Help! Oh Dear I Think I Ruined It!

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Active Member
Aug 16, 2008
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I posted on another thread my problem,,,but here it is, my 24 year old came over and started plucking "suckers" off my plant, told me it was to keep the plant from expending energy on useless leaves or some i plucked quite a few more and i guess i'm not supposed to do that...its now in the house near a window. my problem is i think the color in the leaves and stems is fading...HELP ME HELP ME! what can i do ?
i now know why i wasnt supposed to do that, but i need to know what i can do to save my plant, or should i just cut it down and go ahead and dry it it a complete loss? there are many buds on it, although they're small, enough say..... for a bowl...please help me decide whats best for my dear margaret...(her name)...i'm just beside myself....:eek: :doh:
i pluck leaves towards the bottom of the plant to let light get to the lower tops but never alot and never more then a couple at a time.i also never pluck my large leaves.the plant will/should also lose alot of them itself.they'll just fall off or they'll get to a point where they just fall off with a slight touch.
as long as your buds continue to swell i'd just keep her going.i dont wanna say its a complete loss if they dont,but in my opinion the smoke definitly wont be as potent and the buds wont be as compact as you want them.good luck and i agree with banjobuzz on this..keep him away from your garden.if you need help with anything,just come on here and ask.afterall..thats what we're here for.
just let it go the way it is now... the plant will (most likely) repair itself and keep on truck'n along... however... because you did so much damage, most energy is going to be spent repairing damage, and not to producing max bud... live and learn...:eek:
live and learn,i guarantee youll never do it again. it's a lil late to bash him for telling you that but just give it some time and let mother nature do her thing and just see if them buds may get lucky and find that it just stunted growth.
Hi guys,
Just a note to this. Never take any leaves off the plant whether they block light or not. You eat food and it feeds the whole body - yet it doesn't get eaten through your toes and they still grow - the same with plants. Plants get food to all parts of the plant through any leaves that are in contact with light, it doesn't matter that some don't see the light (as some never do in plant or human life!). The big leaves are storage sheds of food, don't take them away unless they are yellowed and dead and about to fall off. Nobody is plucking the foliage in nature and if you peek, it's doing great!. :p
Yeah, do not ever listen to anyone that says you need to remove the leafs from your plants. That is bad. Every time you rip a leaf off your plant your are taking away its ability to nourish itself. When they fall off on their own it is ok, when you rip them off, that is bad.
Pinkpetal, you do not need to keep posting the same thing again and again in different sections of the forum, you will get the same answers as you did when you posted this exact same thing a few days ago.
hippie, i realize that, this thread was intended to give me advice about what to DO...i got info on why it was bad to do that, but not any about what i can do to fix it...i wonder if i should move it back outside to get more light, or leave it alone, will the ceiling light being on help? should i put some miracle grow on it? i was in a panic when i thought that the color was fading and wanted to put this right at the top...please tell what i can DO...anything?
pink petal ,,,a ceiling light wont do a thing for her ,,,i would let her go back outside and recover ,,,i did the same thing earlyish in flower ,,,fortunatley they didnt herm and were looking good again after a couple of days

goodluck :48:
pinkpetals61 said:
hippie, i realize that, this thread was intended to give me advice about what to DO...quote]

You do not need to keep making new posts about the same thing with every question you think of, you simply ask a question in the first post you made.

Just helping :)
ive been plucking my lower leaves that cover my lower tops for years and never had a problem.i just never pluck more then 1 or 2 at a time.i.m.o. a bud thats had direct light gets alot denser then a bud that was hidden from the light under a leaf.i dont know..thats just my opinion though.but you are right,never remove the large upper fan leaves.these are essencial for maximum growth.

The New Girl said:
Hi guys,
Just a note to this. Never take any leaves off the plant whether they block light or not. You eat food and it feeds the whole body - yet it doesn't get eaten through your toes and they still grow - the same with plants. Plants get food to all parts of the plant through any leaves that are in contact with light, it doesn't matter that some don't see the light (as some never do in plant or human life!). The big leaves are storage sheds of food, don't take them away unless they are yellowed and dead and about to fall off. Nobody is plucking the foliage in nature and if you peek, it's doing great!. :p
well i put it back outside, it wilted when i put it in the direct sun so i put it in a spot that only gets morning sun, at least til it recovers..i'm still wondering if miracle grow will help..i dont want to put in on unless you guys say its allright to do so. whaddaya think?
a bud thats had direct light gets alot denser then a bud that was hidden from the light under a leaf
only the "green" portions of a plant photosythesise(utilize light energy), not the flowers/buds.
can someone please tell me if i can put miracle grow on it this late in the growing stage......i keep asking.....
My dog has "raided" 3 of my indoor-outdoor plants, and nibbled them down to stalks. Each time, they re-grew new leaves, and are now flowering like crazy.
If your plant is otherwise healthy, in my limited experience, it's going to bounce back pretty quickly. Mine sure did! Good luck and don't stress over it. Margaret will be fine.
Since no one else is addressing the Miracle Grow question, I will. No. Don't give it any. The plant is stressing and it doesn't have all it's leaves to do it's thing. It can't process any extra food right now. Let it rest. Your idea of morning sun is a good one. Outside with some shade in the afternoon is what she needs.

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