DJ Short F13

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so here we r, all the babies r moved to their spacey new homes. the leafes are still curling down a bit, and it looks like the runt of the litter didn't make it... strange cause i didn't do anything different.

So i now im justs gonna keep fingers crossed that i did the proprtions right, it wasn't really clear in the sticky on coco buckets. i did the first 3 layers like Massproduser suggested, the 4th layer i mixed bone meal and coco, 5th bat guano and coco, 6th fish meal, 7th kelp meal, some spent coffe grinds , last layer just coco. watered until run off and added 30oz of mixed in Great White. i wanna wait a few days b4 i switch them to flower.

two Blue Dreams (in the second row) seem to b doing good

thinking you need to control temps better what kind of temps you running them @ if temps are out of your control plants be over 90 percent water your going to need to give them allot more water to make up for the heat Even foilage spraying them water lights off will make a huge difference
My temps are around 65F -70F , the lamp is cooled down with the inline fan. humidity is 62.
The babies look horrible, one more died, the leafes are yellowing. I'm thinking i didn't do the right proprtions on the contents of the coco buckets...:confused2:
before i transplanted them, they were getting Advanced Foriculture nutes, but because they started to curl the leaves down i thought i might've overfed them and stopped. so for the last week and a half just reverse osmosis water pH 6...
bad idea on the coco buckets without knowing the precise proportions.... totally burned the poor girls... i was ready to let them go... however, the strongest lived :)
3 F13s
2 Blue Dreams
1 Leary OG
2nd week of flower


looking good for a girl.... im kidding i love your pictures some fat leafs.... i've grown the bluedream you r gonna love the smell of the smoke in the air : ) Nice grow GREEN MOJO

it looks like you can clean up some of the bottoms leafs mayb make some clones... you ll get bigger tops this way k good luck dat girl
yeah, i dont want to talk bad about massproducers guide, but he never goes into detail about the proportions of amendments he uses or what layers he uses them in. you need a lot of experience with organic amendments before putting his guide into practice. i'm going to re-read the post, but i also dont see any mention of cooking any of the raw organic amendments before being mixed globally while creating the layered pots.

your problem could have come from any number of things. if the layers aren't balanced then it can throw off the ph, make your soil to hot, or even kill off your microbial herd.
Dr. Robertsozki said:
it looks like you can clean up some of the bottoms leafs mayb make some clones... you ll get bigger tops this way k good luck dat girl

Thank u, thank u. I'm just saying that im a girl so i can get more attention, just kidding :) i thought u cant clone the flower that's blooming? can u? cause i just got read of 1/3 of the babies, one of the girls decided to hermie on me.
Uh oh ShOrTbUs, i don't know what i was thinking :confused2:. every recipie needs proportions. i would love to do it again if i ever get across the exact measurments.
that_girl said:
Thank u, thank u. I'm just saying that im a girl so i can get more attention, just kidding :) i thought u cant clone the flower that's blooming? can u? cause i just got read of 1/3 of the babies, one of the girls decided to hermie on me.
Uh oh ShOrTbUs, i don't know what i was thinking :confused2:. every recipie needs proportions. i would love to do it again if i ever get across the exact measurments.

if your looking to do something as in-depth as layered coco pots. you should grab a copy of true living organics. the rev uses layers and spikes in his custom organic pots. its good stuff. detailed enough so you know excatly what you need, when you need it, and more importantly why you need it.

and yes you can clone in flowering. when the clone roots, it begins to reveg, and you see some really weird growth for about 2 weeks.
that_girl said:
...i thought u cant clone the flower that's blooming? can u? cause i just got read of 1/3 of the babies, one of the girls decided to hermie on me...

sure you can make clone of flowering plants I've done a few time they go back to vegging when you put them under long hr of light

the faster the better tho... I did it to one of my green crack mothers.... she was in like 5 weeks
then I did it to mango's mother she was like 4 weeks into the flower stage
i also did it to my chemdog mother and she was also 4 weeks

now I normally do clone way before that but I was running late on the chemdog and the mango
the green crack was dying so i made 4 clones and kept the breed going
she turned out to be great smoke and major bag appeal with thick orange hairs and soft frosty bud texture
so after an aphid attack , that was fought of with a lil army of ladybugs, i chopped the girls of... They r hanging now in the same tent they were growing in the complete darkness with the ac on.....
blimey you've been havin a heck of a time.

here's a lil of me mojo for your grow.


I know that coco has to be washed free of salts before use...thats about as much as I know...
lol, that's true 7.... half of it due to my novice and other half natural causes.... thanks for the mojo... i have another round of F13 that i'm gonna switch on to 12/12 prob tomorrow....
well what can i say... the last grow was not a big success.... it was too much stress for them to produce any good...
my new girls r 5 weeks into flower now. i moved them from the tent into a bid larger space they r under two 600 W now. One lamp is gonna b switched to 1000W soon. they got a prophylactic azatrol spray recently. pics to follow...

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