For bitchin' taste in bong smoke, cut a very small circle of the top off a small *refrigerated* watermelon and hollow out the insides. (like making a jack-o-lantern with a pumpkin) Put the melon in a bowl to hold it stable. Press the flesh through a strainer and put the juice back into the melon. Poke a hole the size of your ultra-long stem (get the longest one in the shop) in the side you want to use as the front, and push the stem below the level of the watermelon juice. I use an extra large bowl, too.
Now your "Rooty Tooty Fresh 'n Fruity Bong" is ready to go. Add favorite smoke and spark off. Stop up the top with your mouth and take a healthy toke - the circle of melon will cover a good sized bit of your face so make that top hole as small as you can! toke away and enjoy the ultra-cool fresh, fruity taste of this bitch. this is a great bong for a party. just pass that bowl from person to person. careful, its heavy. but Rooty Tooty will get a whole roomful of folks more stoned than you can belive!
This bong's a keeper too. put the top back on the melon and put it in the fridge. (don't forget to put the top on or it'll stink up your frige terrible!) It'll keep about three days before the juicy gets too funky to use.
Enjoy dude, it's the ultimate summer treat
party on,