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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2007
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8 people arrested so far in the Michael phelps bong photo.... story coming in 2 mins heh.
i dont have cable and i gotta go to work if u find it on the net or utube hook me up
well story over atm heh..... 7 people in pic being charged with Possession of MJ.. One being charged with Distribution, and one not in the pic being charged for paraphanalia, LOL he is trying to sell the bong on Ebay for 100K.......Sheriff of county is definitely angling towards charging phelps, however he has NOT been charged as of yet.

Crazy stuff.
you see how they are only charging the people involved instead of phelps...some would play the "celebrity" card and say he is a celebrity so he gets off scott free.but this is a good thing imo.it shows DONT SNITCH and sell your friends out just because there a celebrity and you can make loot off of a photo and a bong...trying to sell the roor on ebay for 100k.these kids are nuts.probably some people that didnt like him because he was famous and on that language commercial...umm rosetta** stone i think.anyways the punk snitches deserve all they get.
WOW i didn't think ppl could crap about photos...I mean it already happened lol, it is not like they caught them!!! They presented it after the fact haha what a bunch political bullshoot.
I think he was really smoking Salvia or banana peels..... TOTALLY legal.... and all those other peeps are legal too!!! What does that photo REALLY prove????
It could have been tobacco...I mean that is what water filtration systems are used for right??;)
_Sir Smokes Alot_ said:
WOW i didn't think ppl could crap about photos...I mean it already happened lol, it is not like they caught them!!! They presented it after the fact haha what a bunch political bullshoot.
but think any "random" photo of you and your friends will probably never make it to the police station.the fact that this one did over "money" is lame.and the kids trying to make some money are ruining it for everyone else.not only are they "somewhat" ruining michael phelps deals(he wont be on the streets)and giving him bad publicity but there making marijuana look bad as well.and for them to have enough sense to own a roor but not enough sense to see the bigger picture is a shame.so as stated above...the punk snitches get every little crappy fine or 30 days in jail for what they have done.
This is kind of stupid, really. How they gonna prove there was actually weed there? I see movies where people are smoking weed and nobody is there to arrest actors/actresses or camera guys or directors or anything. How are they gonna prove it???? Just another dumb LEO publicity stunt.
leo better watch out. hes got the bank to make everything they touch turn to crap...

hope he takes the bong money, pays off any fines his friends incur from this, then gives the rest to NORML.:cool: .

heres his chance to stick it to the man. i never pass up a chance like that. make sure they spend the rest of thier leo careers pencil push'in.;) ...bb...
seriously i agree with nvthis, how can they charge anyone? maybe paraphenilia but the only one shown with it is Phelps.. i have been caught and charged with possesion and when i was caught there were 3 other people in the room with me and the only person who had to go was me! screw this celebrity bullspit, if anyone should be charged(although i believe knowone should) it should be phelps. Also there isn't even a sign of smoke in the bong.. for all we no he could just be hitting an empty bong lol, the Media is the devil, and it will ruin you, hands down.. bunch of sleeze balls...
wow...no one seems to care about the kids who gave the photo up for who knows how many x amount of dollars.like i said,the kids are being charged and phelps isnt.its like mom use to say "DONT SNITCH" and thats what these lame kids are doing.snitching on someone for money.so if the cops go after those kids for doing that they deserve it.no doubt how can they charge anyone with no evidence.but as you can see there not charging phelps there charging the KIDS yes kids for snitching.serves them right.

of course there not "technically" charging the kids for "snitching" but thats what immediately came to mind when i saw the report.hell if i was a cop id done the same thing.remember most cops and dea people get there busts from people opening there mouths.so anyone opening there "mouths" or in this case selling a photo needs to fry.
Dude idk about you but I am broke as crap, I would have tried to sell it for 1,000,000$$$. It is just a bong, It's not like they said..."Bong, been smoked weed by Michael Phelps." Lol, idk tho cause I have not seen it posted. I don't think HIS 'friends' intended on snitching on him. I don't see how they even did, I mean...he's at a party...having fun with his friends...drinking, playing games...just being 'normal' in a sense...and some1 snapped a photo of him takin a rip, haha then probably posted it on myspace and some1 seen it and then the rest is history. I hope that is what happened...and some1 didn't set him up-i don't think ppl hate michael phelps either..
Can I just say.....


Faux news (or most other network news outlets) fall on deaf ears here. People getting arrested everyday for weed. Why are these individuals so special?

For some reason, I really don't care anymore. About more than I care to mention....

Just, don't watch the news. Life seems much more panic free....

More like "Turn OFF fox news NOW!!!"
That is the definition of asinine. There is absolutely no evidence and the LEOs have a snowball's chance of winning the case, so what are they trying to accomplish? Fame. That sheriff is only trying to get his 15 minutes from Phelps. He's probably thinking about running for governor and decided this would be a good opportunity to get some media attention. It's a witch hunt, and a shame.

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