worms? what are these?

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Well, I can't say I knew all along.... I just need confirmation, and awareness. It only takes a few million dollars, why are they denying funds for this research? It is so weird, I really don't know what to think. Denial is the only way to cope with this disease... I am hoping someone could identify it as a known fungus or nematode, and then I could rest easy... IDK
So your 3 year old daughter described the symptoms to you before you started growing, 5 years ago?

She's 8 now, my bag. When she was 3, she independently described the exact same things I had been experiencing for 15 years.
Anybody got any suggestions on what to use on the plants? I've started spraying with neem oil, and an initial spraying of Serenade... can anyone suggest something else that would be good to use? I will stick with neem oil for a few weeks and keep you updated..

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