wog won everyone

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hi everyone iv been growing on and of for about 5 years now i love the herb and its many uses hope to giv and get some good tips.bless
Hi there. Welcome to MP. It's good to have you here. This is a great place to learn/share your knowledge of growing mj. It's also filled with members that are more than willing to help you out in any way possible. I hope to see a grow journal sometime in the future. Until then, see you around the forums. Take care and be safe.
Welcome to MP. Glad to have ya here and hope to see ya around. Enjoy the site! ;)
2. Flaming, or open argument including, but not limited to using derogatory names toward another member, degrading comments, racial insults and sexist comments are not acceptable for use anywhere in the open forums or in the chat room. The chat room has a log that can be viewed by the management if complaints occur as a result of abuse in the chat room. Please, just don't do anything in the chat room that you wouldn't or shouldn't do in the open forums.

The above is a passage from the site rules, the word wog is highly racially insulting from my part of the world....just an observation.

Welcome to the forum :)
i dont mean to ofend anyone and i am not a racist wog won means wots going on(how are you) its a jamaicam term often used by yardi
No offence taken HERBMAN

The world is a strange place, words here that mean nothing to us will mean something somewhere in the world :)
HippyInEngland said:
No offence taken HERBMAN

The world is a strange place, words here that mean nothing to us will mean something somewhere in the world :)
.. Whew!.. 'tis a strange world we live in ain't it HIE?
e.g..... "fag".. ;) I laffed 'till I thought I would cry, the first time I heard a Brit' say he was gonna' "roll a fag".. the slang terms have two very different meanings on each side of the pond .
"I" thought 'wog' was a typo.. :eek: :p .. never heard the term.
Sure is Hick

Just passing interesting info here

change the xx to tt to view it

Ps, im sitting here with a fag in my hand and I plan on putting it in my mouth and enjoying the taste as it fills my mouth with flavour, then im going to walk my ***** in the local park and see if I can find a backpacker :joint4:

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