flowering booster questions

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Jan 23, 2007
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hi again, spamming the forum again with a load of Newb rubbish that a lot of people may know the answers to :D

every week we change the nutes, this week we decided to do 50% strengh of the 2 part nutes but stick with 100% of Dr Hornby's Big Bud.

is this a good idea????? or should we of stuck with just chucking 50% of the booster like the nute? oh god, i hope i havent done anything bad to our girls :p
This is where you need to be careful, an overfertilization at this stage can drastically reduce your final yeild, potency, aroma and flavor. Depending on how far along your plants are into flower, you should still be giving the plants all three major macronutes pretty equally. Even at day 33 flower for my plants they are still recieving adequate doses of Nitrogen.

You don't want to overload the plants with any of the three nutrients right now. Later on in flower, you will drastically reduce Nitrogen and up the P and K for that final push to the end.If you do add more nutrients to the mix, be sure to add it a little at a time until you get to full strength, don't go balls out from the start..that's how you get over fert issues.

If they do begin to show signs of overfert they will within a couple days, and usually the tips will burn first. If this happens i suggest a thorough flushing of your plants and give em a few days to recover before you begin the nutrients as normal again.

A rule of thumb to follow with ANY nutrient line is to take the manufacturer's suggested dose and split it by 2... If they are supposed to get 1 Tablespoon per gallon every 2 weeks then give em 1-1/2 Teaspoon every week instead. Get what i am saying?

This allows you to compensate if the dosage of nutes is too low. Because once you over fert the damage cannot be reversed....Just be careful not to love em to death right now.. they aren't going to need major nute blasts until late in flower.
Nice Wake:aok:

Remember guys, food doesn't make her fat like it does us, she gets that from light.
gotcha, i better keep checking the girls when they r awake to make sure they arent getting any negative effects, if they are ok i will simply add a little fresh water to them anyway
I have found watering and fertilizing to be the most difficult area's to be patient. My thinking is fertilize infrequently, but thoroughly when I do. I water every 3 - 5 days. When I water I give em about 1/2 gallon of water and they are in 3 gallon containers so the water definately runs out of the bottom of the container. I want to fertilize and then give the soil a chance to get "cleaned" out before fertilizing again. I water them twice and then fertililze at manufacturers strength, so they only get nutes every 12 - 15 days. Started out at 300ppm, and upped it gradually 600ppm, 900ppm and the end of this week I'll go to 1200 ppm and keep it there. I'm thinking I'll switch to Flower nutes about 4 weeks into flowering and before I do I will do a complete flush if the soil before giving them thier first dose. So far so good. Later all.

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