A question on switching light cycles

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May 17, 2008
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Ive scoured these boards looking for a correct answer and cant seem to find it.
I have been wondering when you guys switch your light cycles from 18-6 to 12-12 do you do it gradually , say you subtract an hour a day for a week till you reach your 12 hour light schedule ?
Or do you just switch over ?
Or I have seen posted that you leave them in darkness for 24 to 36 hours to trigger the hormones?
Anyone have a good read on this ?
I tried attaching a pic, not sure if it will show up
put them directly onto 12/12. The light schedule has to be the same every day so dont gradually change them over, that will stress them out. They look like they are a good size to start flowering.
maineharvest said:
put them directly onto 12/12. The light schedule has to be the same every day so dont gradually change them over, that will stress them out. They look like they are a good size to start flowering.
hmmmm.. OD plants aren't "stressed" by a gradual change. It's how MJ has flowered for thousands of years. There is probably more stress involved in the abrupt change IMO.
But there is no need to gradually change the cycle. It will only prolong the flowering process and induce stretching. .
maineharvest said:
put them directly onto 12/12. The light schedule has to be the same every day so dont gradually change them over, that will stress them out. They look like they are a good size to start flowering.

Actually, gradual change would not harm though would not help as well... In wilderness or outdoor they get life cycle change gradually.
alright one more question as long as I have your attention.
The light is timed "OFF" from 1 pm to 7 pm and need to switch to "ON" at 6pm off at 6 am for the 12 hour cycle.
Should the light be left off from 1pm all the way till 6 pm the next day?
Or just turn it on at 7pm and off the next 6am ?
What ever is more convinient. A single short or long cycle, will seldom affect the plants. Once on 12/12, keep it consistant..;)
alright i stand corrected. i guess it makes sense that outdoors it will do it gradually but I still would never try it. Too much work.
;) maine... it's a common misconception, that mj "requires" 12 hours of darkness to flower. THAT is geared, directed entirely at indoor operations or equatorial sativas.
My outdoor garden is 90% matured before 12/12 is reached in nature at my latitude.
Hick, how many weeks old are your plants when you transplant them outside? Mine will be 6 weeks.
maineharvest said:
alright i stand corrected. i guess it makes sense that outdoors it will do it gradually but I still would never try it. Too much work.

You dont need to tell me that :rofl:
I try to stick w/ clones only OD. I like them 12-18 inches tall and harden them off for at least a week(preferrably 2) before transplanting.
6 weeks sounds fine. Hopefully you have reared them under a similar light cycle as they will be in OD ;) (16-18 hours of light)

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