growing on

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Just like a male to screw things up with his Boys hanging out and blowing in the
Wow,, for some reason i wanna give that a try,,its windy today in Dallas. He he
Lol WH you can have a wild ideas

So I was speculating, as I was shaping these plants that I am now hanging on a thin line, 2 plants, and only one heavy weight, and I really don't want any problems, and I remembered that the last time that I sprayed any pesticides was 2 grows ago it was about 5 months, and I am worried that lately, I feel like I am being tested for resilience, I think it has to do with me becoming a daddy hehe it's like, everything that can possibly go wrong is going wrong,not just growing related, seriously, the furnace repairman started believing in spells, that was a perfect example, my furnace heater broke one piece after the other, and never 2 together, so i had to buy spare parts, after each repair it worked a couple days and another thing broke, finally, the motor broke, and that is in 15 days altogether, and after i repaired it, 2 of the new pieces that i had bought broke together, ended up spending 1 1/2 the price of a new unit. the other story in my other journal, i like drowned in freezing water in my growroom, that was the ultimate haha the memory is still like a nightmare, untrue, water pouring from my intake and exhaust fan spinning the fan and me in pajamas fighting the pressure trying to close the intake hole. anyway, i am not superstitious at all, but everything thats happening is making me more careful, and some pesticide just now would be a great idea, as i am harvesting and the plants are flowering only 10 days in. I am trying to decide whether i play it safe and spray chemical, or i go with that organic potassium soap that i use on my tomatoes. i normally used to spray chlorifos chemical and waited days before even touching the plants and i did that rarely, but i want to cut on that. Chlorifos is highly toxic, and i still have not invested in spinosad, so i am thinking what to do now... potassium soap, or chlorifos... hmmmm n
awww man please don't stone me, I'm feeling like schoolboy420 6 years back! :doh: must be because i'm ripped wake n'bake every day... just when I was typing my last post trying to prevent any problems, I had forgot that when I went in there, the timer needed like 5 minutes to fire the lights and I stupidly turned it on manually bypassing timer, thinking "yeah I'll put it back on timer in 5 mins", while I sparked up my joint :doh: jeeeez... it was 21 hours later that I noticed... lights will be off now for like the entire night and day tomorrow 27 hours darkness to get back to the light schedule...I don't know what to say... It is justified to be hopeless from me and unsubscribe to my threads :( I feel dumb
Whew good find, suck it was a freak, grow on my man...looking good :aok:
Zem, you if for no bad luck you would have none at all. well, that streak of bad luck is over now I think..
Greenest of mojo!
Whew good find, suck it was a freak, grow on my man...looking good :aok:

it was a late find in fact, that was one big plant out of only 3 and the balls were quite big, i saw them from far away, couldn't believe my eyes, came closer, and wow they were everywhere. i don't know how i could have missed them having trimmed the other plant only the day before... i'm telling you, this "quitting cigs by smoking weed" is leaving me stoned day in day out, but i'm happyyy :D
Zem, you if for no bad luck you would have none at all. well, that streak of bad luck is over now I think..
Greenest of mojo!

Rose thanks, I really hope so! It's like I am being tested for resilience at the time when I feel the most resilient, like unbeatable, I don't know what it is with becoming a daddy, but I feel like all these issues are so easy to pass, and i'm in the "is that all you've got?" mood lol but surely I wish to have some good luck with my current mindset, that would be life changing :D I hope that you're right Rose, I have some plans for the near future, where I need some luck, thanks for the mojo!
Have you become a dad yet? or is this about to happen. Either way congratulations. Sleep now.
I am a dad for a baby girl who is 1 year and 9 months old. ever since she came, she definitely made me feel much much stronger.
not sleepy :)
Rose I'm not sure about that bad luck streak.. I just had a tap explode on me in my growroom. it was not only bad luck i admit, these plastic taps are not intended for high pressure but I had used them many times with no problems, but not now hehe... it blew up as i shut it off i had water at high pressure, i directed it to the floor then went back 6" from where it exploded and bent it to stop the pressure then i inserted a 1/2" cap on it.. phew! it was only 2 mins but the room is like a shower room, i made sure no electric was showered, and had to disconnect the timer for my pump.. oh well, could have been much worse. i will go get me a stupid 3$ metallic tap, what's wrong with me, such errors are not my type of errors even when I was a total newb...
nothing cloning in my cloning chamber... it's the worst cloning run i have ever had in my entire life. I have like 40 cuts and 2 rooted, 1/2 the cuts are 25 days + old, the other 1/2 about 12 days...
check out this smart soap i have on my cranked sink, it's a net fabric bag with the soap inside i wash and leave it hanging inside the bag, great for scrubbing too.. i love simple and smart ideas like that :D

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Sucks about the clones Zem, I have four in my closet that I am scared to check. My cloning skills seem to come and go.
yeah MR1 it's strange because i consistently had much higher rates even in colder less ideal temps and lighting even medium... There's one factor that could have played such a crucial role in making this cloning run so bad, I think it could be the mother plant's health, it was green and with no problems, just not at its best when the first batch was taken. second batch was taken about 10 days into flowering but in prettier condition, but are all in all smaller clones, i am still hopeful of those. I will wait on them all, I never give up on clones, call me crazy, but i'm still hoping to get 10... I really really need 10, time to attend the Cannabis Church for a prayer... :joint:
Ha ha Zem, no luck for me neither , week and a half no roots, I put them on a heating pad, see if that helps, I think that is what I did last time. I am using the super simple cloning method, worked on my previous attempts, I must have changed something.
Good luck with yours, hope they root. If mine don't root I will pop some more seeds, ok for me , not so much for you I guess.
I feel the most resilient, like unbeatable, I don't know what it is with becoming a daddy, but I feel like all these issues are so easy to pass

I am a dad for a baby girl who is 1 year and 9 months old. ever since she came, she definitely made me feel much much stronger.

Yep!! I can relate to this like none other! My daughter, is now almost 5.. but when she came into this world (or we found out I should say) e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. changed! First of all, after the preg test was positive, we put out the cig we were puffing on that SECOND and haven't looked back since. So, 5 years of no smoking as of last January for us :D Also, you feel things that used to bother you to the point of insanity, barely even affect you anymore.. it's freaking psycho hahahaha!!!

It's great to read this, and I figured that I just had to comment. Much love zem, you'll get on the energy path you're projecting for...just keep projecting! :D :aok:
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yes Doc it's right, i used to feel like things were harder i would whine easier lol now i'm just satisfied, whatever happens, i have been rewarded with this priceless gift so i'm still lucky.

Now for the great news :D I have one more rooter! woohoo! it's almost dead from so much time with no food, all fan leaves dead but there's still that middle new growth that is green and i am so talented in making them pick up :laugh: this little clone made me happy! and now i am more optimistic that the old clones will root some more. i now have 3 plants picking up
Zem, you caught that cloning badly from me. I got it from THG. BUT, it is better. I am finally over my slump, i have good feelings you will get your clone mojo back.

I know you are a perfectionist, i think, so i bet when that plastic part broke you were ticked.

Greenest of mojo Zem.
thats right Rose, when that plastic valve broke i was thinking that i saw this coming, and i can't blame anyone but me... I don't consider myself a perfectionist, i guess because of how far from perfection everything is, but i always want to do something to make it better.
I'm glad that you got over your slump, i hope the same for me and thg, thanks :D
:shocked: i just checked and yes! 5 MORE rooted clones! most of the old clones are now rooted and this cloning run is no more that bad after all :D

Those cannabis church prayers seem to work! I am excited, i just gained few weeks=more bud yaaay!