A poll for all

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How Many Will Sprout

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • All

  • None

  • Even

  • Odd

  • 1&4

  • 2&3

Results are only viewable after voting.


Master of funk
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
So these are the best four seeds from my first pollen chucking attempt
Thought I would start a poll, you can choose more than one option if you like

If this is in wrong section feel free to move it, it will not be a journal.
I will post in it for about 20 days max

All are in dirt today

Since you've said that you've gotten white immature looking seeds to pop, I voted on your skills and gave you an "all" :aok:

gl with your cross!
ShecallshimThor said:
All are in dirt today

So you didn't germinate them ? If you did and all cracked then I would say all will sprout if not I say 50/50.
Iv been having great luck lately with all my seeds crackin and I trust yur skills are far better then mine so I give ya the luck and skill factor that all will help fill yur pouch friend ;)

Hey powerplanter how can yual vote 3 different times and I can only vote once? ;) Interestin it is scratches head


powerplanter voted 3 times:rofl:
I did not crack them in water, I never have cracked seeds with water in the past and recently read a theory where it not really needed unless seeds are 3+ years.

When you vote you can choose more than one option that's how rose and powerplant have their names more than once ;)
4 and all is the same thing. ;). :p

I think I chose 2 and 3. Even tho it was only a minute ago, I can't remember, lmfao.
SmokinMom said:
4 and all is the same thing. ;). :p

:yeahthat: :goodposting:

:doh: So true, I never proof read my post I end up editing them like 5 times before I'm happy with them :ignore:
ShecallshimThor said:
I did not crack them in water, I never have cracked seeds with water in the past and recently read a theory where it not really needed unless seeds are 3+ years.

When you vote you can choose more than one option that's how rose and powerplant have their names more than once ;)

Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 9. You have already voted on this poll

I only voted once but then again one is all ya need ;) Good luck pilgrim hope they all crack and fill yur pouch!
Yeah TOA they are, I let them grow in the mother plant for four weeks to develop but it wasn't enough apparently

I've never cracked seeds in water so was hesitant to after reading something on here about the water bloating the embryo and wrecking it. I do realize a lot of people use this method but I got no experience with it
I use a cup of water, just change it once a day and if they will pop, they will pop. :D
One of them beans looks a little immature to me so I am thinking that 3 of 4 beans will make it to grow out of the soil surface :)
And we have action!
Last night I was starting to doubt if any would come up but this morning I woke to a couple beautiful sights.
Are you ready for the start of my results?
Seed #2
