Feeding -- Walk Through & Clone ?'s

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You do not need an intake fan, which is good, because the fan you are using for intake does little to actually intake air. Oscillating fans are simply meant to move air around. Look into some type of centrifuge fan for exhaust--Vortex, Can, Eclipse, etc. For a 50 sq ft room, you are probably going to want 2 6" fans or a single 8" or 12". Like others have mentioned, your intakes can be passive--IMO, they should be passive. Inlets should be located close to the floor as that is where the cooler air is. Exhaust should be higher up as that is where the warmer air is. You want to create negative pressure in your space.

Get rid of the foil on the wall.

If you are using that sink at all, I really recommend moving the ballast off the bathroom sink counter.

Hit your plants hard and fast with a serious miticide like Avid, Forbid, Floramite if you have spider mites. If plants are small, I do a dunk.
Forever[D]anked said:
woah. call the exterminator, my clones have spider mites :/
time to take some action

If your clones have them Ill bet ya your big plant does too.
If you have house plants Id check them too, your really going to have to look close.

Your really going to need some sort of closed space to flower.
Great call, I'm starting to get annoyed of these mites. They already destroyed my last batch. I went ahead and looked through my plants, noticed some leafs with small white spots. paid attention to them didn't see no mites ( i'm still keeping an eye ) but i did notice some tiny circular black rocks. Pretty sure they're eggs. Gonna shower them down & spray them with some rubbing alcohol/water mixture on em. They're not killing my beautiful daughters this time.



azmax works great for mites..Be sure to clean room as well...
Forever[D]anked said:
Great call, I'm starting to get annoyed of these mites. They already destroyed my last batch. I went ahead and looked through my plants, noticed some leafs with small white spots. paid attention to them didn't see no mites ( i'm still keeping an eye ) but i did notice some tiny circular black rocks. Pretty sure they're eggs. Gonna shower them down & spray them with some rubbing alcohol/water mixture on em. They're not killing my beautiful daughters this time.

Alcohol and water is not going to get rid of mites. It might slow them down a little bit, but I have never seen it eradicate them.
Went ahead and bought Azatrol anyone used that before?
Couldn't find anything else in stores
What most of us use, we cannot buy in stores--most of them you have to be licensed to use. There are resellers on e-bay that sell small amounts of Avid, Floramite, or Forbid to people like us.
The key will be once you have gotten rid of them, to prevent them from coming back once again, preventative measures and good temp control makes a world of difference.
Alrighty, Been doing some research on the web.
Learning two things : SuperCropping & LST [ Low Stress Training ]
I've also heard about it around the forums, but never really understood it.

Super Cropping seems to be some slight twisting & bending ( WITHOUT breaking the branch ) --- -- Looks pretty scary if you ask me, I never tried it, but i will soon - Hopefully i dont snap them :/

LST seems to be some type of tying your ladies down???

I'm still looking into them, just discovered these techniques today to create bushy ladies.

Normally do people do LST & S.C to a single plant?

Or is it more of which one suits you best?

Anyhow, Anyone have aftermath results before & after?
Would greatly appreciate it, could use the motivation on these two things :)

Also, when i feed my plants. I usually let the leaves brush against my arms.
Lately they been itching every time they touch my skin.
Been washing off my arm, but what could this be?
*$&%^$&%$#*% my goodness, dont think i've ever wanted to beat myself up. I forgot to turn on my fan last night, causing my 3week clones to literally FRY in 110 Degree HEAT. all over night, d this is how they look, i lost about 8 of them. What should i Do?


Aren't you running your lights and fans 24/7?

Lights and fans should be on timers if not running 24/7. They are inexpensive and invaluable.
i dont shut fans off, not the oscillating and not the exhaust. JMO
Yeah, i just put them under a 400 watt, i had them under a T5 and since T5s dont produce much heat i never had a fan on. So when i put them under a 400watt It never hit me right then that i needed a fan on. THe top leaves are pretty curled up and fried. the bottom leaves however look decent. should i go ahead and cut off them severely effected leaves?
Fans are for more than cooling your space. Plants need a continual supply of fresh air all the time the lights are on for proper photosynthesis. You need an exhaust fan for this. You should also have an oscillating fan--this moves the air around and helps strengthen the stems. Controlling heat is only part of the function of ventilation--keep your fans on.
I dont know what these are?
At first i thought spider mites, then aphids?
This a demonstration pic i found on online, however my leaves look similar just not as many.

I will find 3-4 of these black spots every so often leaves.
Any ideas?

They also rarely move.

Get yourself a 30x magnifying glass, jewelers loupe, or hand microscope. Have a look at them with that. They look like either some kind of aphid or my most dreaded, !@#$&*! Thrips.
If there leavung that white stuff on the leaves its thrips.

Spidermites leave a yellow speck behind where the suck juices, there under the leaves mostly, webs a very tiny a need to be viewed at just the right angle to see them.
Azamax worked well for me for getting rid of the Thrips. Get on it quick because thrips will eat your plants up and kill them fast. On my plants, the leaves took on a silvery/grey look and when I looked at them under the microscope I could see little blackish elongated critters with wings and then even more smaller(younger) of the same critters that were almost translucent and invisible to the naked eye. Those little b@$t3rds will suck the life right out of the leaves of your girls. If that is what you have, you will want to "drench" and "spray" with the Azamax(follow instructions on bottle) then do it again about 5-7 days later to get any little ones and eggs that may have missed the first time.

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