Need Help With My Vegitable Garden

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Staff member
Nov 7, 2008
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Hey guys. I have a few questions.
Normaly I use Potting Soil and Chem Ferts to grow my Vegitables,,and they turn out quit nice,,but I hate using Chemical Ferts. This year I was thinking of trying to keep it Organic or as Natural as possible. I have even started my own Compost,,but it wont be ready.
They have big bags of Organic Compost at the local Nursery. Can I use the bags of Organic Compost in place of Potting Soil and plant directly into it or do I have to mix it with regular or Organic Potting Soil? Another words would it be to hot to use by itself?
I think it would be too hot to use by itself.. If you are growing in the ground I would just mix it with the native soil, depending on what that is like maybe 50/50. Or you can top dress a garden with the compost and just water it in all year. If your growing in pots...more soil less compost. maybe 70 soil/30 compost.

Very cool that you are doing that. Greenest of mojo to you WH.
Some organic potting soil comes well prepared to grow in. I mix mine however, Not sure if you can get it, but my vege's love "bumper crop" - When I'm not fully prepared for the season, I mix it 50/50 with pro-mix, and then add about 20% compost to the mix. Either store bought organic compost or more commonly my garden compost.

When I add animal manure to the compost is when I worry about it becoming too hot. My chickens for example, frequently add N to my mix and without an extended composting session the mix often has a bit much in it.

I run two piles for compost. One is set-up to produce a "bloom mix", the other a "grow". Really though, I simply add manure to one pile and extra oyster shell and powdered bone meal to the other. What vege crop I'm looking to grow determines the mix or rather, the ratio of mix.

To answer your question however, I would mix the compost imo.
I mix one part hot with 2 parts nutral and add what needed as needed through the grow but that just me good luck yur trails pilgrem ship me some yummy tomaters when yual gets some ripe ;)

Oh dont furget some letus too I find the pork up here ;)

Ummm BLT samiches

I fill any pots around here with 1 part aged compost to 3 parts sifted top soil. Then feed with a compost tea when I think about it. And I try to use collected rain water when possible.
Rain ans melted snow be all I use be bout best thing goin I find and it aint to costin nothin ;)

when I was growing GIANT Punkins I would get Mushroom compost and plant the pumkin straight in it......I woould say that compost baught at nursery would have broken down by the time they sell it...if ya have a truck/trailer would be cheaper to buy bulk than it would bags..just my thoughts

Not sure what size your garden is but this is what I would do.

1. get enough compost to be able to rake in and 1 1/2" to 2" of compost onto your soil.

2. make a AACT tea with compost and whatever else you may need(depends on what you are growing) but a balanced tea would do. By balanced I mean one that is about 50/50 with fungi and bacteria. Then spray on garden weekly.

3. Get yourself some EM and make AEM and then spray this on your garden also.
i got some pumpkins, strawberries, tulips, moss roses, and tiger lilys all in FFOF amended with perlite. they get aact whenever i brew a tea for my mj.

they seems to really love the FFOF
Well mixing the Compost with my ground soil is pretty much not gonna happen. I set in an area where if ya dig 6 to 8" down yur in ROCK. My house will never move. Its over 30yrs old and aint nerra crack in it anywhere,,if ya catch my drift. Another words,,even planting a tree can be a REAL PAIN IN THE A&&.
I build Garden Boxes out of 2x12's. Till up what I can of my soil and then I put Organic Pot Soil in the boxes and add Chem Ferts. But this year I wanted to try and go Organic as possible. Thats why I was asking you guys.
So,so far..Im gathering,,that if the Compost is or has set long enough and not to hot,,I would probably be OK with a 50/50 split of Compost and Potting Soil(with no ferts)I should be good to go. Probably could add Blood or Bonemill to help with Vegg or Flower.Maybe even a little Worm Castings,, Right????

By the way,,I wanna Thank You guys for answering my Post. You PEEPS are like Family to me and the Wife. Ya have never lead us wrong. Im so glad I found this Forum. Before I came here,,,Iwas dumber then a rock about growen Weed the RIGHT WAY. Hell,,I started out in a Small Fridge using CFL's:rolleyes: . Yeah I even was gonna argue how great they were[CFL's} with THG.:eek: Yeah,,I was a Moron. THG and Andny52 fixed my a$$ right up. It no time I had built me a Growroom and was using T5s for Vegg and HPS for Flower.;) Aint never looked back.
I'm not sure how much garden you want or need or if this would work for you. I have extremely rocky ground, so I built raised beds and did some square foot gardening. I got 2 yards of top soil and 2 yards of dairy compost. I added some organic soil I got a HD (Kellogg's Patio Plus), some other goodies, and put some super soil into each hole. I leaned a lot last year doing this. I overcrowded stuff, but had great yield from these boxes. This is just one of them--how it looked when I planted and how it looked a couple of months later.

Garden 001-1.jpg

Yard 019-1.jpg
Thats pretty much what my Boxes look like,,except I use Raised Rows like my Grandady use yo use. Very nice THG.
THG, that is beautiful! Really.

I dream of raised beds in my too shady back yard. My garden is at the neighbors, I get half of a long patch. I just do tomatoes mostly.
WH---when i/we talk about "hot" soil the term is used literally---what ever you decide to mix you can check the temp after a day by simply pushing your hand into the heap for a minute---or actually stick a thermometer in it---if it's too hot---you will feel it on your hand---if you don't feel the warmth---than chances are it will be safe for your veggies
orangesunshine said:
WH---when i/we talk about "hot" soil the term is used literally---what ever you decide to mix you can check the temp after a day by simply pushing your hand into the heap for a minute---or actually stick a thermometer in it---if it's too hot---you will feel it on your hand---if you don't feel the warmth---than chances are it will be safe for your veggies

Thank You. I always thought you guys meant it was to Hot with Natural Ferts.:rolleyes: Yeah Im a ******* when it comes to Organics.:D
Cool,,the Organic Compost mixed with Organic Potting soil should be perfect then,,correct,,cause its deffenatly to that kinda hot?
too hot with nat ferts can actually make the soil hot to the hand---nat ferts actually generate heat and increases the temperature of the soil making it too hot for seedlings & cuts
Gotcha. Im all over it.

This was my garden from last year.
Tank you so much Mam. I love growen stuff. My Wife says I have a green thumb,,,course She be prejudice.:D
By the way that(Pinapple Express) was just one plant. I bended her over in Vegg. She liked it so much She stayed bent over,,,,hid,, between my Tomatoes and Peppers..:icon_smile:

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