us every place we go to play... keeps her busy by herself for an hour. this is her saying, go ahead, try to take it... hahaha.
I hear ya about the tainted stuff. If it saved my fanny and was absolutely necessary for life, I would. Otherwise, nope.
I take no medications and have had no forced vaccines. Wonder if my O+ blood would bring a premium on the market?
Soon our blood type will be so sought after we can get a premium price for it... heheehee. I get reminders all the time from my local blood bank where I used to donate begging me to come down, and I do when I remember... I mean, a free T-shirt and a cookie.. come on.. lol
Haven't seen a tick in years. Use to put sulphur in a sock and beat it around my boots and pants legs. Kept ticks and chiggers away.
We have a bumper crop of ticks this year. I am well over a 100 count of ticks removed from me, the cats and Zig this year. We didn’t have much snow or really cold temps last winter (which was good for the outside plants-my yard is a jungle this year) so more ticks survived. I will have to look for sulphur and give it a try. Thanks for the tip.
I used sulphur for years when I lived in the Country or went hunting or fishing.
Just put powdered sulphur in an old sock and beat it around on your shoes and pants.

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