Any Detroit Lions Fans'?

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not doing so good thus far. buuuttt, maybe today. hoping for the W against the Chicago Bears today.
were die hard Lions fans. and were happy they finally fired matt millen.:) ... GO LIONS...
SmokinMom said:
The Colts won!!!! OMG...they were down by 17 til like the last 4 minutes of the game...and they came back. :D:D:D

I watched that of the best games I seen in a long Time..I love those last minute come from behind victories...John Elway ..and Joe Montana was the Greatest at that..IMO
Well I had been a Cincinnati fan for the last 30 years or so... I finally stopped drinking the purple Kool-aid when the went 0-3 this year..... I hope they move, though I dont know anyplace that would take them..... That whole organization just SUX!!!!

I actually took all my Bengals jerseys and painted big red Circles with crossbars on them and sold my season tickets..

I am now a Colts Fan squarely.....
CasualGrower said:
Well I had been a Cincinnati fan for the last 30 years or so... I finally stopped drinking the purple Kool-aid when the went 0-3 this year..... I hope they move, though I dont know anyplace that would take them..... That whole organization just SUX!!!!

I actually took all my Bengals jerseys and painted big red Circles with crossbars on them and sold my season tickets..

I am now a Colts Fan squarely.....

I am truely sorry that it was my Browns that struck the final blow to your Cinci Fandom CG, really I am :rofl: Better your Bengals than my Browns, eh :hubba:
I am a Browns fan for 48 yrs or so, I have never quit, even when their owner did and moved his team to baltimore the names have simply been changed to protect the innocent;)

I have often wished I was backing a winning team :rofl: and I lose more bets than anyone on em each fall :eek: but I will inevitably die a Browns Fan :rolleyes:
we'll know in week 8, 3 more weeks cc. yeah, been an :)o embarrased:eek: )
lions fan for 40 years. i'd love to say i'm on a winning team, a sure contender, a super bowl hopeful. buutttt, if your a lions fan like me, your growing more, and more disappointed each game. tired of hearing how thier gonna fix whats broken. 0-3. somethings broke. but you can bet i'll be there sunday backing my team. GO LIONS!!!
what i dont get is how the lions have squandered all the good draft position they've had. im not here to bust ba??s, the lions are my second favorite team and allways have been. they're cursed. but now that millen got the axe things are looking up.

the only time i don't root for em' is when they're playing the skins. and i know from failure, schottenheimer(sp?), spurrier, ol' norv turner (who can run a good team into the ground) and gibbs2 ( maybe not a failure but dissapointing, and at the end a little sad).

give them 1 - 2 years and they'll be allright. you got some things looking up.

1- better g.m., idk if you could get worse than matt millen
2- you' ve still got good drafts a comin'
3- even past draft busts are good barganing chips for free agency
4- no more matt millen

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