Your first smoke?

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Dude mine was amazing, I guess your looking for a story right? well if not tough tittie your getting it anway.

So Im 16 its winter in texas so the school got out early (pretty much for no reason seriously). An kind of friend invited me over for a smoke seasion and I wanted to be cool (right?) So I cruised over to his house on the way home in my 1969 bug at the time.....pearl white, lowered in the front, 2110cc motor, centerline wheels it was pretty sick.........So he rolled mabe this 2.5 gram blunt....mean while there telling me since its my first and I wont get high so its ok to toke away, yeah so........we go out this little shed his parents had, colder than crap. so the blunt gets lit and this chick that was super hot blonde curvasious blonde kinda gothic naughty girl look, oh man, but shes on my left and its my turn to hit it for the first time. and she looks at me and give me and explains a shot gun.....sweet jesus damn near creamed myself. So I end up getting super baked, ate the best (and still to the day) best granny smith apple ever, Got super paronoid driving home.....55 mph speed limit freaking out about speeding doing 22 mph....yeah you could amagine....throw up.......and forced to wathch cheech and chong on tv with my mother (little to her knowing me high as ****....she wouldnt take no I justed wanted to sleep it off) ended up passing out on the liveing room floor trying not to laugh or act high
I cant remember.:eek: What was we talking about??:D
Wasnt bad.
Just started driving. And some random local couple I didnt know needed a ride home from the store cause they were broke down. This was way back when it was safe to do such a thing. Guess the sack fell out a pocket when they were gettin out. But I had my first bag, actually the first time I ever seen the stuff.
Went to a friends house to show it off, and he talked me into trying it with him. So we did. Burned all afternoon and night. Had to be a half oz. We were wrecked.
:rofl: LOL--You really expect me to remember stuff that happened over 40 years ago????? :rofl:
The Hemp Goddess said:
:rofl: LOL--You really expect me to remember stuff that happened over 40 years ago?????:rofl:

Why not? I do. I even remember it was a green stationwagon that the people had that was broke down.
Stuff doesnt start becoming a blur until after. ;)
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was 19 and my best friend and I lived together. These guys had a little and wanted to bring it over to impress her. I was awkward and giggly and she was hot. God, how things change. Now she looks like her mom (not a good thing) and I don't. So they smoked with us and I remember trying to chew gum and do cart-wheels in a living room the size of a small van. I think that I might still have a scar. Shortly after that I started dating a guy who grew. That guy is long gone...but the love affair with MJ continues.
Well,,I do remember it was me,,my best friend, and my girlfriend. We got really drunk on Boonsfarm Wine and wasted on weed(my 1st time) I woke up the next morning knowing I had banged the crap outta somebody. Woke my girlfriend up,,she had a smile, cool what a relieve,,,,woke my best friend up,, and he said his butt hurted real bad..:eek:

Im sorry,,I just thought that was funny as hell. Heard it on TV one night.,,,OR id I??
13 years old, broken leg with a cast smoked in the woods out of a coke can my friend told me it was fire mixed with regs i had no clue what that meant assuming it was some type of pot hahah. But we smoked and i just stared at this white plastic bag through the tress thinking it was a bunny for what seemed like an hour...Ended up crutiching my way up to shell gas station and bought the best bag of fritios of my life. Might i add i wasnt only crutching i had a gravity board under me then on the way back from shell i proceeded to fall. Some guy started to walk over to help why i lay on the ground laughing while my friend was freaking out saying hes coming hes coming!! So he pulled me up and off we were. From then on pot was my new bestfriend.
brick weed out of mexico when I was 15, right before a school dance in Texas, we walked down into the woods...nothing happened...not really an interesting story. I didn't get high at all, but it was brick weed. First time I smoked good nuggets I threw up becasue I toked it thinking it was like brick weed and much wouldn't happen. I got so high and laughed so hard watching the Chris Farley Saturday Night Live special that I literally threw up laughing so hard. Only time I ever got sick from weed.
Man,I was to young 8 yrs, my dad and uncles and older brother all smoke at all times practially, and grew. I was in my bro's room and rolled a joint the size of your thumb in the middle and a toothpick at the ends. Listen to Pink Floyd "Dark side of the moon" for hours til dad came home and busted my rearend Did not smoke again til 12 yrs old been just about daily since :peace:
i had a good laugh for about 1 or 2km jogwalks and after that a big smile all night . :)
It was my 16th birthday, my older brother brought me to see the Rolling Stones in Boston. My brother was 24 and had been smoking for years by then. Anyway, we're inside the old Boston garden with like 20 of his friends( I did'nt really know them, just friends of his) and one of them lit a joint and started passing it down the line. When it got to me my brother says "go ahead it wont hurt you" ( he used that same line 1st time I got drunk)so I did. I did'nt feel anything for about 10 minuets then it hit me. The show had'nt even started yet, the lights where still up, and the whole place smelled of weed, my brother looked at me and busted out laughing. He started saying to his friends "look at tiny, look at tiny" (an old nickname, at 14 I was 6ft, 240lbs) I was so baked I did'nt even care about the show untill they played Sympathy For The Devil, I was totally blown away. They started giving me beer, thinking they were gonna' get me sick, I don't know why I guess it's one of those older brother/ Younger brother rites of passage ( I did it to both my younger brothers). I didn't get sick but I was so messed up my brother told my mom I was spending the night at his house because his car broke down (When she saw me the next day she knew that was a huge lie). Up till that time my brother and I were'nt all that close after that we were inseperable. To this day my brothers and I still smoke together.
This thread has got me sitting hear with a mile wide grin on my face, I think I'm gonna' go call my brother.:D
Boonsfarm wine...

Oh, the good ol' days. Last week (jk). That is a whole different set of memories.

Once I smoked I knew I would smoke forever.
Those are good stories. I was 15, at my buddy's house. He had some mid grade he scored off a cool hippychick. We smoked while I kept asking " is it gonna make me have a heart attack or o.d.?" My buddy just laughed and said hold it in as long as you can so I did. Fast forward a few minutes, we're downstairs in his house and I'm looking through his dads music collection (Dylan, Pink Floyd, The WHO, Beatles, etc.) I end up with an armload of cassettes I really honestly plan to listen to before my buzz was gone, totin' them to his room and ploppin' em down whilst putting a Dylan selection on and then my mind had me race back downstairs...I stopped...what had I moved away from the music for??? GRAPENUTS! YEAH. so I stroll into the kitchen, pour a small bowl full (to the brim) of grapenuts cereal and add the milk.OOOPS! forget how grapenuts kinda expand. Oh well, I ate the whole bowl and then microwaved some chex mix to boot. Forgot about all the great tunes I planned to hear that night and ended up watching monty python and the holy grail...It was an awesome experience for me. I'm sure my friend had fun providing the nececary tools for this adventure, too. What a good sport.
NYC_Diesel x Jack_Herer said:
brick weed out of mexico when I was 15, right before a school dance in Texas, we walked down into the woods...nothing happened...not really an interesting story. I didn't get high at all, but it was brick weed. First time I smoked good nuggets I threw up becasue I toked it thinking it was like brick weed and much wouldn't happen. I got so high and laughed so hard watching the Chris Farley Saturday Night Live special that I literally threw up laughing so hard. Only time I ever got sick from weed.

Ha!:D I was 13, SoCal, mexi dirt. I was scared sheetless, but I smoked it. And nothing happened, lol. Once I figured out it wasn't going to leave me a drooling, twitching rape victim looking for a heroin hook up, or dead, it was on. It was like we could never get enough. I moved back to NorCal about 8 months later and the weed was phenominally better. That was back in the day when 'home grown' was slang for crap weed lol. A couple years later I hit high school. That is where I first heard of purple kush. Yeah, I know, it was supposedly released from Oaksterdam, blah blah blah, but I heard that name in high school! It wasn't anywhere near purple or even that good and we thought the name was the dumbest thing we had ever heard of!:rofl:
Well, I was 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. I was at a party with two of my best friends and another one of my good friends who had never smoked before and I see him wander out of the woods just acting all strange, eyes red, cracking up, ect. So I figure out he's high and talk to my two best friends and tell em I wanna try it. They agree to come with me into the woods and we see an inhaler getting passed around with tin foil on top for the weed (=[) so I take one hit while my two best friends hang back in the crowd. One of them takes a hit while the other doesn't. I just got that one hit and was asking what was gonna happen, when would I start seeing ****, why don't I feel anything? I felt nothing and I probably toked inhaled about, literally 30 more times before I actually experienced my first high which to this day was the highest I have ever been. It finally took some headies, an Illadelph, and my best friends at a sleep over to get me murkked.
so you want the story...ok

i was 12. it was july 1969. my first concert. pacific gas&electric, santana, and steppenwolf. i couldn't figure out why everybody was passing the cigarettes. before long, the joint was passed to me. funny it didn't smell like a cigarette. the guy sittin' next to me could tell i didn't have a clue. he showed me how to smoke. before i left the concert that night, i had bought my first bag. 1/4 ounce for $5( a nickle bag). i rolled it and smoked 10 joints that night. by todays standards, the weed was not good. if you were to take out the seeds, the sticks, and the leaf...maybe you'd have 2 grams of bud. lol:eek:
at age 10 my little brother and i were looking thru stuff at our baby sitters house , found a box with grass in it , we were like what the heck is this , we had heard about weed but had never seen it before so after adolescent inmature bickering and wrestleing over the box i snatched it from him and said this is weed lol just so happened a pack of papers in the box too so after 5 or 6 tries to roll it up we were satisfied that this one would work , smoked it , and didnt smoke again till age 12 --- i got high but to this day my brother swears he didnt get high off it .
My first smoke was a rip-Off...
Not sure if what I smoked was weed at all... :rofl:
Some Russian kid sold us his grandma's tea i guess...
We didn't even have rolling papers in communist Bulgaria.. Had to empty cigarette tubes and fill them up with weed...
Than replace the filter with a roach...

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