does music bother plants while there in the dark

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Mr Oysterhead
Jan 10, 2007
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does music bother plants while there in the dark, or does it not matter :eek:
i would probibly stay away from rap music and heavy metal, you want good vibes...plants in my book are alive and living and appreciate some good classical or some good stoner my local green house they always are playing classical music in the gardens as long as it is not to loud i thikn you would be fine....vibrations good vibrations
i have on AIM XM , the Smokin' Trax station, all good trax alot good vibes chill music, i think they love it
Come on guys, dont any of you watch mythbusters? The show is great! They tested the music myth with pea plants in little green houses. They found that any type of music helps plants grow. Whether it be metal, rap, jazz, ect. It was a pretty good episode. I never would of thought it would have any effect.
Actually Death Metal worked the best on mythbusters lol.... I've been playing Tool and Bob Marley because they're in the same room as me. I honestly doubt it affects it at all I think it all has to do with plant/seed strength and luck of the draw.
your plants will love any kind of music just like they love to be talked to you should maybe even sing for them:D if you have a good voice of course dont want to kill them if u cant sing lol jk by the way love your plants bro peace
Come on guys, dont any of you watch mythbusters? The show is great! They tested the music myth with pea plants in little green houses. They found that any type of music helps plants grow. Whether it be metal, rap, jazz, ect. It was a pretty good episode. I never would of thought it would have any effect.

They actually found out that any kind of voice data had a positive effect on plants, not just music. You could play books on tape and ect......I think it is worth trying out for yourself you know. Keep the babies entertained while they are growing:cool:
I read an interesting article in the latest eddition of Weed World. It posted the results of a test done regarding plants and music from the 70's. The plants were tested using a flat tone. Killed plants. Rock Music, killed plants. Easy listening, plants grew better than comparisons.

They even did a test with plants in the dark and the plants actually grew towards the music like they were trying to respond like that's where the light may be found.

The article claimed music Did make a difference.

also gave examples of tests done on humans in factories. Constant background music actually lowered productivity while consistent on for a few hours off for a few hours raised productivity.

i think thats what i read but i've been smokin so check it out in Borders, B&N, etc. Cool mag.
I swear if you sing songs by Rush to your plants they will be very happy. :D
my gilrs dont like coutry... then again it may just be that i dont like country and that kept me out of the room for that week
have yet to try the music bit, but i always try to talk to my ladies, sittin right in the GH, smoke one and just talk to them, gives them a lil co2 but i was wondering about the smoke. is it helpful? but then again i am outside.

Fire it up
