2 noob questions..........

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Jun 20, 2009
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If you have a female that produces buds, and it produces a few seeds,
would these few seeds be female?
And my second question is what is the best way to long-term store my
weed without it losing any of the THC? Thought about vaccum sealed
bags and storing in the freezer. Is this good? If so how long could I safely
store it? Sorry for all the questions. Thanks for your patience. :)

I think so, this is a what femised seed is I think still not 100% going to be female but has a good chance IMHO
Storage, I use glass jars with air tight seals, i've read you can keep it like this for years, no chance of that happing here mind you!
Unless someone pollenated that female they are likely going to be hermie seeds. If it was pollenated they will be a mix of male/female. To avoid confusing myself I'll just say feminized seeds are chemically processed to be female..and still may give you males and hermies.
1. If you have a female that produces buds, and it produces a few seeds,
would these few seeds be female?

Yes, 90 % or better of the time I would say 99 but measureing odds is boring and sucks. I have and hae had a lot of hermy seeds and most go female but remember they are at least F2 so they vary a lot and are not true breeding. Depends on what you want to do with the seeds.

2. And my second question is what is the best way to long-term store my
weed without it losing any of the THC? Thought about vaccum sealed
bags and storing in the freezer. Is this good? If so how long could I safely
store it? Sorry for all the questions. Thanks for your patience.

Evryone on this site loves a good question. And there are no noob questions. I'm always learning. Allow me to add an extra L Allways Learning.

Your storage in freezer is good idea. Just be sure everything is cured properly before you put it into the freezer. I cure to point you would cure a good cigar. I use a mason jar so using your airless freezer bags you may want to dry a little more. I count on a minimal amount of more drying. I have cough had bud in for 24 months at most. average is 18. Some bud like a terrible tasting haze came out better after 18 months.

One thing is bad. You lose fruity and lemony flavors. overtime but you game a smooth tasting smoke like the finest cigar you can savour. You don't want to use a pipe or bong or vaporizer. You want to use papers for true aroma. Depth and breadth of the smoke gets involved when I try to talk about it.
If you have a female that produces buds, and it produces a few seeds,
would these few seeds be female?
If the female that produced the seeds did so by turning hermie then your seeds will be more likely to...but if it is just a regular female that was pollinated by some random male then the seeds will like any other seeds..50/50
If it was as easy as just getting a feminized seed female pregnant and then getting fem seeds then none of us wld be paying for fem seeds...

And my second question is what is the best way to long-term store my
weed without it losing any of the THC? Thought about vaccum sealed
bags and storing in the freezer. Is this good? If so how long could I safely
store it? Sorry for all the questions. Thanks for your patience. :)

I think someone said the vacuum sealed bags get stuck to the buds...I wld go with airtight containers and a dark place...
1. If you have a female that produces buds, and it produces a few seeds,
would these few seeds be female?

Yes, 90 % or better of the time I would say 99 but measureing odds is boring and sucks. I have and hae had a lot of hermy seeds and most go female but remember they are at least F2 so they vary a lot and are not true breeding. Depends on what you want to do with the seeds.

"Sealed" mason jars in a cool dark place is the "best" storage method. Freezing makes triches brittle and easily knocked off and lost, it is said that if the mj isn't totally dry dry, it can also rupture cell walls.
It's my belief that the curing process can and will continue for 'at least' several weeks, if not months, when properly performed. Freezing it would also inhibit any further decarboxylization that might occur in jars at room temp.
When dry enough to store without the threat of mold, the central stem of the floral cluster will snap briskly when bent. Usually about 10% water remains in dry, stored Cannabis floral clusters prepared for smoking. If some water content is not maintained, the resins will lose potency and the clusters will disintegrate into a useless powder exposed to decomposition by the atmosphere.

As floral clusters dry, and even after they are sealed and packaged, they continue to cure. Curing removes the unpleasant green taste and allows the resins and cannabinoids to finish ripening. Drying is merely the removal of water from the floral clusters so they will be dry enough to burn. Curing takes this process one step farther to produce tasty and psychoactive marijuana......A floral cluster is not dead after harvest any more than an apple is. Certain metabolic activities take place for some time, much like the ripening and eventual spoiling of an apple after it is picked. During this period, cannabinoid acids decarboxylate into the psychoactive cannabinoids and terpenes isomerize to create new polyterpenes with tastes and aromas different from fresh floral clusters. It is suspected that cannabinoid biosynthesis may also continue for a short time after harvest. Taste and aroma also improve as chlorophylls and other pigments begin to break down. When floral clusters are dried slowly they are kept at a humidity very near that of the inside of the stomata. Alternatively, sealing and opening bags or jars or clusters is a procedure that keeps the humidity high within the container and allows the periodic venting of gases given off during curing. It also exposes the clusters to fresh air needed for proper curing.
..................Cannabis floral clusters are best stored in a cool, dark place. Refrigeration will retard the breakdown of cannabinoids, but freezing has adverse effects. Freezing forces moisture to the surface from the inside of the floral tissues and this may harm the resins secreted on the surface.

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