Filling bongs with things other than water

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Yup, many years ago we tried mouthwash thinking it would give that tingly feeling all down while inhaling. We ended up splitting 1 bowl between 5 ppl just so each could experience. Just about the same time as the "Wall Toke". :laugh:

Lately I tried a single shot of creme de menthe with the water. Didn't notice much, and didn't want to go much stronger remembering my youth.

Wine sounds interesting, will give that a shot. :bong:

One early Mornin' of "Everclear" Poker (Looser of hand takes a shot straight) and some Thai Stick (74-75) Someone got the bright Idea to fill our only plastic bong with 180 proof Pure Grain Alcohol......
The following result was the Bong exploded :holysheep: I tanked a few hands after that and several hits later I passed out .
Good thing they never put flame to it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next Morning the Everclear was empty and 3 or 4 bodies were out on the grass covered in Ice in various yet obvious positions of agony. I took a leak and went back inside . One by one they came in shuddering , for some reason they were pissed at me for leaving em' freezin' out there . I just laughed and grinned like a Jack *** chewin Razor Blades !!
One of my best memories of partying near the east side of the Sierra Nevada Foothills in winter !
I tried red bull the other day and can safely say, in my opinion. EW!

Probably not something I'd reccomemend.


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