Best movie of all time?

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All-time drama fav-Apocalypse Now
SpaceBalls was a riot though.
I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail one night and did what Rasta did-"We are the people who say "emmm!!!!"-lol.
comedy- BLAZING SADDLES by a mile, sorry Holy Grail...Kingpin's gotta be up there as well
sci-fi- either Star wars or the empire strikes back, howzabout A Clockwork Orange in the top 5? First time I saw that I was shook up for a day or so....agree with 2001 Space Odyssey (yep, I like Kubrick)....don't get me started!!
anybody seen PUNCH DRUNK LOVE with Adam Sandler it is a pretty messed up movie "remember when we would call you gay boy and you would get all mad" LMAO
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - very low budget scifi/horror

Airplane! - Comedy

Monty Python and the Holy Grail - comedy

The Zero Effect - highly entertaining

Local Hero - all time favorite

and, finally, THE best

Apocalypse Now.... "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."

Almost forgot the funniest movie I saw in the last 5 years:

Peculiarities of the National Fishing
A foreign (Russian) movie with subtitles, but you will laugh till you hurt
Bongwater is also pretty good :D ...gotta little taste of Tenacious D in it...Jack Black is awesome! and an idiot...But an Awesome Idiot!
SativaWeed said:
You want to see movie that inspired a thousand others then go find "METROPOLIS". It's a silent era flick that you'll recognize in a ton of other stuff you thought was totally original.

Jon Anderson (Yes singer) did several songs on the soundtrack of the remastered version back many years ago when they found the lost footage. Good pick!
The Effen Gee said:
"Hey TEG, sorry, but Zeitgeist is crap. I've watched it, enjoyed it, and liked its message, but factually, its crap. imo, religion is stupid, the federal government is screwing us, and we went to war for no reason, but that movie is still crap."

Then disprove it. Using tools other than internet.

Because not one person or group can. This is by far the most powerful piece of video and audio...WHICH IS FREE...that I or my wife have ever seen.

Consider it a Meta Analysis of modern government, financial institutions and true geopolitical functionality.

I have been to many of the debunking sites...which are basing fact on publishings by the exact peoples mentioned in the movie, and wikipedia.

Using tools other than the internet? What am I supposed to do then? Find books in my local library, make page copies, and fax them to you? You are doing what conspiracy theorists do. You are working backwards. You are proclaiming a truth, and telling people it holds true if they cannot prove you wrong. Zeitgiest presents a case, and it is up to you, the supporter, to provide the burden of proof.

I cannot prove that its untrue any more than you can prove that the keebler elves arent real. I dont like having to make this argument, because I do agree with the movies overall theme. But in the interest of truth, it has to be watched critically.
I have to add, the most I would give the 9/11 conspiracy theorists is this. Perhaps Bush and a few very close people were aware of the what was about to happen. Perhaps they chose to let it happen. I base this on the 9/11 commission report. But was it actually orchestrated by our government? They can't even fire a dozen lawyers and keep it quiet. This is all "Speculative" though, and doesn't actually carry any scientific "water."

You don't need sources to disprove this. There are no sources to disprove the "Moon Landing Conspiracy" Only sources to back up the fact that we landed on the moon. Conspiracy theorists poke holes in these facts, and then claim victory. Yet they never have anything to actually back up their own accusations. So, TEG, I challenge you to present, using tools other than the internet, any sort of evidence that SUPPORTS the ideas of zeitgeist, because the BURDEN OF PROOF is on YOU... The believer.

You and I probably agree on pretty much every political, and religious opinion, but in the sake of critical thinking, we just can't.
slowmo77 said:
another good stoner movie is grandma's boy. " i'll smoke it with ya bro, we'll go to tha looney bin together" funny stuff

Ha ha I love this movie! "You don't ever throw a bong kid. Ever."

The scene where his grandmother frightens him in the bedroom where the woman died had me in stitches, LOL
Best all around movie of all time....DAZED AND CONFUSED!
It has it all.Nostalgia,comedy,drama,Sweet cars,lots of pot,and of course Slater.I still hear quotes from that movie."That's what I like about these high school girls.I get older,They stay the same age":D
SativaWeed said:
The Seven Samurai, JUST SEE IT.

I did one better and bought the collectors edition. 80$ later...ouch. But worth every penny! Everyone should see this masterpiece by Akira Kurosawa.
Thx 'sativa a very good pick
Now the best movie(s) of all time, and in my opinion the most important piece of media ANYONE can see in their lives.


Zeitgeist: Addendum

Now there are two of them. Have fun've got your work cut out for you.
action-Scarface,Blow, goodfellas,godfather, donnie brasko,young guns, kill bill

comedy-Friday,big lewboski,o' brother where art thou, national lampoons family vactions all of them with chevy chase, van wilder, dodge ball, old school, office space, meet the parents and cris rock stand-ups, the simpsons movie, fasttimes at ridgemont high
there is 2 movies that i cant choose from so here they are
Convoy(the rubby ducky) &
Remember the Titans
i could and have sat and watched these movies all day long

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