Your Highs and Lows

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Partly Cloudy
56° F | 32° F
13° C | 0° C

Rest of Tonight
Mostly cloudy. Chance of rain showers until midnight. Slight chance of thunderstorms through the night. Chance of snow showers after midnight. Lows 30 to 43. North winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of precipitation 30 percent.
snow???!!!!!! i'm forecasted to get snow this come sunday or monday
rained bout inch today and its pretty windy nowand low is 45. good as maybe it'll dry off the rain we got off them. cloudy tomorrow and breezy and
i'm literally down to days now. as come wed its gonna be dippin in thirties and thats all down hill from there. so i think this weekend may be my bitter end lol
7c at 6am (45f)

High of 14c (57f)

humidity 67%

2 weather.JPG

2 weather 2.JPG
Humidity 79 %

Cloud Cover 81.44916 %

Max Temp. 20 °C

Min Temp. 12 °C

Precip Past 24 Hrs. 5.1 mm

Wind Speed 11 km/h
Weather forcast says a low of 9c (48f)

It is actually 3c (37f)

Condition: Fog
Wind: SW 3 KPH
Relative Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 30.33 Steady

High of 14c (57f)
Humidity 99 %

Cloud Cover 36 %

Max Temp. 17 °C

Min Temp. 5 °C

Wind Speed 16 km/h

Precip Past 24 Hrs. 0.0 mm

Pressure 103 KPA

Pressure Tendency Steady
Yesterday Actual Normal Record Last Year
Max Temperature 82° 73° 90° (1934) 74°
Min Temperature 32° 39° 16° (1992) 26°
Precipitation 0.00 " 0.02 " 2.77 " ( 1957 ) 0.00 "
Month-to-date precip. 0.07 " 0.16 " -- 0.00 "
Year-to-date precip. 9.01 " 10.94 " -- 11.99 "
Snowfall 0.0 " 0.1 " 0.6 " ( 1990 ) 0.0 "

Humidity 61 %

Cloud Cover 0.8360539 %

Max Temp. 17 °C :woohoo:


High 21°C :woohoo:
Saturday Oct, 11

Humidity 86 %

Cloud Cover 7 %

Max Temp. 23 °C :D
Max Temp. 73.4F
High Past 6 Hrs. 11 °C

Precip Past 24 Hrs. 0.0 mm
Temperatures: Max 14°C/57°F
Condition: Mostly Cloudy
Wind: SSW 13 KPH
Relative Humidity: 82%
Barometer: 30.21 Rising

Chop time for 2 smalls today.

...been like this most of the fall. It is going to be a good year because I can let them go till they are done.
Humidity 66 %

Cloud Cover 0 %

Max Temp. 26 °C

Min Temp. 14 °C
Temperatures: 13°C/55°F High, 7°C/45°F Low
Condition: Light Rain Shower
Wind: SW 13 KPH
Relative Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 30.27 Steady


A mixed day with a front lifting into northern England and a cold front heading east towards London.

Showers will likely fall over much of the UK with possible thundery showers in northern England and in Northern Ireland.

Rain amounts may accumulate up to 15-30mm locally.

High temperatures will head up to 16-20 C and wind will be quite variable across the country thanks to the many fronts.
Max Temp. 24 °C / 75.2 F :yeahthat:

Min Temp. 14 °C / 57.2 F

Humidity 61 %
Humidity 96 % :hitchair:

Cloud Cover 98.01653 % :(

Max Temp. 19 °C / 66F

Min Temp. 13 °C / 55F

Pressure Tendency Decreasing
Humidity 94 %

Cloud Cover 93 %

Max Temp. 19 °C / 66F

Min Temp. 12 °C / 54F

Pressure Tendency Steady
Temperatures: 7°C/45°F
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Wind: W 13 KPH
Relative Humidity: 87%

The above is as it is now, it hit 1c during the night.
Temp current, 41f
Projected high, 79f
Conditions, Clear
Humidity in the house, 50%

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