does smoking near your plants harm them?

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Puffin Afatty said:
you got it right Bob. it would mess with my head too if I saw someone smoking my older sisters. :shocked:

I wonder what your ladies are thinking now that they know there future
Yes but with proper airflow, any smoke within the room will at least touch the plants. Clogging the pores of the leaves is detrimental to the plants photosynthesis process. Think about it; if the pores are closed less CO2 makes it into the plant, and one of the bi-products of photosynthesis (O2) cannot be released and causes a toxicity. I understand what you are saying about a minimal amount of smoke reaching the plants, but think of the newbies that some people just convinced to blow their smoke at all their growing plants.

Either way thank you for helping me out Hick.

Hick said:
I believe what you said is absolutely true, but the amount of smoke coming into contact with the plants would be minimal. I doubt any "noticable" negative effects can be expected.
There is a disease that mj can get from coming in contact wit tobacco,also.
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i agree that i have read the previous statments & would just like to point out that ive not had any problems in the slightest with blowing smoke onto the plants & do not accept information telling me otherwise but i do listen . thank you . ;)

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