Wow Please Help!

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May 28, 2009
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For some odd reason the weather is going to be dropping to 37 degrees tonight!! i just put a seed in a pot and was wondering if this could have any affect to my seedling!! damn this sucks let me know
the pot is to deep in the woods for me to get lol dont want to get attacked by a bear or some ****.
wow a whole seed!Sheesh that will be such a loss :p Especially since the grower is afraid to visit it.....MP is for serious and inquisitive growers and seekers of the truth,please don't post nonsense
It won't freeze at that temp, but won't grow either. May I suggest you start another one indoors and don't put it outside until it has a chance of survival, like 5" tall and the night time temps don't go under 48 degrees. With a half moon, it's fun walking through the woods at night.
...or you can sit back and smoke a bowl and hope for the best. I had freeze here for three days. They are growing like the green giant. don't cuddle them you can killl with too much love
GorillaGrower72 said:
the pot is to deep in the woods for me to get lol dont want to get attacked by a bear or some ****.

I am gonna pee myself laughing............. Better jus stay on the porch there Lad.
mountain man said:
I am gonna pee myself laughing............. Better jus stay on the porch there Lad.
hahahaahahaaahhaaa i just squirted ! A pot growing pot ..deep in the jungle LMAO ! hey gorrilagrower72 just tell the bear what your name is and i am sure he won't mess with you ! ..although you should run if he mentions how good 71 tasted !
.."Somebody's been eating my porridge".... :p

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