Extra What???

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tcbud....my brother didn't even help me trim, and I gave him a qp out of the last grow, cause he has been laid off for over a yr, and haveing finacial problems....you should kick your bro in the balls...lol
legal, I kinda find it funny.....he has like four times as much as me...as he grew in the ground vs me in containers.....is even funnier, he just called me and told me he was trimming.....and what am I up to today? lol.
monkeybusiness said:
Sorta like when someone asks you for 'spare change'. "uummm, you mean change i wouldn't otherwise spend? Never really had any of that."
Don't get me wrong I give a lot to the needy but always found that phrase/concept pretty amusing.

I had a guy hit me up for "spare change" outside a store the other day. Had a good story but started off apologizing for being on the "wrong side of town" and being the "wrong color" ????? When it was all said and done he had more money in his pocket than I had in mine...:confused:
OldHippieChick said:
Our views on money are personal and individual. I think maybe the phrase "extra money" really is just short hand for "when I feel a bit more secure that I'm slightly ahead of impending doom". I had guests over this weekend. I noticed one person sizing my posessions up. I could feel that he was making assumptions about my financial worth based on his views of "extra" spending. He sized up my freezer contents, he pulled open a drawer to see that the wood was solid and not veneer, he raised up my table cloth to feel my table.... he commented on a light fixture etc.... the truth is that I have no more than he does on average, I just spend my money differently. My freezer is stocked because I buy on sale and I fear being unprepared for lean times since my income is irratic and seasonal. My wood is solid because it's 50+ yrs old and was a hand me down from my grandmothers time when all wood was solid. The light fixture was picked because it HAD to be replaced but I bought it on ebay for half price and was low energy consumption etc... I confess I felt like he was casing the joint. The truth is that he is probably better off than I am because he knows how much he will earn this week if he shows up. Whereas I have no idea. All I really know is that it won't be enough and there certainly won't be any "extra"

you are a wise and prudent woman and I had a feeling that I was reading prose.....who was that guy? why was he in your house? creepy dude?
Painterdude, not terribly creepy - no. He is a friends husband. Strange marriage, they don't live together but when she comes to visit, they spend all their free time together. I've known him for ten years and he's never done anything to make me distrust him..... it's just that I live like a grown up and he's a total packrat slob. It is what it is....

BTW: Thanks for the compliments - prose huh? cool.
We have all made our journey thus far.

Some days its sunny, some days its grey.

Some find an unexpected pot of gold, most do not.

We all wish for a stiff wind to blow the grey away.

But you have to remember,

You only find a Rainbow when its raining.

please help, need to buy seeds for wifes 'condition', any and all spare, extra, money, or contributions gladly accepted! any help makin this a merry, GREEN, holiday season? thank you one and all! :hubba:

HO,HO,HO :woohoo: :ccc:
kinda like the sign in the bar i hang at sometimes, it says ( free beer tomarrow).
LOL....one of my brothers old band names was "Free Beer", then when the bars put that up on their advertisements....Free Beer this friday night 10 pm..
LOL...well you can imagine what it did for business...get em in the door hopefully they will stay for at least one drink...if they are not too p.o.'d.

TC....karma baby....karma....he'll get his!
monkeybusiness said:
Sorta like when someone asks you for 'spare change'. "uummm, you mean change i wouldn't otherwise spend? Never really had any of that."

I keep my "spare change" in a milk pitcher in the kitchen. Once every two or three years I blow it on a "spare electric bill".
OldHippieChick said:
I noticed one person sizing my posessions up.

OldHippieChick said:
I keep my "spare change" in a milk pitcher in the kitchen. Once every two or three years I blow it on a "spare electric bill".

If you were not wearing a clingy top, then I suggest you go and check the pitcher.

OldHippieChick said:
I keep my "spare change" in a milk pitcher in the kitchen. Once every two or three years I blow it on a "spare electric bill".
Sounds about like me. My pennies in the penny jar are almost worthless, till they suddenly mean everything. They go from meaningless to value in a single unexpected twist of life. hahahaha
o K U S H o said:
I always bum cigs when I have em. Wish I didnt but... ey, do nice things, get nice things in return :)
so you always have them so?:hubba:

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