Ethylene and Female Dominance?

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Jul 25, 2008
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I've been reading up on ethylene and its chromosonal influence on seedling stage plants. Has anyone done the banana thing and does it have any verifiable results? Has anyone done a side by side comparison with and without ethylene introduction to see if ethylene influences gender? I was just curious because I'd like something to go along with my Afghani Widow and I have 10 MxF Critically (S)Mashed and wanted to end up with as many fems as possible (duh, of course) and wanted to know how/if to do this. Do I hang banana's amongst the canopy top or down below them on a dish? Serioiusly, I am a clone master...not a seedling master, so any input would be very much appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read my question. Wishing you much Peace and Love, 7greeneyes. p.s. I am already utilizing more blues for my seedlings with my flourecents and have up the N in my FFOF a bit and have a fan to keep them cooler...all of these things I've done except this whole ethylene business. Laters skaters!
upped the Nitrogen utilizing earthworm castings. I eyeball everything I do, probably not the best but my girls have always thrived. I am a poor S*O*B but once I get a camera, I'll start posting pics. I have never sold my bud so I earn my money the hard way, therefore have never really invested in things like camera's and such... that's what memories/flashbacks are for ;) I have a tape DVR camera, mayhaps that will work? It takes stills, just no macro's, alas...
If I understand this post correctly, your asking about ways to influence seedlings sex AFTER they sprout, right? I'm no biologist, nor have I specifically researched ethylene, but I imagine anything done to influence the sex of a plant would have to be done while still a seed, or to the father plant before seed production. I think once a seed has popped, there's not much you can do to alter it's sex, just its growth. Like I said this is purely conjectural on my part based on semi read and retain sources I could'nt quote if pressed. If anyone knows oterwise though, I'd be fascinated to learn about it.
on they say: "treatment of hempseed with ethylene gas will increase the resulting number of female plants by about 50%. Ethylene is produced by certain plants (i.e., bananas, cucumbers and melons), and these can be used to treat hempseed in a simple manner. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber. Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mould. - When hempseed is treated with the female hormone oestrogen, percentage of females that are produced will increase by about 10%. Dissolve a birth control pill in water and soak the seeds overnight in the solution. After the initial soaking, continue to treat the seeds by sprouting them on a paper towel soaked in the solution." and yet on another it says sex in indeterminate up until 2-3 week seedling period that ethylene can still assert female gender domainance. On Robert A. Nelson's { url: hXXp://} quote: "Treatment of hempseed with ethylene gas will increase the resulting number of female plants by about 50%. Ethylene is produced by certain plants (i.e., bananas, cucumbers and melons), and these can be used to treat hempseed in a simple manner. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber. Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mold." But wait he says here that:" Hempseed can be feminized while they are forming on the plant. Fruit peels are spread around the area for two weeks before the plants enter the flowering phase. Remove the skins when the plants begin to flower. Otherwise, treatment with Etephon will accomplish the same effect. " So here he states that before and after initial germing/seedling period that you can volunatrily express feminine gender. So anyone else have opinions, thoughts, experiences? I am definately trying this...nuthin wrong with hedgin' your bets!!!"
i've got some OG seeds that will be spending two weeks with some bananas now! it doesn't sound like it could hurt them so why not? thanks for finding and posting this tip!
medicalGreenGrower said:
i've got some OG seeds that will be spending two weeks with some bananas now! it doesn't sound like it could hurt them so why not? thanks for finding and posting this tip!
no problemo, bud. anytime. Much Luck and Buddage with that OG, yummers.
I've heard the birth control myth, and dismissed it as just that....a myth. But I really didnt experiment with it. Guess I should'nt be so closeminded like that, as I will never learn anything.

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